Troubleshoot lab creation in Azure Lab Services


Azure Lab Services will be retired on June 28, 2027. For more information, see the retirement guide.

In this article, you learn how to resolve common issues with creating a lab in Azure Lab Services. The options that are available to a lab creator for creating a lab on a lab plan depend on the lab plan configuration settings. For example, in the lab plan you can specify which virtual machine images or sizes are available.


Virtual machine image is not available

On the lab plan, you can configure the list of available VM images for creating a lab:

  1. Select VM images from the Azure Marketplace
  2. Select custom VM images from an Azure compute gallery

Verify the following potential causes for a VM image not to be available.

Virtual machine image is not enabled

In the lab plan configuration, you can enable or disable specific VM images for both Marketplace images and Azure Compute Gallery images. To enable images, see how to specify Azure Marketplace images or how to enable image in an Azure compute gallery.

To use custom VM images, you have to connect an Azure compute gallery to your lab plan. Verify if the compute gallery is attached to the lab plan, or save a custom image to your compute gallery.

Virtual machine image is not in the same location as the lab plan

To use a custom VM image from a compute gallery, the image has to be replicated in the same location as the lab plan. You can configure replication in the compute gallery. Learn more about how to store and share images in an Azure compute gallery.

Virtual machine image size is too large or uses multiple disks

Azure Lab Services doesn't support VM image sizes that are larger than 127 GB, or images with multiple disks.

Virtual machine size is not available

On the lab plan, you can configure which VM sizes are available for creating a lab. In addition, your Azure subscription has a quota for the number of CPU or GPU cores that are available.

Verify the following potential causes for a VM size not to be available.

VM size is restricted on the lab plan

On the lab plan, you can set a policy to restrict which VM SKU sizes are available for creating labs. For example, you can prevent labs to use GPU-powered virtual machines. Learn how you can configure VM size restrictions for creating labs.

Quota limit is reached

Your Azure subscription has limits (quota) on the number of cores you use. The quota is based on specific VM size and Azure region. To learn more about capacity limits in Azure Lab Services.

If you've reached the limit of VM cores of a specific VM size, or if the quota is granted for a different region than the region of the lab plan, the VM size isn't available for creating labs.

Determine your current VM core usage and the quota for your Azure subscription.

Learn how you can request a VM core limit increase.


You can also run a script to query for lab quotas across all your regions. For more information, see the PowerShell Quota script.

Azure region or location is not available

When you create a lab, you need to select an Azure region where the lab will be hosted. On the lab plan, you can configure which Azure regions are available for creating labs.

Verify the following potential causes for an Azure region not to be available.

Azure region is not enabled on the lab plan

On the lab plan, you can enable one or multiple regions for creating labs. Learn how you can configure Azure regions for creating labs.

Lab plan and lab are in a different region than the virtual network

When your lab plan uses advanced networking, the lab plan and all labs must be in the same region as the virtual network. For more information, see Use Azure Lab Services advanced networking.

Advanced troubleshooting

If you have questions or need help, create a support request, or ask Azure community support.

When you create an Azure support request, provide the following information in the request details to accelerate the problem resolution:

Next steps

For more information about setting up and managing labs, see: