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View Unreal Engine Blueprints in Visual Studio

You can view, but not edit, Unreal Engine (UE) Blueprint references from within Visual Studio. This is useful because you can see UE Blueprints references without switching between the Unreal Editor and Visual Studio.


Install the following:

View Blueprints references

These steps assume that you have the LyraStarterGame.sln solution open in Visual Studio:

  1. In Visual Studio, open LyraCharacter.h. Either search for that file in the Search pane of the Solution Explorer, or find it under Games > LyraStarterGame > Source > LyraGame > Character > LyraCharacter.h.
  2. In LyraCharacter.h, go to line 96. You should see the following class: class LYRAGAME_API ALyraCharacter : public AModularCharacter ...
  3. There are four Blueprint classes that extend this class. You should see a link just above the ALyraCharacter class definition that says: 4 derived Blueprint classes. Click that link to view the four Blueprint classes that extend this class: Screenshot of the Blueprints link above the Alyra Character class. It lists related Blueprints.
  4. To view the properties of the Character_Default_C Blueprint, double-click it to open the Blueprint asset viewer. You can view the various properties of the Blueprint, but you can't change them: Screenshot of the Character_Default_C Blueprint asset viewer. It shows properties such as Actor, Camera, Character, Collision, and so on.

Visual Studio Tools for Unreal Engine
Add Unreal Engine classes, modules, and plugins in Visual Studio
View Unreal Engine Blueprints in Visual Studio
View Unreal Engine logging in Visual Studio
View Unreal Engine macros in Visual Studio