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secondary site

An SMS site that has no SMS site database or administrative tools. A secondary site is managed by and forwards inventory and status information to its parent site. A secondary site can only be a child site, never a parent site.
See also child site; parent site; SMS site database.

security object

The part of a security right on which permissions act. SMS has the following security objects:

  • Advertisement
  • Collection
  • Package
  • Query
  • Site
  • Status

Security objects are comprised of both types and instances. Object types are all instances of an object. For example, the Package object type is all packages, but a Package object instance is one specific package. A user with the Modify permission on the Package object type can modify all packages, but a user with the Modify permission on a Package object can modify only one specific package.

security right

The functional level of access given to an SMS administrator. Security rights are comprised of three parts:

A user or user group

The Windows NT user name or group name to which the security right applies, such as Ann Devon Smith, Administrator, or Power Users.

A permission

The type of action that is permitted, such as Read, Create, or Delete.

A security object

The thing on which the permission acts. Objects can be either an object type (such as all collections), or an object instance (such as a particular collection).


The method SMS uses to transfer data and instructions among sites. (Limited sending also occurs within a site.) Data or instructions are compressed and written to a send request file. A sender transfers the file to the target site, which routes the data or instructions to the appropriate SMS services.


An SMS thread component that uses an existing connectivity system to communicate with other sites. A sender manages the connection, ensures the integrity of transferred data, recovers from errors, and closes connections when they are no longer needed.
See also sender types.

sender types

There are six types of senders available for use in SMS:


Used in all local area network (LAN) communication. Standard Sender is also used for wide area network (WAN) communications when routers are used to connect to LAN segments.

Asynchronous RAS

Used in Remote Access Service (RAS) communication over an asynchronous line.


Used in Remote Access Service (RAS) communication over an ISDN line.


Used in SNA communication over a Remote Access Service (RAS) line.


Used in Remote Access Service (RAS) communication over an X.25 line.


Used to send and receive SMS data (parcels) through compact discs, floppy disks, or tapes. Courier Sender is typically used to send large volumes of data when available bandwidth is very limited.
See also sender.

Server Message Block (SMB)

A protocol used for communication between a node and a server.

service component

SMS programs that run as Windows NT/Windows 2000 services. On Windows NT version 4.0, you can start and stop these services by opening Control Panel and double-clicking Services. On Windows 2000, you can start and stop these services by right-clicking My Computer, clicking Manage, clicking System Tools, selecting services, and right-clicking the appropriate service.

Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)

A means for network devices to store and retrieve information about themselves.


See SMS site.

site code

A three-character code that SMS uses to identify a site. When a site is installed, a site code is assigned. The site code cannot be changed after installation. Site codes must be unique across an SMS site hierarchy. The valid characters for site codes are A through Z and 0 through 9.

site control file

An ASCII text file (Sitectrl.ct0) that contains the configuration of a site. There are two types of site control files.

site database

See SMS site database.

site hierarchy

The relationship of all the SMS sites in an organization. A site hierarchy is made up of primary and secondary sites. The main administrative site in the hierarchy is known as the central site.
See also central site; primary site; secondary site; SMS site.

site server

A Windows NT Server/Windows 2000 Server where SMS site setup has been run. When SMS is installed on a computer, that computer is automatically assigned the site server role. The site server, which hosts SMS components needed to monitor and manage an SMS site, typically performs several additional roles, including: component server, client access point (CAP), and distribution point.
See also site system role.

site system

A server, Windows NT/Windows 2000 share, or NetWare volume that provides SMS functionality to the site. The functionality contributed by a site system is indicated by its assigned roles. A site system can perform all roles, or it can perform only one role. You determine some site system roles during installation and others by using the SMS Administrator console. In SMS 2.0, there are four types of site systems:

  • NetWare Bindery volume
  • NetWare NDS volume
  • Windows NT Server/Windows 2000 Server
  • Windows NT/Windows 2000 share

site system role

A role that a site system can perform in an SMS site. There are several possible site system roles. All of the roles can be assigned to the primary site server, or they can be spread out over several different site systems. Some of the roles are assigned during installation, and others are assigned through the SMS Administrator console. Although the items below are defined as site system roles, they are also often referred to as servers. For example, the text might refer to the distribution point. In this context, it means the server performing the distribution point role.

client access point (CAP)

A site system role that provides a communication point between the site server and clients. Clients contact CAPs to update SMS client software. After client software has been installed on computers in a site, they contact a CAP for management information from the SMS site server. Clients deliver collected files, inventory information, and status information to CAPs.

component server

A site system role that can be filled by any SMS server that runs one or more SMS Executive thread components to lessen the processing burden on the site server or to provide duplicate threads. A component server is used when a special communications method, such as RAS, is required to communicate with another site.

distribution point

A site system role that stores package files received from a site server. Clients contact distribution points to obtain programs and files after they have detected that an advertisement is available from a CAP.

logon point

A site system role used for logon resource discovery and logon client installation. You can modify the logon scripts on domain controllers so that clients are discovered and installed when users log onto the network. When logon discovery or logon installation is enabled, every domain controller in the site is installed as a logon point. Novell NetWare servers can also fill the logon point role.

site database server

A site system role assigned to the computer that hosts the SMS site database (SQL Server). The computer might or might not be the site server.

site server

A site system role filled by the Windows NT Server computer where SMS setup has been run. When SMS is installed on a computer, it is automatically assigned the site server role. The site server, which hosts SMS components needed to monitor and manage an SMS site, typically performs several additional roles, including: component server, client access point (CAP), and distribution point.

SMS Administrator console role

A site system role filled by a computer running Windows NT Server 4.0 or Windows NT Workstation and that has the SMS Administrator console installed.

SMS Provider

A site system role that processes requests for data from the SMS site database. The SMS Provider can be installed only on a primary site server or the site database server.

software metering database server

A site system role assigned to the computer that hosts the software metering database (SQL Server).

software metering server

A site system role that determines whether a software license can be used. When the Software Metering Client Agent queries the software metering server for a license, the software metering server first determines whether the software can be used and then sends a response to the client. Each software metering site must include at least one software metering server.


See Server Message Block (SMB).

SMS Administrator console

The graphical user interface (GUI) used to administer SMS.
See also Microsoft Management Console (MMC); snap-in.

SMS client

See client.

SMS component

A program that performs a specific SMS task. In SMS, there are three types of components: service, thread, and client.
See also client components; service component; thread component.

SMS site

Site systems and resources bounded by a group of subnets, such as an Internet Protocol (IP) subnet, an Internetwork Packet Exchange (IPX) network number, or an AppleTalk zone.

SMS site database

A SQL Server database that stores discovery data, configuration and status information, hardware inventory, and software inventory. Every primary site has an SMS site database. The server supporting the SMS site database is automatically assigned the site database server role.
See also discovery data; inventory; primary site.


A management tool or set of management tools designed to run within the Microsoft Management Console (MMC). A snap-in can also be defined as code that provides management functionality.
See also Microsoft Management Console (MMC); SMS Administrator console.


See Simple Network Management Protocol.

SNMP trap

An unsolicited SNMP packet sent from one SNMP entity to another, usually in response to a stimulus or an event on the sending entity.

software metering database

A SQL Server database that stores software metering information gathered from an SMS site. The software metering database is maintained separately from the SMS site database.
See also site system; SMS site database.

static class

A static class has a fixed, predefined schema, which can be relied upon to be present at all times. In other words, a static class is a WMI class which is not created or modified while SMS is running. An instance of a static class (for non-abstract classes) is still supplied dynamically by the SMS Provider when a request is made through an application. All static classes are listed in the SMS Provider MOF (_smsprov.mof), which is loaded into the SMS namespace of the CIM repository when SMS 2.0 is installed.
Certain static classes directly represent objects. Instances of these classes exist in the database. Others are examples of an abstract class that the SMS Provider uses to create run-time classes. For example, the SMS_Site class has an instance in the SMS Structured Query Language (SQL) database, but the static class definition of SMS_Site resides in the CIM repository.
The other type of class described in the SMS SDK is the run-time class.
See also abstract class; run-time class.

static method

See class method.

status message

A message for the SMS Administrator console generated by an SMS component. Status messages differ from system events in that they represent the flow of activity within an SMS site.

Status Message Viewer

A tool in the SMS Administrator console used to browse the status messages stored in the SMS site database.
See also status message; SMS site database.

status reporting level

The level at which client and server components report status messages to Status Manager and the Event Log.

status summary

A data set generated by a status summarizer. Status summarizers use the status messages collected by Status Manager and other data in the SMS site database to generate status summaries. Status summaries are easier to interpret than raw status messages.

Status Summarizer

A component that works with Status Manager to produce status summaries from status messages and other data in the SMS site database.
See also SMS site database; status message.

status system

The overall system that generates, collects, processes, replicates, and presents status messages to the SMS Administrator console. The status system includes Status Manager, status summarizers, and Status Message Viewer.
See also Status Message Viewer.


A collection that is associated with another collection for the purpose of software distribution.
See also collection.


In SMS, a network (such as an Internet Protocol [IP] Internetwork Packet Exchange [IPX], or AppleTalk network) that is a component of a larger network. Beta note: Only IP and IPX networks are supported in this beta release.