Migrate Bing Maps Get Imagery Metadata API

This article explains how to migrate the Bing Maps Get Imagery Metadata API to the Azure Maps Get Map Tile API.

The Azure Maps Get Map Tile API provides map tiles in vector or raster formats to be used in the Azure Maps Web SDK or 3rd party map controls. Some example tiles that can be requested are Azure Maps road, satellite/aerial, or weather radar.


Notable differences

  • Bing Maps Get Imagery Metadata API provides map tile metadata in the body of the HTML response, including a URL to get the map tile image (ImageUrl). Azure Maps Get Map Tile API provides the map tile image directly in the HTML response, but doesn't include metadata.
  • Bing Maps Get Imagery Metadata API provides map tile metadata in the body of the HTML response, including map tile vintage information (vintageStart and vintageEnd). Azure Maps Get Map Tile API provides map tile vintage information in the response header (Data-Capture-Date-Range), rather than in the body of the HTML response.
  • Bing Maps Get Imagery Metadata API provides map tile metadata in the body of the HTML response, including copyright information for the map tiles. For Azure Maps Get Map Tile API, map copyright attribution information can be obtained from Azure Maps Get Map Attribution API. Copyright attribution information should be displayed on the map as per the Azure Maps Product Terms.
  • Azure Maps Get Map Tile API doesn't offer the following Bing Maps Get Imagery Metadata API map styles: Streetside, Birdseye, and Ordnance Survey.
  • Azure Maps Get Map Tile API doesn't currently offer a satellite/aerial map style with road labels, like Bing Maps Get Imagery Metadata API AerialWithLabelsOnDemand map style. However, the Azure Maps Web SDK does offer a similar map style called satellite_road_labels.
  • Bing Maps Get Imagery Metadata API offers 256 x 256 pixel tile size. Azure Maps Get Map Tile API offers 256 x 256 pixel tile size and 512 x 512 pixel tile size. For more information, see MapTileSize.
  • Bing Maps Get Imagery Metadata API supports XML and JSON response formats, while Azure Maps Get Map Tile API only supports JSON.
  • Bing Maps Get Imagery Metadata API offers map style basemaps such as roads and satellite/ hybrid using the imagerySet URI parameter. Azure Maps Get Map Tile API provides similar offerings basemaps by using the TilesetID URI parameter. Azure Maps TilesetID doesn't support AerialWithLabelsOnDemand or AerialWithLabels tiles in Get Map Tiles. Hybrid tiles are only available in the Azure Maps Web SDK Map Control.
  • Unlike Bing Maps for Enterprise, Azure Maps is a global service that supports specifying a geographic scope, which allows you to limit data residency to the European (EU) or United States (US) geographic areas (geos). All requests (including input data) are processed exclusively in the specified geographic area. For more information, see Azure Maps service geographic scope.

Security and authentication

Bing Maps for Enterprise only supports API key authentication. Azure Maps supports multiple ways to authenticate your API calls, such as a subscription key, Microsoft Entra ID, and Shared Access Signature (SAS) Token. For more information on security and authentication in Azure Maps, See Authentication with Azure Maps and the Security section in the Azure Maps Get Map Tile documentation.

Request parameters

The following table lists the Bing Maps Get Imagery Metadata request parameters and the Azure Maps equivalent:

Bing Maps request parameter Bing Maps request parameter alias  Azure Maps request parameter Required in Azure Maps  Azure Maps data type  Description
imagerySet    None    tilesetId  True    TilesetID      Azure Maps has some map styles that Bing Maps Get Imagery Metadata API doesn’t have. Bing Maps Get Imagery Metadata API has some map styles that Azure Maps doesn’t have. For more information on the map styles offered by Azure Maps, see TilesetID.
centerPoint  None    x
True    integer int32  For more information on X, Y coordinates, see Zoom levels and tile grid
culture      c      language    False  string          For more information, see Azure Maps Supported Languages.
include      incl   NA         NA     NA             The only option for this parameter in Bing Maps is ImageryProviders. When specified, attribution information about the imagery providers is returned in the response, which should be displayed on the map. For Azure Maps Get Map Tile API, map copyright attribution information can be obtained from Azure Maps Get Map Attribution API. Copyright attribution information should be displayed on the map as per the Azure Maps Product Terms.
mapLayer      ml      NA         N/A    NA            
orientation  dir    NA         NA     NA             Applies to Bing Maps Birdseye map style, which isn't supported in Azure Maps. 
uriScheme            NA         NA     NA            
zoomLevel    zl      zoom       True    integer int32  For more information on X, Y coordinates, see Zoom levels and tile grid

For more information about the Azure Maps request parameters, see URI Parameters.

Request examples

Bing Maps Get Imagery Metadata API request:


Azure Maps Get Map Tile API request:


Response fields

The following table lists the fields that can appear in the HTTP response when running the Bing Maps Get Imagery Metadata API and the Azure Maps equivalent:

Bing Maps response field Azure Maps response field Description
imageHeight (Json)
ImageWidth (XML) 
Not supported  Azure Maps Get Map Tile API provides the map tile image directly in the HTML response (binary image string) and offers 256 x 256 and 512 x 512 pixel tile sizes. 
imageUrl (Json)
ImageUrl (XML)       
Not supported  Azure Maps Get Map Tile API provides the map tile image directly in the HTML response (binary image string), as opposed to an image URL.
imageUrlSubdomains (Json)
ImageUrlSubdomains (XML) 
Not supported  Azure Maps Get Map Tile API provides the map tile image directly in the HTML response (binary image string), as opposed to an image URL. 
imageWidth (Json)
ImageWidth (XML)   
Not supported  Azure Maps Get Map Tile API provides the map tile image directly in the HTML response (binary image string) and offers 256 x 256 and 512 x 512 pixel tile sizes. 
vintageEnd (Json)
VintageEnd (XML)   
Not supported  Azure Maps Get Map Tile API provides map tile vintage information in the response header (Data-Capture-Date-Range1), rather than in the response body. 
vintageStart (Json)
VintageStart (XML)
Not supported  Azure Maps Get Map Tile API provides map tile vintage information in the response header (Data-Capture-Date-Range1), rather than in the response body. 
zoomMax (Json)
ZoonMax (XML)         
Not supported  For information on zoom levels and maximum zoom supported by map tile styles, see Zoom levels and tile grid and TilesetID.
zoomMin (Json)
ZoomMin (XML)         
Not supported  For information on zoom levels and maximum zoom supported by map tile styles, see Zoom levels and tile grid and TilesetID.  

1 When using Azure Maps API to obtain RGB satellite images, you can also retrieve information about the acquisition date. The HTTP response includes a header called Data-Capture-Date-Range, which provides a date range indicating when the image was captured. For instance, it might appear as “7/31/2022-9/1/2023”. Keep in mind that satellite imagery often spans a date range due to batch processing and the stitching together of multiple images from different dates to create seamless maps. So, while a single date isn’t always applicable, the date range gives you insight into when the image data was collected.

For more information about the Azure Maps Get Map Tile API response fields, see Response.

Response examples

The following JSON sample shows what is returned in the body of the HTTP response when executing the Bing Maps Get Imagery Metadata request:

    "authenticationResultCode": "ValidCredentials", 
    "brandLogoUri": "https://dev.virtualearth.net/Branding/logo_powered_by.png", 
    "copyright": "Copyright © 2024 Microsoft and its suppliers. All rights reserved. This API cannot be accessed and the content and any results may not be used, reproduced or transmitted in any manner without express written permission from Microsoft Corporation.", 
    "resourceSets": [ 
            "estimatedTotal": 1, 
            "resources": [ 
                    "__type": "ImageryMetadata:http://schemas.microsoft.com/search/local/ws/rest/v1", 
                    "imageHeight": 256, 
                    "imageUrl": "http://ecn.t2.tiles.virtualearth.net/tiles/r023010203332102.jpeg?g=14374&mkt={culture}&shading=hill", 
                    "imageUrlSubdomains": null, 
                    "imageWidth": 256, 
                    "imageryProviders": null, 
                    "vintageEnd": "02 Dec 2019 GMT", 
                    "vintageStart": "02 Dec 2019 GMT", 
                    "zoomMax": 15, 
                    "zoomMin": 15 
    "statusCode": 200, 
    "statusDescription": "OK", 
    "traceId": "c0630758c8475d6f60d65af81b548c6f|MWH0032BEB|" 

The following JSON sample shows what is returned in the body of the HTTP response when executing an Azure Maps Get Map Tile request:

Status code: 200

Content-Type: application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile

Response Body

"binary image string"

Transactions usage

Bing Maps Get Imagery Metadata API generates one billable transaction per API request. Azure Maps Get Map Tile API generates one billable transaction for every 15 tiles. For more information on Azure Maps transactions, see Understanding Azure Maps Transactions.

Additional information

For more Azure Maps Render APIs see:
