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Live DevOps in Japan!

Simulating 1000 agents using ACS, ACI, and Durable Functions - (1) ACI

I did some experiment to simulate 1000 agents using several measures. I'd like to share some...

Date: 01/23/2018

Azure Functions dynamic queue message routing for Storage Queue and Service Bus samples

Azure Functions bindings is super cool feature. However, I wanted to dynamically route the queue in...

Date: 12/26/2017

Azure Functions CI/CD pipeline for Node.js using VSTS

In this blog post, I'd like to share how to create CI/CD pipeline for Azure Functions (Node.js). I...

Date: 12/13/2017

Azure Functions v2 C# Script Async sample with SendGrid

I wanted to use Send Grid with Async method. However, all of the example on the Internet aim for...

Date: 12/04/2017

CI / CD pipeline for VSTS market place extension for k8s

I have a project called Kubernetes extension for VSTS.  You can use it on the VSTS Market place....

Date: 12/04/2017

Migration tips from IaaS to Web App for Containers on Azure

Web App for Containers  is a very good service to migrate from IaaS world to the fully-managed...

Date: 10/13/2017

Enabling Typescript local debugging with Azure Functions on Mac

I love typescript. I'd love to write typescript with Azure Functions.  However, TypeScript support...

Date: 10/11/2017

Giving minimum access privilege using Service Principal

Sometimes, you may want to provide the minimum privilege for some Azure resource. I'd like to...

Date: 10/09/2017

Image uploading with Azure Functions node.js and Angular 4

In this blog post, I'd like to explain how to upload image to the Azure Blob storage from Angular 4...

Date: 10/07/2017

OpenFaaS on Azure (Swarm)

I explain about how to deploy OpenFaaS on Kubernetes on Azure. However, OpenFaaS supports Swarm as...

Date: 09/21/2017

OpenFaaS on ACS (Kubernetes)

I try the OpenFaaS which is a serverless framework for Docker & Kubernetes. I tried Kubernetes...

Date: 09/19/2017

Build and Deploy Azure Functions without using Visual Studio 2017

If you use C# for Azure Functions, I highly recommend to use Visual Studio and Visual Studio Team...

Date: 09/12/2017

How to use Azure SDK for Go by example for terraform contributor Part1

I'm trying to contribute for terraform related Azure implementation. In this case, the most...

Date: 09/06/2017

Searching Log Analytics using Azure SDK with New Simpler Library "Fluent"

I wrote this post on this blog. I thought that We didn't have the Azure SDK for Log Analytics....

Date: 08/30/2017

Azure Go Library Documentation Project

These days, I'm playing with Go lang. Now I'm ready to contribute a lot of Go related repos!...

Date: 08/27/2017

Log Analytics log search REST API for C#

I want to search Log Analytics Log via C#. However, we can't find a good sample on the internet....

Date: 08/23/2017

Enabling Allow access to Azure service by Terraform

When you provision SQL server on Azure, you might want to enable "Allow access to Azure service"....

Date: 08/17/2017

Infrastructure as Code with existing Azure Data Factory

I create an ARM template from already existing Azure Data Factory. I'd like to share the tips for...

Date: 07/31/2017

Istio CI/CD pipeline for VSTS

I wrote sample code for Istio. Also, I configure CI / CD pipeline for VSTS enabling Blue Green...

Date: 07/19/2017

Path setting for the istio ingress controller

How can I configure the istio ingress controller? The answer is Regular expression.  Not mentioned...

Date: 07/10/2017

Azure Disk tips for Kubernetes

When I need a Persistent Volume Claim, I always use AzureDisk. However, it was complicated. Before...

Date: 05/16/2017

JWT authentication using Kong with Kubernetes on Azure

When we try Microservices architecture, you need to handle authentication among the services.  JWT...

Date: 05/06/2017

Performance tuning for ACR (Azure Container Registry)

My customer wants to optimize the ACR (Azure Container Registry) docker pull performance. I've done...

Date: 03/30/2017

Enabling "Update only if changed" flag for the Update Service Fabric App Version on VSTS

When I deploy my apps into a Service Fabric cluster using VSTS, I don't want to update App version...

Date: 03/06/2017

Configure Nginx Ingress Controller for TLS termination on Kubernetes on Azure

If we need TLS termination on Kubernetes, you can use ingress controller. On Azure, you can use...

Date: 02/28/2017

Building your Service Fabric Environment on your Mac with Eclipse

I create a development environment for Service Fabric (Java) with my Mac and Eclipse. However, I...

Date: 02/24/2017

Journey to the Kubernetes from Legacy docker environment on Azure with VSTS

Personally, I'd like to see what happens if I migrate from a docker based legacy system into...

Date: 02/23/2017

Storage migration from Google Cloud to Azure using Azure Functions

My Customer wants to move from Google Cloud to Azure. One of their problems was the storage...

Date: 01/02/2017

PowerShell CI pipeline using VSTS and Pester

I talked about BDD on PowerShell meetup Tokyo.  I'd like to share some tips for enabling BDD and...

Date: 12/19/2016

Enabling Vamp on Azure Container Service (DC/OS)

Vamp is an open source, self-hosted platform for managing microservice oriented architectures that...

Date: 12/08/2016

Seven deployment strategies for Service Fabric

I've finished two hackfests with our partners as a DevOps evangelist. During the hackfest, I find...

Date: 11/21/2016

Secure Cluster Script for Service Fabric

I helped a Microservices Hackfest, today.  I explained how to create a Service Fabric Secure...

Date: 11/17/2016

Enable Xamarin Continuous Integration Using VSTS and Xamarin Cloud

I build and test Xamarin and Xamarin Test Cloud using Visual Studio Team Services. It works fine....

Date: 09/14/2016

Unit testing for Microsoft Azure Service Fabric

I investigate some strategy for unit testing for Service Fabric. Service Fabric is the PaaS...

Date: 09/02/2016

Yahoo! JAPAN’s DevOps Journey

Yahoo! JAPAN is one of the top solutions-providing search engines in the Japanese Internet market....

Date: 09/02/2016

DevOps インタビュー: 第 5 回 Yahoo! JAPAN さん ~Dev エースを Ops へ強制移動というレッドピル~

本日の DevOps インタビューは Yahoo!...

Date: 03/30/2016

Sam Guckenheimer's DevOps journey Q & A (English/日本語)

(注) 本記事の英語は、Sam Guckenheimer...

Date: 03/15/2016

The simplest configuration tool - Itamae

Now I'm try to investigate ARM related technologies. ARM is a great tool. I can provision servers,...

Date: 01/29/2016

安易に「おなじみ先」に頼まないこと~日本におけるエンタープライズ系企業の DevOps 導入 Step の考察


Date: 01/28/2016



Date: 01/24/2016

10 deploys per day VS the lead time is less than 3 hours - How do we get to know if we are a decent DevOps team?

As a DevOps evangelist, when I meet a lot of people who say "Hey, We have already installed...

Date: 01/21/2016

DevOps interview : Part 4: DevOps interview Kazuhiro Watanabe on 10 deploys per day on Azure with OSS

I talked with Kazuhiro Watanabe, the CEO of Yorugata, which is known for service development for...

Date: 01/21/2016

DevOpsインタビュー: 第 4 回 よるガタ渡辺さん 10 deploys per day on Azure with OSS!

今日の DevOps...

Date: 01/21/2016

【DevOps Enterprise 2015 参加レポート】第 2 回 – DockerによるDevOpsソフトウェアサプライチェーンの改善

10 月 19 日 ~ 21 日 San Francisco...

Date: 11/13/2015

DevOpsインタビュー: 第 3 回 楽天さんのDevOpsについて聞いてみた ~後編:スモール チーム・マイクロ サービス・DevOps がエンタープライズに与えるインパクト~


Date: 10/26/2015
