Map Services API Reference - Native


In Android APIs, consider unannotated parameters and methods implicitly annotated as non-null. Nullable annotations are explicit.

In iOS APIs, all nullability annotations are explicit.


Geospatial Classes

Name Details
GeoboundingBox Describes a geographic rectangular area.
Geopoint Describes a geographic point.
Geoposition Describes a geographic position's basic information: latitude, longitude, and altitude.
Geoshape Describes a geographic shape.

Geospatial Enumerations

Name Details
AltitudeReferenceSystem Indicates what an altitude value is relative to.
GeoshapeType Describes the shape of a geographic region.

Map Services

Map Services Classes

Name Details
MapLocation Contains data about a specific location returned from a geocoding request.
MapLocationAddress Contains address data for a specific location returned from a geocoding request.
MapLocationFinder Forms and sends geocoding requests.
MapLocationOptions Forms optional parameters for a geocoding request.
MapLocationPoint Contains geospatial data for a specific point associated with the location returned from a geocoding request.
MapLocationFinderResult Contains status code and result location data for a geocoding request.
MapServices Provides common methods for map services.

Map Services Enumerations

Name Details
MapLocationEntityTypes The entity types to be included in the response for a geocoding request.
MapLocationMatchCode The geocoding level for a location returned from a geocoding request.
MapLocationPointCalculationMethod The method that was used to compute the geopoint for a location returned from a geocoding request.
MapLocationPointUsageType The best use for the geopoint for a location returned from a geocoding request.
MapLocationFinderStatus Status code for a geocoding request.

Map Services Interfaces

Name Details
OnMapLocationFinderResultListener (Android) Represents an interface for handling the results of a geocoding request, on Android.
MapLocationFinderResultHandler (iOS) Represents an interface for handling the results of a geocoding request, on iOS.