Create and share collections of content


Collections are a fantastic method of managing your favorite set of modules. On Learn you can group together like content and share with other educators.

Within your Collections view, you will see a default collection called “Favorites.” You may create new collections and with custom titles and descriptions to help you organize and share with other educators.

Screenshot of the Learn profile under the collections section.

Creating a collection

To create a new collection:

  1. Navigate to a module or learning path and then select Save.
  2. In the pop-up, choose an existing collection, or select New collection.
  3. Enter a title and description for your new collection and then select Submit.
  4. Choose your new collection then select Save.
  5. Congratulations, you have saved your first collection!

You can find this collection by navigating to your profile (select on your avatar image in the upper right corner of the Learn window)

Sharing a collection

School leaders and educators will find great benefit in sending collections to your peers as suggested (or even required) PD training.

To share your collection:

  1. Navigate to the collections area in your profile (select on your avatar image in the upper right corner of the Learn window) then select Profile.
  2. In the left menu select Collections.
  3. Select Share then choose your method of distribution--Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, or email.

It is as simple as that to share the knowledge.