No subscription in sandbox

Koen van der Pasch 201 Reputation points

Learning for my DP200 exam, running through the modules. I'm currently working on this module: On the excercise I have to create a sandbox, then add a storage account to that sandbox. When I access the created sandbox I get an error telling me there's no subscription.
Therefore I can't add a storage account.


I've checked the selected directory and that's correct. Since this excercise has a "check your work" button, I can't continue the module. Please advise.

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  1. David Roberts 1 Reputation point

    MSDN subscriber here. Our customer wants us to complete this training but I'm receiving the same error. Go to the link provided and we're told no support there either.

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  2. Oliver Thane 1 Reputation point

    same problem, I tried login in/out, switching directories a bunch of times etc, but in the sandbox subscription I cannot make a function :(

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  3. Javier Fossati 1 Reputation point

    Same problem. There is the option to "Switch directories"; but none of the directories work.

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  4. Chad Thomsen 21 Reputation points

    I am having the same exact issue. If I attempt to switch directories to another directory and then back that fails too as when I attempt to switch back the sandbox is gone in the GUI. Is this because I setup a pay-as-you-go subscription? If so why can't I do both? Using the sandbox is great for practicing the basics and then the pay-as-you-go for more complex stuff that the sandbox won't allow.

    So I created a different account using totally different info, and everything worked. Big difference is that the new account has no subscription tied to it. My original one with the "pay as you go" subscription, none of the sandbox labs will work.

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  5. Brian Young 6 Reputation points

    Most of the answers here are nonsense, even after going to previous LEARN modules and resetting the sandbox I continued to get the same error. This included trying to "un"-delete resources using Azure shell... what worked for me was simply opening a private window in Firefox (I imagine similarly, incognito window in Chrome), and... magically, I was able to create resources/storage/etc in Azure within my LEARN sandbox and complete the "check my work" link from the LEARN module. In its own way, working around M$ limitations should be a part of the learning but being locked out of sandbox access while studying Ignite modules is nonsense... not to mention the FIX makes ZERO SENSE. But, if you're looking down the barrel of 99% completion, as I was, for the Azure Admin challenge.. or likely any other that requires "CHECK MY WORK" -- the fix is a clear cache private browser, inexplicably. I hope this helps someone, since the obvious alternative is to "wait out" the sandbox expiry, which ALSO DOESN'T WORK!

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