ComplexDateTimeAttributeMetadata ComplexType
Contains the definition for a DateTime column.
- Base type:
- ComplexAttributeMetadata
The properties of a complex type contain the structured data of the type.
Name | Type | Details |
AttributeOf | Edm.String |
The name of the attribute that this attribute extends. Inherited from: ComplexAttributeMetadata |
AttributeType | AttributeTypeCode |
The type for the attribute. Inherited from: ComplexAttributeMetadata |
AttributeTypeName | AttributeTypeDisplayName |
The name of the type for the attribute. Inherited from: ComplexAttributeMetadata |
AutoNumberFormat | Edm.String |
Defines the output string format of an autonumber value. Inherited from: ComplexAttributeMetadata |
CanBeSecuredForCreate | Edm.Boolean |
Whether field-level security can be applied to prevent a user from adding data to this attribute. Inherited from: ComplexAttributeMetadata |
CanBeSecuredForRead | Edm.Boolean |
Whether field-level security can be applied to prevent a user from viewing data from this attribute. Inherited from: ComplexAttributeMetadata |
CanBeSecuredForUpdate | Edm.Boolean |
Whether field-level security can be applied to prevent a user from updating data for this attribute. Inherited from: ComplexAttributeMetadata |
CanChangeDateTimeBehavior | BooleanManagedProperty |
Whether the date and time behavior can be changed for the attribute. Inherited from: ComplexAttributeMetadata |
CanModifyAdditionalSettings | BooleanManagedProperty |
Whether any settings not controlled by managed properties can be changed. Inherited from: ComplexAttributeMetadata |
ColumnNumber | Edm.Int32 |
An organization-specific ID for the attribute used for auditing. Inherited from: ComplexAttributeMetadata |
CreatedOn | Edm.DateTimeOffset |
When the column was created. Inherited from: ComplexAttributeMetadata |
DateTimeBehavior | DateTimeBehavior |
The behavior of the attribute. Inherited from: ComplexAttributeMetadata |
DeprecatedVersion | Edm.String |
The Dataverse version that the column was deprecated in. Inherited from: ComplexAttributeMetadata |
Description | Label |
The label containing the description for the column. Inherited from: ComplexAttributeMetadata |
DisplayName | Label |
A label containing the display name for the column. Inherited from: ComplexAttributeMetadata |
EntityLogicalName | Edm.String |
The logical name of the table that contains the column. Inherited from: ComplexAttributeMetadata |
ExternalName | Edm.String |
The external name of an object, typically based on it's name in it's original source. Inherited from: ComplexAttributeMetadata |
Format | DateTimeFormat |
The date/time display format. Inherited from: ComplexAttributeMetadata |
FormulaDefinition | Edm.String |
The formula definition for calculated and rollup attributes. Inherited from: ComplexAttributeMetadata |
HasChanged | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether the item of metadata has changed. Inherited from: ComplexAttributeMetadata |
ImeMode | ImeMode |
The input method editor (IME) mode for the attribute. Inherited from: ComplexAttributeMetadata |
InheritsFrom | Edm.String |
For internal use only. Inherited from: ComplexAttributeMetadata |
IntroducedVersion | Edm.String |
A string identifying the solution version that the solution component was added in. Inherited from: ComplexAttributeMetadata |
IsAuditEnabled | BooleanManagedProperty |
Whether the column is enabled for auditing. Inherited from: ComplexAttributeMetadata |
IsCustomAttribute | Edm.Boolean |
Whether the column is a custom column. Inherited from: ComplexAttributeMetadata |
IsCustomizable | BooleanManagedProperty |
Whether the column allows customization. Inherited from: ComplexAttributeMetadata |
IsDataSourceSecret | Edm.Boolean |
Inherited from: ComplexAttributeMetadata |
IsFilterable | Edm.Boolean |
For internal use only. Inherited from: ComplexAttributeMetadata |
IsGlobalFilterEnabled | BooleanManagedProperty |
For internal use only. Inherited from: ComplexAttributeMetadata |
IsLogical | Edm.Boolean |
Whether the column is a logical column. Inherited from: ComplexAttributeMetadata |
IsManaged | Edm.Boolean |
Whether the column is part of a managed solution. Inherited from: ComplexAttributeMetadata |
IsPrimaryId | Edm.Boolean |
Whether the column represents the unique identifier for the record. Inherited from: ComplexAttributeMetadata |
IsPrimaryName | Edm.Boolean |
Whether the column represents the primary column for the table. Inherited from: ComplexAttributeMetadata |
IsRenameable | BooleanManagedProperty |
Whether the attribute display name can be changed. Inherited from: ComplexAttributeMetadata |
IsRequiredForForm | Edm.Boolean |
Whether the attribute must be included in a form in a model-driven app. Inherited from: ComplexAttributeMetadata |
IsRetrievable | Edm.Boolean |
For internal use only. Inherited from: ComplexAttributeMetadata |
IsSearchable | Edm.Boolean |
For internal use only. Inherited from: ComplexAttributeMetadata |
IsSecured | Edm.Boolean |
Whether the attribute is secured for field-level security. Inherited from: ComplexAttributeMetadata |
IsSortableEnabled | BooleanManagedProperty |
For internal use only. Inherited from: ComplexAttributeMetadata |
IsValidForAdvancedFind | BooleanManagedProperty |
Whether the column appears in Advanced Find. Inherited from: ComplexAttributeMetadata |
IsValidForCreate | Edm.Boolean |
Whether the value can be set when a record is created. Inherited from: ComplexAttributeMetadata |
IsValidForForm | Edm.Boolean |
Whether the column can be added to a form in a model-driven app. Inherited from: ComplexAttributeMetadata |
IsValidForGrid | Edm.Boolean |
Whether the attribute can be included in a view. Inherited from: ComplexAttributeMetadata |
IsValidForRead | Edm.Boolean |
Whether the value can be retrieved. Inherited from: ComplexAttributeMetadata |
IsValidForUpdate | Edm.Boolean |
Whether the value can be updated. Inherited from: ComplexAttributeMetadata |
IsValidODataAttribute | Edm.Boolean |
Whether the attribute represents a property that is available in the Web API. Inherited from: ComplexAttributeMetadata |
LinkedAttributeId | Edm.Guid |
The id of the attribute that is linked between appointments and recurring appointments. Inherited from: ComplexAttributeMetadata |
LogicalName | Edm.String |
The logical name for the column. Inherited from: ComplexAttributeMetadata |
MetadataId | Edm.Guid |
A unique identifier for the metadata item. Inherited from: ComplexAttributeMetadata |
ModifiedOn | Edm.DateTimeOffset |
When the column was last modified. Inherited from: ComplexAttributeMetadata |
RequiredLevel | AttributeRequiredLevelManagedProperty |
The property that determines the data entry requirement level enforced for the attribute. Inherited from: ComplexAttributeMetadata |
SchemaName | Edm.String |
The schema name for the column. Inherited from: ComplexAttributeMetadata |
Settings | Collection(EntitySetting) |
For internal use only. Inherited from: ComplexAttributeMetadata |
SourceType | Edm.Int32 |
A value that indicates the source type for a calculated or rollup column. Inherited from: ComplexAttributeMetadata |
SourceTypeMask | Edm.Int32 |
The bitmask value that describes the sources of data used in a calculated attribute or whether the data sources are invalid. Inherited from: ComplexAttributeMetadata |
The following may use the ComplexDateTimeAttributeMetadata ComplexType.
Name | How used |
ComplexEntityMetadata | Attributes Property |