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Advanced ledger entry (form) (Public sector)

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

Click General ledger > Common > Advanced ledger entries. Double-click an advanced ledger entry or click Advanced ledger entry in the New group on the Action Pane to create an advanced ledger entry.

This form is available only if the Public Sector configuration key is selected.

Use this form to create, update, or view an advanced ledger entry.

When you click Advanced ledger entry, a drop dialog opens where you enter information such as the accounting date, transaction text, and posting definition, for the whole advanced ledger entry. In the Advanced ledger entry lines grid, you can change this default information for a specific line and then add project information, the ledger account, and a debit or credit amount for each line.

If workflows have been configured for advanced ledger entries, they may require approval before you can post the balances. When workflows have been configured for advanced ledger entries, a yellow information bar appears at the top of the Advanced ledger entry form after you save the line information. You can click the View workflow instructions icon on the information bar to view any instructions that were included when the workflow was set up. You might see a Submit or Actions button, depending on whether you are a user who can submit the advanced ledger entry or are a user who must take the next action, such as an approval. For more information, see Uso de flujos de trabajo.

If budget control is turned on, the advanced ledger entries that you process can be included in the calculation of the available budget balance. For more information, see Configurar el control presupuestario.

Tasks that use this form

Set up advanced ledger entries (Public sector)

Create and post advanced ledger entries (Public sector)

About advanced ledger entry workflows (Public sector)

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.




Advanced ledger entry header

Enter and view the default information for the advanced ledger entry. When you create a new advanced ledger entry, you select or enter default information such as the accounting date, transaction text, and posting definition, for the whole advanced ledger entry.


You can change the default information for individual lines.

Advanced ledger entry lines

Enter and view information about the advanced ledger entry lines.

Line details

Enter and view additional information about the selected advanced ledger entry line.


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Modify the advanced ledger entry.


Delete the advanced ledger entry.

Advanced ledger entry


Click to create a new advanced ledger entry using the following fields:

  • Transaction number – The unique identifying number for each advanced ledger entry.

  • Accounting date – Enter the accounting date for the advanced ledger entry.

  • Transaction text – Enter text or select a journal description to identify the purpose for the transaction. For more information, see Descripciones de diarios - Contabilidad general (formulario).

  • Posting definition – Select a posting definition that has been configured for the General ledger module. For more information, see Definiciones de contabilización (formulario).

  • Currency – Select the company currency to display the amounts. For more information, see Divisas (formulario).

  • Reason code – Select a reason code for the advanced ledger entry. For more information, see Motivos (formulario).

  • Reason comment – Enter a comment for the reason code that you selected.

  • Reversing entry – Select the check box to create a reversing advanced ledger entry.

  • Reversing date – Enter a date for the reversing entry.


    A reversing advanced ledger entry is created when the advanced ledger entry is posted. The reversing advanced ledger entry will have a new transaction number and a status of Draft. The reversing date will be used as the accounting date and the debit or credit amount on each line of the original entry will be reversed. The same posting definition will be used. The transaction text for the header and lines will contain the words “Reversing entry from,” the transaction number of the original advanced ledger entry, and the transaction text of the original advanced ledger entry.

Copy of

Create a copy of the advanced ledger entry. When you select Copy of, a new Advanced ledger entry form opens with a new transaction number and the header and line information from the original advanced ledger entry.


After you post the advanced ledger entry, open a form to view the voucher transactions for the selected advanced ledger entry. For more information, see Transacciones del asiento (formulario)

Subledger journal entries

Open a form to view the subledger journal for the advanced ledger entry. For more information, see Subdiario contable (formulario)

View distributions

Open a form to view the accounting distributions for the selected advanced ledger entry line. For more information, see Distribuciones contables (formulario).

Advanced ledger entry


Post the advanced ledger entry.

Perform budget check

Perform a budget check on the advanced ledger entry.

Budget check result

Open a form to view the result of the budget check for the advanced ledger entry. For more information, see Errores o advertencias de la comprobación presupuestaria (formulario).


Open a form where you can create or view attachments for the advanced ledger entry. For more information, see Gestión de documentos (formulario)

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Add line

Add a line to the advanced ledger entry.


Remove the selected line from the advanced ledger entry.

Distribute amounts

Open a form to view or create the accounting distributions for the advanced ledger entry line. For more information, see Distribuciones contables (formulario).

Subledger journal

Open a form to view the subledger journal for the advanced ledger entry line. For more information, see Subdiario contable (formulario)

Perform budget check

Perform a budget check on the selected advanced ledger entry line.

Budget check result

Open a form to view the result of the budget check for the selected advanced ledger entry line. For more information, see Errores o advertencias de la comprobación presupuestaria (formulario).


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Accounting date

Enter the accounting date for the advanced ledger entry.

Transaction number

The unique identifying number for each advanced ledger entry.

Transaction text

Enter text or select a journal description to identify the purpose for the transaction. For more information, see Descripciones de diarios - Contabilidad general (formulario).

Posting definition

Select a posting definition for the advanced ledger entry. For more information, see Definiciones de contabilización (formulario).


The company currency used to display the amounts. For more information, see Divisas (formulario).

Reason code

Select a reason code for the advanced ledger entry. For more information, see Motivos (formulario).

Reason comment

The comment for the reason code that you selected.

Reversing entry

Select the check box to create a reversing entry for the advanced ledger entry. A reversing advanced ledger entry is created when the advanced ledger entry is posted.

Reversing date

Enter a date for the reversing entry. The reversing date is used as the accounting date.

Document status

The status of the advanced ledger entry, which is either Draft or Posted.

Workflow status

The state of the workflow such as Draft or Approved.


The sum of all the debit amounts for the transaction.


The sum of all the credit amounts for the transaction.

Accounting currency

The currency for the transaction.

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The fields in the Advanced ledger entry lines grid also appear in the Line details area.



Budget control results


Budget checking is available when budget control is turned on and the Advanced ledger entries and Enable budget control for line item on entry check boxes are selected in the Select source documents area of the Budget control configuration form. The icons that are displayed identify the result of budget checking. A red X indicates that the budget check failed, a yellow triangle indicates that the budget check passed with warnings, and a green check mark indicates that the budget check passed. For more information, see Acerca del control presupuestario.

Transaction text

Enter text or select a journal description to identify the purpose for the transaction. For more information, see Descripciones del diario (formulario).

Posting definition

Select a posting definition for the advanced ledger entry line. For more information, see Definiciones de contabilización (formulario).

Project ID

Select a project ID for the advanced ledger entry line. For information about projects, see Gestión de proyectos y contabilidad.

Project category

Select a project category for the advanced ledger entry line.


Enter the hours or quantity for the project category.

Ledger account

Select the ledger account associated with the advanced ledger entry line.


Enter the debit amount for the account.


Enter the credit amount for the account.


Select the currency for the amounts.

Funding source

The project contract ID and the funding source ID for the funding source.

Line property

Select a line property for the advanced ledger entry line. For more information, see Propiedades de línea (formulario).


Select the worker for the advanced ledger entry line. For more information, see Trabajador (formulario).


Select the activity number for the advanced ledger entry line. For more information, see Actividades (formulario).


(Line details)

Enter the hours or quantity for the project category.

Cost price

Enter the cost price for the project category

Sales currency

Select a sales currency for the advanced ledger entry line.

Sales price

Enter the sales price for the advanced ledger entry line.

Sales tax group

Select a sales tax group for the advanced ledger entry line. For more information, see Grupos de impuestos de ventas (formulario).

Item sales tax group

Select an item sales tax group for the advanced ledger entry line. For more information, see Grupos de impuestos de artículos (formulario).

See also

Configuración de control presupuestario (formulario)

Parámetros de contabilidad general (formulario)

Announcements: To see known issues and recent fixes, use Issue search in Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services (LCS).