Portal Branding & Customization
Platform customization
How do I customize languages for the platform?
Currently, we support 60+ languages on the platform. You can enable languages for your training instance and set a default language, refer to this article for the steps to add new languages on the platform.
How do I change the look and feel of the portal?
You can change the look and feel according to your brand. Refer to this article to customize the look and feel of your portal.
How do I customize the name and icon of the training tab in MS Teams?
You can customize the name and icon of the training tab in MS Teams as per your requirements. Refer to this article to follow the steps for customization.
We run programs for different centers in various locations and often need a different front end to match the branding of the specific program. Is this possible?
Community Training doesn't support multiple home pages out of the box. However, you can customize and develop multiple standalone HTML pages (one for each program) with a link to sign in to the Learner view. Course assignment can be controlled by prompting the user to choose the employment center/program during the one-time sign-up process.
For more information and support on how to enable this, please contact us via HelpDesk.
Can the landing page or homepage have a different design?
You can customize the landing page with a custom theme color, banner image, and welcome text. Refer this article to learn more.
Alternatively, you can create your own landing page and direct users to the training instance from the landing page.
For more information and support on how to enable this, please contact us via HelpDesk.
Is it possible to hide courses shown on the home page when the web portal is opened?
Yes, it is possible and can be achieved in two ways.
Method 1: All the courses enrollment on the portal must be set to “Only admins can enroll users”. This way courses that are set to admin only will not be displayed on the home page.
Method 2: You can have your custom homepage and simply set redirection triggers to the sign-in page, which allows the customers to bypass our default homepage.
For more information and support on how to enable this, please contact us via HelpDesk.
How do I upload the Privacy Statement & Terms and Conditions for users to read at the time of sign-up?
You can upload your own privacy statement by logging in as an administrator to the management portal and following the below steps:
- Go to Settings -> General
- Enable the Show Privacy Terms toggle button
- Add a link to your organization's privacy terms and conditions.
For detailed steps, go here.
How many profile fields can I configure as an administrator to capture learner details?
Community Training allows adding up to 15 additional profile fields to capture learner information. The value of these fields can be changed both by learners and administrators.
Can I customize the profile information I want to capture for each learner?
By default, learners will be asked for their first name, last name, and profile photo on sign-up. As an organization, you can capture additional information at the time of login and display privacy terms and conditions for learners. This will be useful in managing and organizing users, assigning them courses, and tracking analytics.
Examples of additional information can be location, job role, language, topics of interest, and more.
For more information, checkout this article.
Branding & UI Layout
What are the supported logo sizes for the mobile application?
The required sizes for the logo in a mobile app are the following dimensions (in pixels): 150x150, 225x225, 300x300, 450x450.
Learn more in this article.
What is the format required for the logo?
No, the recommended logo file size is 150*50 px in PNG with a transparent or solid background.
Can I use an SVG file for the logo?
No, The recommended logo file size is 150*50 px in PNG with a transparent or solid background.
Can I use a pdf file for the logo?
No. The recommended logo file size is 150*50 px in PNG with a transparent or solid background.
Why is the logo not uploading?
It is possible that your logo file is incorrect. Please refer to this article to learn the correct logo size and format.
What is the banner image?
A banner image will appear on the landing page and will form the first impression of your learning portal.
What is the size of the banner image?
The recommended banner file size is 960 * 540 px in JPG or PNG format.
Can the logo have a background color?
The logo can have either a transparent or a solid background.
Certificate Template
I see the certificate template is predefined. Is there any way for me to customize the logo, signature, etc.?
Community Training uses a basic template to issue certificates to learners who have completed a course or passed an assessment as shown below.
Organizations can customize the certificate template and put their own branding as required. You can create and assign multiple certificates appropriate to the course. Also, note learners can only receive one Certificate of Completion per course.
For more details, go here.
How do I customize the certificate template for the portal?
You're able to use a custom certificate template of your choice. The certificate can be customized to include a logo, background, and signatures as per your requirements. It is on the product roadmap to include a unique certification number to facilitate better tracking.
Refer this article to learn how to customize the certificate template.
Can I have different certificates created and assigned to the courses?
Community Training enables you to create and assign multiple certificates with its preferred type of language and other customizations. For more details go here
Is there any restriction on the branding that can be used for the certificate?
Branding on the certificate can be defined by the organization using the platform and customized as per their requirements. For more details, refer to this article.
What is the size of the certificate?
The size of the certificate is defined in the sample certificate file provided in this article.
Is there an inbuilt feature to take feedback from learners or conduct surveys?
You can collect a course level feedback by incorporating a pre-filled google forms or survey monkey links. The users will see the option at the bottom of the course, to provide feedback. Please refer to this article for more information on adding feedback collection mechanism for a course.
Please reach out to us via HelpDesk if you have any further queries.