How to make a common reusable function with different class types to reduce the code duplication using C++
Hi All, I am invoking the below function from different classes and files like as shown below. And the implementation is almost similar. But it is initializing in the respective class constructor. Can I create a common function for the below code for…
GetFoldersAsync gives exception in an AppData subfolder in Windows 2004
I have a strange problem with my UWP DesktopBridge app where GetFoldersAsync called with a StorageFolder that is set to a subfolder in AppData/Local returns an exception "Value does not fall within the expected range". The StorageFolder is…
How to create templatized wrapper class in C++
Hello All, I am invoking a function from many places in the project. Only difference is that one of the parameters is of different data types. I was asked to create a templatized wrapper class. Could someone help me how to do that? I am invoking…
connect to azure ad
Can someone help me with the following problem? I want to install azure active directory connect on my windows 2019 server. But when i fill in my username and password i get the following error. unable to alidate credentials. Only azure and user…
How is the average mechanism working in Azure metric alerts?
I was working on setting up Azure metric alerts for Service bus queue. I did configure Count to Dead-letter messages metric that will be monitored on average aggregation type. I would like to understand the Average mechanism of Azure alerts when I…
NAV 2018 Client Intune deployment
Hi All! Is there any guide about NAV client deployment through Intune? Can't find any information about it and so far all my tests failed. Thanks Szymon
splWOW64.exe still causing lock up issue
Hi All, Currently running a word-pdf conversion server. Every few thousand files though, the splWOW64.exe process hangs and causes the conversion to slow to a crawl. It does about 1000 files/min when working fine, and then crawls to 12/min once…
Speech sample code returning "Unspecified connection error (200)" - HELP!
I'm following the sample code provided my MS here: I have created…
How to delete drawing from a window?
Hi, I have a transparent window: SetLayeredWindowAttributes(window, RGB(255, 255, 255), 0, LWA_COLORKEY); and I have some drawing in WM_PAINT hdc = BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps); HPEN OldPen = (HPEN)SelectObject(hdc, *currentPen); //just an…
I am unable to book an exam
When I select Person Vue to book AZ-900 exam i get the following: We can’t access your Microsoft profile to schedule your exam. To resolve the issue, try these steps in this order and return to the exam page to schedule the exam: Use Internet…
PFX Certificate Connector error 0
Hi, I am trying to install a certificate on computers managed using PKCS certificates with Intune. I did all the steps as in the guide here: The computers get…
Teams: Private Channel provisioning of SharePoint Site Collection: only triggered in User Interface?
For migration from on-prem SharePoint to Teams I need to pre-provision Teams with private channels. After that I am using a migration tool to copy the content from source to destination (on library level). Now kind of stuck: we need the Private Channel…
Data factory pipeline shows success when copying csv to sql azure but data does not appear in the table
When running a data factory pipeline to copy a csv file to sql azure, the job shows as a success and confirms that the proper amount of rows were copied but when querying the table in the database, the data does not show.
Dynamically cast a string to an integer in a runbook
I am trying to create a script that updates an IP address in a NSG in Azure using a webhook connected to a runbook. My powershell script contains the webhook which I run locally: Write-Output "Changing IP Address..." $uri =…
Endpoint Manager Software Updates Maximum Runtime nuisance
The Software Update Maximum Runtime has been a problem a number of times in my environment and again has been causing updates to fail the last two months. Specifically, I had a number of Windows Server 2016 and 2019 computers fail to install the 2020-10…
Direct url to Azure Runbook job result
I have an Azure runbook job id, how can I send a colleague a url that links DIRECTLY to the job result in the Azure portal At moment only way is to send link to runbook then they must search by job id
Boldning goes away when I reopen the document
I make the headings in a word document bold, but when I close and reopen it, they go back to normal font. What can I do to make the bolding permanent?
Is it possible to change the link in forgot password displayed on login screen?
Hello, I have a requirement to change the link in the forgot password button to a third party URL. This will be unique for each active directory tenant i created in azure. Now, the url in forgot password is pointed to Azure password reset…
photos dissapear on word
all my photos seemed to have dissapear for word
PowerShell incomplete list of Azure Alert Rules returned
Having logged into Azure from PowerShell, when I try to retrieve Alert Rules using "az monitor metrics alert list" I only get a partial list of rules returned, specifically the one of Signal Type "Metrics". How do I get alert rules of…