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Launching Templates

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After a developer installs a Guidance Package, he or she can start development work using the package. Typically, this involves launching one or more templates that were created by installing the Guidance Package. The developer may do the following:

  • Launch a solution template from the Add New Project dialog box.
  • Launch a project template from within an existing solution.
  • Launch an item template from within an existing project.

Launching a Solution Template from the Add New Project Dialog Box

Solution templates that are part of a Guidance Package always start a new solution and enable their Guidance Package, regardless of whether an existing solution is already open. Solution templates that are associated with Guidance Packages are listed under the Guidance Packages node in the Project Types tree view in the New Project dialog box.

Launching a Project Template from Within an Existing Solution

A project template never enables its Guidance Package, so it can be unfolded only if the package has been enabled using Guidance Package Manager, or if the solution is started from a solution template. In turn, this enables the Guidance Package. Project templates are shown in context menus, the Guidance Navigator, and the Add-New Project dialog box only if the template is associated with a specific target (solution root or solution folder), by a bound or unbound template reference.

Launching an Item Template from Within an Existing Project

An item template never enables its Guidance Package, so it can be unfolded only if the package has been enabled using Guidance Package Manager or if the solution was started from a solution template. In turn, this enables the Guidance Package. Item templates are shown on context menus, the Guidance Navigator, and Add-New Item dialog box only if the template is bound to a specific target, either by a bound or unbound template reference.


For more information about Visual Studio templates, see Understanding Visual Studio Templates and Developing Visual Studio Templates.

See also

Using Guidance Packages | Installing a Guidance Package | Enabling a Guidance Package | Uninstalling a Guidance Package | Launching Bound and Unbound Recipes | Using the Guidance Navigator | Running Guidance Packages in the Experimental Hive