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List Boxes

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On Windows Mobile-based Pocket PCs, a list box displays items a user can select. To enable the user to enter items in a list, use a combo box instead. For more information, see Combo Boxes.

Consider the following user experience conditions when you include list box controls in an application:

  • Use icons to help the user quickly differentiate between types of items.
  • When a list box has multiple columns, use a text header to label columns. For more information, see Text Headers.
  • The navigation pad alone cannot access all of the list box functionality.

Appearance Attributes

The following illustration shows the possible states for a list box on a Windows Mobile-based Pocket PC device.

Label Attributes

Keep list box labels brief to conserve space. Use the 9pt Tahoma regular font and sentence capitalization.

Development Considerations

Consider the following development conditions when you include list box controls in an application:

  • For list boxes that maintain state, the list box should be rendered with the currently selected item in view by default.
  • Hardware navigation is a concern for list boxes because more than a navigation pad is needed to access all of the functions (intra-control navigation and inter-control focus).

See Also

User Interface Control Guidelines | Capitalization and Punctuation Guidelines | List Boxes Reference | List View Guidelines

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