Create a territory set using your own data
You can create a territory set by importing or linking to territory definitions in your data.
Create a file in a supported format that defines your territory set or make sure that an existing data source is formatted properly.
Create a new map
- or -
Open an existing map that does not contain a territory set.
On the Data menu, click Territories
- or -
On the Standard toolbar, click Territories
On the Method page of the Create territories wizard, click Create from your own set of data, and then click Next.
Choose whether you want to import or link the data source by selecting one of the following:
Import your source file
Link to your source file
Click Next.
In the Import territories wizard or Link territories wizard, select the file that contains territory definition data, and click Open.
Depending on the data source, you may have to choose specific data or choose a separator character.
How to choose a separator character?
You will not need to choose specific data if your data source only contains one set of data (for example, if the Microsoft Excel file only contains one sheet).
You will only need to choose a separator character if your data source is a plain-text file.
Choose the appropriate country/region, the column that contains territory names, and specify the data type for columns that contain location data.
If your territory set is comprised of multiple countries, you must select <Multi/Other>, which is at the top of list of available country/regions.
Click the checkbox next to First row contains column headings if this applies to your data. If this is checked, the headings are displayed in the Column heading row on this page.
If you have columns that contain information other than territory name or location data, make sure these are set to <Skip Column>.
Only one column can be of data type <Territory>.
Check the informational text at the bottom of the page. Make sure that you are choosing the correct geographical unit to base your territories.
Do one of the following:
If you are in the Import territories Wizard, click Finish.
If you are in the Link territories Wizard, click Next, select the column that will be used as the primary key, and then click Finish.
If you had any records that could not be matched to the map, match unmatched records.