WhiteSource Bolt in Visual Studio subscriptions

Find and fix open source vulnerabilities and generate comprehensive inventory and license reports of all open source components in your build. Visual Studio Enterprise subscriptions receive six months of unlimited scans.

Get started with WhiteSource Bolt

  1. To activate your WhiteSource Bolt benefit, sign in to https://my.visualstudio.com/benefits .

  2. Locate the WhiteSource Bolt tile in the Tools section, and select the Get Code link at the bottom of the benefit tile.

    WhiteSource Benefit Tile

  3. You receive a notification displaying your activation code. Copy the code to your clipboard, then select Activate.

    WhiteSource Benefit Code

  4. On the Activate your account page, select the install link in step 1.

  5. Select Get it free in the Visual Studio Marketplace.

  6. Next, select the Azure DevOps organization you want to use and select Install. (If you have not yet set up Azure DevOps Services, visit the Benefits page and activate your Azure DevOps Services benefit.)

  7. Select Proceed to organization.

  8. After you've successfully installed WhiteSource Bolt, return to the activate page, and view the video to see how to configure it.

  9. For more information, visit the WhiteSource Bolt FAQ page.


Subscription Level Channels Benefit Renewable?
Visual Studio Enterprise (Standard) VL, Azure, Retail, selected NFR* Six months Yes
Visual Studio Enterprise subscription with GitHub Enterprise VL Six months Yes
Visual Studio Professional (Standard) VL, Azure, Retail Not available N/A
Visual Studio Professional subscription with GitHub Enterprise VL Not available N/A
Visual Studio Test Professional (Standard) VL, Retail Not available N/A
MSDN Platforms (Standard) VL, Retail Not available N/A
Visual Studio Enterprise, Visual Studio Professional (monthly cloud) Azure Not available N/A

* Includes: Microsoft Cloud Partner Program (Enterprise). Excludes: Not for Resale (NFR), Visual Studio Industry Partner (VSIP), FTE, MCT Software & Services Developer, BizSpark, Imagine, Most Valuable Professional (MVP), Regional Director (RD). MCT Software & Services, NFR Basic.


Microsoft no longer offers Visual Studio Professional Annual subscriptions and Visual Studio Enterprise Annual subscriptions in Cloud Subscriptions. There will be no change to existing customers experience and ability to renew, increase, decrease, or cancel their subscriptions. New customers are encouraged to go to https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/vs/pricing/ to explore different options to purchase Visual Studio.

Support resources

See also

Next steps

Be sure to activate these great benefits to make the most of your Visual Studio subscription: