After updating or installing a fresh Windows 11 22H2, the computer can't contact the active directory.
GPO seems to be not applied and it's impossible to reach any ressources on the network.
It seems that the user can't get a TGT from the domain controller.
When I do a klist
it's empty.
With wireshark, I see at each attempt an "AS-REQ" but no "AS-REP".
> nltest /dclist:mydomain.local
Get list of DCs in domain 'mydomain.local' from '\\dc01.mydomain.local'.
Cannot DsBind to mydc.laz (\\dc01.mydomain.local).Status = 2148074320 0x80090350 SEC_E_DOWNGRADE_DETECTED.
> nltest /sc_query:mydomain.local
Flags: 30 HAS_IP HAS_TIMESERV Authentication Service: Netlogon
Trusted DC Name \\dc02.mydomain.local
Trusted DC Connection Status Status = 0 0x0 NERR_Success
The command completed successfully
When I try to reach an SMB share i have this message :
The sytem cannot contact a domain controller to service the authentication request. Please try again later
All the DCs are in Windows 2016.
I'm not sure where to look to fix this. I've looked everywhere but no answer.
Can you help me please?
Thank you.