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ChChart Object

Multiple objects
Multiple objects

Represents a single chart in the chart workspace. The chart workspace can contain up to 16 charts. The ChChart object is a member of the ChCharts collection.

Using the ChChart Object

Use the ChCharts collection object's Add method to add a chart to the chart workspace:

The following properties and methods return a ChChart object.

The ChAxes object's Parent property

The ChAxis object's Parent property

The ChCharts object's Add method

The ChCharts object's Item property

The ChPlotArea object's Parent property

The ChSeries object's Parent property

The ChSeriesCollection object's Parent property

Properties | AmbientLightIntensity Property | AspectRatio Property | Axes Property | BarWidth Property | Border Property | Bottom Property | BubbleScale Property | ChartDepth Property | DirectionalLightInclination Property | DirectionalLightIntensity Property | DirectionalLightRotation Property | ExtrudeAngle Property | FirstSliceAngle Property | GapDepth Property | GapWidth Property | HasAutoAspectRatio Property | HasAutoChartDepth Property | HasLegend Property | HasTitle Property | HeightRatio Property | HoleSize Property | Inclination Property | Index Property | Interior Property | Left Property | Legend Property | LightNormal Property | Name Property | ObjectType Property | Overlap Property | Parent Property | Perspective Property | PlotArea Property | ProjectionMode Property | Right Property | Rotation Property | Scalings Property | ScrollView Property | SeriesCollection Property | SizeRepresents Property | Title Property | Top Property | Type Property | WidthRatio Property

Methods | DuplicateFormat Method | Select Method | SetData Method | SetSpreadsheetData Method

Parent Objects | ChAxes Collection | ChAxis Object | ChCharts Collection | ChPlotArea Object | ChSeries Object | ChSeriesCollection Collection

Child Objects | ChAxes Object | ChBorder Object | ChInterior Object | ChLegend Object | ChPlotArea Object | ChScaling Object | ChScrollView Object | ChSeriesCollection Object | ChTitle Object