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ChAxis Object

Multiple objects
Multiple objects

Represents a single axis on a chart. A chart can have up to sixteen axes. The ChAxis object is a member of the ChAxes collection.

Using the ChAxis object

Use the ChAxes object's Add method to add an axis to a chart.

The following properties and methods return a ChAxis object.

The ChAxes object's Add method

The ChAxes object's Item property

The ChAxis object's CrossingAxis property

The ChGridlines object's Parent property

Properties | Bottom Property | CategoryLabels Property | Crosses Property | CrossesAtValue Property | CrossingAxis Property | Font Property | GroupingTotalFunction Property | GroupingType Property | GroupingUnit Property | GroupingUnitType Property | HasAutoMajorUnit Property | HasAutoMinorUnit Property | HasMajorGridlines Property | HasMinorGridlines Property | HasTickLabels Property | HasTitle Property | Index Property | Left Property | Line Property | MajorGridlines Property | MajorTickMarks Property | MajorUnit Property | MinorGridlines Property | MinorTickMarks Property | MinorUnit Property | Name Property | NumberFormat Property | ObjectType Property | Orientation Property | Parent Property | Position Property | Right Property | Scaling Property | TickLabelSpacing Property | TickLabelUnitType Property | TickMarkSpacing Property | TickMarkUnitType Property | Title Property | Top Property | Type Property

Methods | Select Method | ValueToPoint Method

Parent Objects | ChAxes Collection | ChAxis Object | ChCategoryLabel Object | ChCategoryLabels Collection | ChGridlines Object

Child Objects | ChAxis Object | ChCategoryLabels Object | ChChart Object | ChFont Object | ChGridlines Object | ChLine Object | ChScaling Object | ChTitle Object