windowsProtectionState resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Note: The Microsoft Graph API for Intune requires an active Intune license for the tenant.

Device protection status entity.


Method Return Type Description
Get windowsProtectionState windowsProtectionState Read properties and relationships of the windowsProtectionState object.
Update windowsProtectionState windowsProtectionState Update the properties of a windowsProtectionState object.


Property Type Description
id String The unique Identifier for the device protection status object. This is device id of the device
malwareProtectionEnabled Boolean When TRUE indicates anti malware is enabled when FALSE indicates anti malware is not enabled.
deviceState windowsDeviceHealthState Indicates device's health state. Possible values are: clean, fullScanPending, rebootPending, manualStepsPending, offlineScanPending, critical. Possible values are: clean, fullScanPending, rebootPending, manualStepsPending, offlineScanPending, critical.
realTimeProtectionEnabled Boolean When TRUE indicates real time protection is enabled, when FALSE indicates real time protection is not enabled. Defaults to setting on client device.
networkInspectionSystemEnabled Boolean When TRUE indicates network inspection system enabled, when FALSE indicates network inspection system is not enabled. Defaults to setting on client device.
quickScanOverdue Boolean When TRUE indicates quick scan is overdue, when FALSE indicates quick scan is not overdue. Defaults to setting on client device.
fullScanOverdue Boolean When TRUE indicates full scan is overdue, when FALSE indicates full scan is not overdue. Defaults to setting on client device.
signatureUpdateOverdue Boolean When TRUE indicates signature is out of date, when FALSE indicates signature is not out of date. Defaults to setting on client device.
rebootRequired Boolean When TRUE indicates reboot is required, when FALSE indicates when TRUE indicates reboot is not required. Defaults to setting on client device.
fullScanRequired Boolean When TRUE indicates full scan is required, when FALSE indicates full scan is not required. Defaults to setting on client device.
engineVersion String Current endpoint protection engine's version
signatureVersion String Current malware definitions version
antiMalwareVersion String Current anti malware version
lastQuickScanDateTime DateTimeOffset Last quick scan datetime
lastFullScanDateTime DateTimeOffset Last quick scan datetime
lastQuickScanSignatureVersion String Last quick scan signature version
lastFullScanSignatureVersion String Last full scan signature version
lastReportedDateTime DateTimeOffset Last device health status reported time
productStatus windowsDefenderProductStatus Product Status of Windows Defender Antivirus. Possible values are: noStatus, serviceNotRunning, serviceStartedWithoutMalwareProtection, pendingFullScanDueToThreatAction, pendingRebootDueToThreatAction, pendingManualStepsDueToThreatAction, avSignaturesOutOfDate, asSignaturesOutOfDate, noQuickScanHappenedForSpecifiedPeriod, noFullScanHappenedForSpecifiedPeriod, systemInitiatedScanInProgress, systemInitiatedCleanInProgress, samplesPendingSubmission, productRunningInEvaluationMode, productRunningInNonGenuineMode, productExpired, offlineScanRequired, serviceShutdownAsPartOfSystemShutdown, threatRemediationFailedCritically, threatRemediationFailedNonCritically, noStatusFlagsSet, platformOutOfDate, platformUpdateInProgress, platformAboutToBeOutdated, signatureOrPlatformEndOfLifeIsPastOrIsImpending, windowsSModeSignaturesInUseOnNonWin10SInstall. Possible values are: noStatus, serviceNotRunning, serviceStartedWithoutMalwareProtection, pendingFullScanDueToThreatAction, pendingRebootDueToThreatAction, pendingManualStepsDueToThreatAction, avSignaturesOutOfDate, asSignaturesOutOfDate, noQuickScanHappenedForSpecifiedPeriod, noFullScanHappenedForSpecifiedPeriod, systemInitiatedScanInProgress, systemInitiatedCleanInProgress, samplesPendingSubmission, productRunningInEvaluationMode, productRunningInNonGenuineMode, productExpired, offlineScanRequired, serviceShutdownAsPartOfSystemShutdown, threatRemediationFailedCritically, threatRemediationFailedNonCritically, noStatusFlagsSet, platformOutOfDate, platformUpdateInProgress, platformAboutToBeOutdated, signatureOrPlatformEndOfLifeIsPastOrIsImpending, windowsSModeSignaturesInUseOnNonWin10SInstall.
isVirtualMachine Boolean When TRUE indicates the device is a virtual machine, when FALSE indicates the device is not a virtual machine. Defaults to setting on client device.
tamperProtectionEnabled Boolean When TRUE indicates the Windows Defender tamper protection feature is enabled, when FALSE indicates the Windows Defender tamper protection feature is not enabled. Defaults to setting on client device.


Relationship Type Description
detectedMalwareState windowsDeviceMalwareState collection Device malware list

JSON Representation

Here is a JSON representation of the resource.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.windowsProtectionState",
  "id": "String (identifier)",
  "malwareProtectionEnabled": true,
  "deviceState": "String",
  "realTimeProtectionEnabled": true,
  "networkInspectionSystemEnabled": true,
  "quickScanOverdue": true,
  "fullScanOverdue": true,
  "signatureUpdateOverdue": true,
  "rebootRequired": true,
  "fullScanRequired": true,
  "engineVersion": "String",
  "signatureVersion": "String",
  "antiMalwareVersion": "String",
  "lastQuickScanDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
  "lastFullScanDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
  "lastQuickScanSignatureVersion": "String",
  "lastFullScanSignatureVersion": "String",
  "lastReportedDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
  "productStatus": "String",
  "isVirtualMachine": true,
  "tamperProtectionEnabled": true