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Enabling and Disabling a Guidance Package

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Guidance Packages are often enabled by unfolding a Visual Studio template that is defined as a solution template. However, they can also be enabled and disabled by using the Guidance Package Manager. If you have a solution open in Visual Studio 2010, you can enable or disable a Guidance Package by performing the following steps.

To enable or disable a Guidance Package

  1. On the Tools menu of Visual Studio 2010, click Guidance Package Manager.
  2. In the Guidance Package Manager dialog box, click Enable/Disable Guidance Packages.
  3. In the Enable/Disable Guidance Packages dialog box, select or clear the check box next to the Guidance Package that you want to enable or disable, and then click OK.
  4. Click Close.

The Recipe Framework maintains a list of both bound and unbound recipe references in the solution. For a Guidance Package, this list might grow from the moment the package is first enabled, as new templates are unfolded and new references are created by recipes. When a Guidance Package is disabled, all references are removed from the list. This means that disabling a Guidance Package erases all reference memory of the package.

If you installed your Guidance Package by using VSIX, then, you can also enable or disable it by using the buttons in Visual Studio 2010. (On the Tools menu, click Extension Manager.)


Note: If you disable and re-enable a Guidance Package, any references created from the unfolding of templates are lost.

See also

Using Guidance Packages | Installing a Guidance Package | Uninstalling a Guidance Package | Launching Templates | Launching Bound and Unbound Recipes | Using the Guidance Navigator | Running Guidance Packages in the Experimental Hive