

Troubleshoot Azure Files identity-based authentication and authorization issues (SMB)

This article lists common problems when using SMB Azure file shares with identity-based authentication. It also provides possible causes and resolutions for these problems. Identity-based authentication isn't currently supported for NFS Azure file shares.

Applies to

File share type SMB NFS
Standard file shares (GPv2), LRS/ZRS
Standard file shares (GPv2), GRS/GZRS
Premium file shares (FileStorage), LRS/ZRS

Error when running the AzFilesHybrid module

When you try to run the AzFilesHybrid module, you might receive the following error:

A required privilege is not held by the client.

Cause: AD permissions are insufficient

This issue occurs because you don't have the required Active Directory (AD) permissions to run the module.


Refer to the AD privileges or contact your AD admin to provide the required privileges.

Error 5 when mounting an Azure file share

When you try to mount a file share, you might receive the following error:

System error 5 has occurred. Access is denied.

Cause: Share-level permissions are incorrect

If end users are accessing the Azure file share using Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) or Microsoft Entra Domain Services authentication, access to the file share fails with "Access is denied" error if share-level permissions are incorrect.


This error might be caused by issues other than incorrect share-level permissions. For information on other possible causes and solutions, see Troubleshoot Azure Files connectivity and access issues.


Validate that permissions are configured correctly:

  • Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) see Assign share-level permissions.

    Share-level permission assignments are supported for groups and users that have been synced from AD DS to Microsoft Entra ID using Microsoft Entra Connect Sync or Microsoft Entra Connect cloud sync. Confirm that groups and users being assigned share-level permissions are not unsupported "cloud-only" groups.

  • Microsoft Entra Domain Services see Assign share-level permissions.

Error AadDsTenantNotFound in enabling Microsoft Entra Domain Services authentication for Azure Files "Unable to locate active tenants with tenant ID Microsoft Entra tenant-id"


Error AadDsTenantNotFound happens when you try to enable Microsoft Entra Domain Services authentication for Azure Files on a storage account where Microsoft Entra Domain Services isn't created on the Microsoft Entra tenant of the associated subscription.


Enable Microsoft Entra Domain Services on the Microsoft Entra tenant of the subscription that your storage account is deployed to. You need administrator privileges of the Microsoft Entra tenant to create a managed domain. If you aren't the administrator of the Microsoft Entra tenant, contact the administrator and follow the step-by-step guidance to create and configure a Microsoft Entra Domain Services managed domain.

Unable to mount Azure file shares with AD credentials

Self diagnostics steps

First, make sure that you've followed the steps to enable Azure Files AD DS Authentication.

Second, try mounting Azure file share with storage account key. If the share fails to mount, download AzFileDiagnostics to help you validate the client running environment. AzFileDiagnostics can detect incompatible client configurations that might cause access failure for Azure Files, give prescriptive guidance on self-fix, and collect the diagnostics traces.

Third, you can run the Debug-AzStorageAccountAuth cmdlet to conduct a set of basic checks on your AD configuration with the logged-on AD user. This cmdlet is supported on AzFilesHybrid v0.1.2+ version. You need to run this cmdlet with an AD user that has owner permission on the target storage account.

$ResourceGroupName = "<resource-group-name-here>"
$StorageAccountName = "<storage-account-name-here>"

Debug-AzStorageAccountAuth `
    -StorageAccountName $StorageAccountName `
    -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `

The cmdlet performs these checks in sequence and provides guidance for failures:

  1. CheckADObjectPasswordIsCorrect: Ensure that the password configured on the AD identity that represents the storage account is matching that of the storage account kerb1 or kerb2 key. If the password is incorrect, you can run Update-AzStorageAccountADObjectPassword to reset the password.
  2. CheckADObject: Confirm that there is an object in the Active Directory that represents the storage account and has the correct SPN (service principal name). If the SPN isn't correctly set up, run the Set-AD cmdlet returned in the debug cmdlet to configure the SPN.
  3. CheckDomainJoined: Validate that the client machine is domain joined to AD. If your machine isn't domain joined to AD, refer to Join a Computer to a Domain for domain join instructions.
  4. CheckPort445Connectivity: Check if port 445 is opened for SMB connection. If port 445 isn't open, refer to the troubleshooting tool AzFileDiagnostics for connectivity issues with Azure Files.
  5. CheckSidHasAadUser: Check if the logged on AD user is synced to Microsoft Entra ID. If you want to look up whether a specific AD user is synchronized to Microsoft Entra ID, you can specify the -UserName and -Domain in the input parameters. For a given SID, it checks if there is a Microsoft Entra user associated.
  6. CheckAadUserHasSid: Check if the logged on AD user is synced to Microsoft Entra ID. If you want to look up whether a specific AD user is synchronized to Microsoft Entra ID, you can specify the -UserName and -Domain in the input parameters. For a given Microsoft Entra user, it checks its SID. To run this check, you must provide the -ObjectId parameter, along with the object ID of the Microsoft Entra user.
  7. CheckGetKerberosTicket: Attempt to get a Kerberos ticket to connect to the storage account. If there isn't a valid Kerberos token, run the klist get cifs/ cmdlet and examine the error code to determine the cause of the ticket retrieval failure.
  8. CheckStorageAccountDomainJoined: Check if the AD authentication has been enabled and the account's AD properties are populated. If not, enable AD DS authentication on Azure Files.
  9. CheckUserRbacAssignment: Check if the AD identity has the proper RBAC role assignment to provide share-level permissions to access Azure Files. If not, configure the share-level permission. (Supported on AzFilesHybrid v0.2.3+ version)
  10. CheckUserFileAccess: Check if the AD identity has the proper directory/file permission (Windows ACLs) to access Azure Files. If not, configure the directory/file level permission. To run this check, you must provide the -FilePath parameter, along with the path of the mounted file that you want to debug the access to. (Supported on AzFilesHybrid v0.2.3+ version)
  11. CheckAadKerberosRegistryKeyIsOff: Check if the Microsoft Entra Kerberos registry key is off. If the key is on, run reg add HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa\Kerberos\Parameters /v CloudKerberosTicketRetrievalEnabled /t REG_DWORD /d 0 from an elevated command prompt to turn it off, and then reboot your machine. (Supported on AzFilesHybrid v0.2.9+ version)

If you just want to run a subselection of the previous checks, you can use the -Filter parameter, along with a comma-separated list of checks to run. For example, to run all checks related to share-level permissions (RBAC), use the following PowerShell cmdlets:

$ResourceGroupName = "<resource-group-name-here>"
$StorageAccountName = "<storage-account-name-here>"

Debug-AzStorageAccountAuth `
    -Filter CheckSidHasAadUser,CheckUserRbacAssignment `
    -StorageAccountName $StorageAccountName `
    -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `

If you have the file share mounted on X:, and if you only want to run the check related to file-level permissions (Windows ACLs), you can run the following PowerShell cmdlets:

$ResourceGroupName = "<resource-group-name-here>"
$StorageAccountName = "<storage-account-name-here>"
$FilePath = "X:\example.txt"

Debug-AzStorageAccountAuth `
    -Filter CheckUserFileAccess `
    -StorageAccountName $StorageAccountName `
    -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
    -FilePath $FilePath `

Unable to mount Azure file shares with Microsoft Entra Kerberos

Self diagnostics steps

First, make sure that you've followed the steps to enable Microsoft Entra Kerberos authentication.

Second, you can run the Debug-AzStorageAccountAuth cmdlet to perform a set of basic checks. This cmdlet is supported for storage accounts configured for Microsoft Entra Kerberos authentication, on AzFilesHybrid v0.3.0+ version.

$ResourceGroupName = "<resource-group-name-here>"
$StorageAccountName = "<storage-account-name-here>"

Debug-AzStorageAccountAuth -StorageAccountName $StorageAccountName -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Verbose

The cmdlet performs these checks in sequence and provides guidance for failures:

  1. CheckPort445Connectivity: Check if port 445 is opened for SMB connection. If port 445 isn't open, use the troubleshooting tool AzFileDiagnostics for connectivity issues with Azure Files.
  2. CheckAADConnectivity: Check for Entra connectivity. SMB mounts with Kerberos authentication can fail if the client can't reach out to Entra. If this check fails, it indicates that there is a networking error (perhaps a firewall or VPN issue).
  3. CheckEntraObject: Confirm that there is an object in the Entra that represents the storage account and has the correct service principal name (SPN). If the SPN isn't correctly set up, disable and re-enable Entra Kerberos authentication on the storage account.
  4. CheckRegKey: Check if the CloudKerberosTicketRetrieval registry key is enabled. This registry key is required for Entra Kerberos authentication.
  5. CheckRealmMap: Check if the user has configured any realm mappings that would join the account to another Kerberos realm than KERBEROS.MICROSOFTONLINE.COM.
  6. CheckAdminConsent: Check if the Entra service principal has been granted admin consent for the Microsoft Graph permissions that are required to get a Kerberos ticket.
  7. CheckWinHttpAutoProxySvc: Checks for the WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Service (WinHttpAutoProxySvc) that's required for Microsoft Entra Kerberos authentication. Its state should be set to Running.
  8. CheckIpHlpScv: Checks for the IP Helper service (iphlpsvc) that's required for Microsoft Entra Kerberos authentication. Its state should be set to Running.

If you just want to run a subselection of the previous checks, you can use the -Filter parameter, along with a comma-separated list of checks to run.

Unable to configure directory/file level permissions (Windows ACLs) with Windows File Explorer


You may experience one of the symptoms described below when trying to configure Windows ACLs with File Explorer on a mounted file share:

  • After you click on Edit permission under the Security tab, the Permission wizard doesn't load.
  • When you try to select a new user or group, the domain location doesn't display the right AD DS domain.
  • You're using multiple AD forests and get the following error message: "The Active Directory domain controllers required to find the selected objects in the following domains are not available. Ensure the Active Directory domain controllers are available, and try to select the objects again."


We recommend that you configure directory/file level permissions using icacls instead of using Windows File Explorer.

Errors when running Join-AzStorageAccountForAuth cmdlet

Error: "The directory service was unable to allocate a relative identifier"

This error might occur if a domain controller that holds the RID Master FSMO role is unavailable or was removed from the domain and restored from backup. Confirm that all Domain Controllers are running and available.

Error: "Cannot bind positional parameters because no names were given"

This error is most likely triggered by a syntax error in the Join-AzStorageAccountforAuth command.Check the command for misspellings or syntax errors and verify that the latest version of the AzFilesHybrid module ( is installed.

Azure Files on-premises AD DS Authentication support for AES-256 Kerberos encryption

Azure Files supports AES-256 Kerberos encryption for AD DS authentication beginning with the AzFilesHybrid module v0.2.2. AES-256 is the recommended encryption method, and it's the default encryption method beginning in AzFilesHybrid module v0.2.5. If you've enabled AD DS authentication with a module version lower than v0.2.2, you'll need to download the latest AzFilesHybrid module and run the PowerShell below. If you haven't enabled AD DS authentication on your storage account yet, follow this guidance.


If you were previously using RC4 encryption and update the storage account to use AES-256, you should run klist purge on the client and then remount the file share to get new Kerberos tickets with AES-256.

$ResourceGroupName = "<resource-group-name-here>"
$StorageAccountName = "<storage-account-name-here>"

Update-AzStorageAccountAuthForAES256 -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -StorageAccountName $StorageAccountName

As part of the update, the cmdlet will rotate the Kerberos keys, which is necessary to switch to AES-256. There is no need to rotate back unless you want to regenerate both passwords.

User identity formerly having the Owner or Contributor role assignment still has storage account key access

The storage account Owner and Contributor roles grant the ability to list the storage account keys. The storage account key enables full access to the storage account's data including file shares, blob containers, tables, and queues, and limited access to the Azure Files management operations via the legacy management APIs exposed through the FileREST API. If you're changing role assignments, you should consider that the users being removed from the Owner or Contributor roles may continue to maintain access to the storage account through saved storage account keys.

Solution 1

You can remedy this issue easily by rotating the storage account keys. We recommend rotating the keys one at a time, switching access from one to the other as they are rotated. There are two types of shared keys the storage account provides: the storage account keys, which provide super-administrator access to the storage account's data, and the Kerberos keys, which function as a shared secret between the storage account and the Windows Server Active Directory domain controller for Windows Server Active Directory scenarios.

To rotate the Kerberos keys of a storage account, see Update the password of your storage account identity in AD DS.

Navigate to the desired storage account in the Azure portal. In the table of contents for the desired storage account, select Access keys under the Security + networking heading. In the Access key pane, select Rotate key above the desired key.

Screenshot that shows the 'Access key' pane.

Set the API permissions on a newly created application

After enabling Microsoft Entra Kerberos authentication, you'll need to explicitly grant admin consent to the new Microsoft Entra application registered in your Microsoft Entra tenant to complete your configuration. You can configure the API permissions from the Azure portal by following these steps.

  1. Open Microsoft Entra ID.
  2. Select App registrations in the left pane.
  3. Select All Applications in the right pane.
  4. Select the application with the name matching [Storage Account] $
  5. Select API permissions in the left pane.
  6. Select Add permissions at the bottom of the page.
  7. Select Grant admin consent for "DirectoryName".

Potential errors when enabling Microsoft Entra Kerberos authentication for hybrid users

You might encounter the following errors when enabling Microsoft Entra Kerberos authentication for hybrid user accounts.

In some cases, Microsoft Entra admin may disable the ability to grant admin consent to Microsoft Entra applications. Below is the screenshot of what this may look like in the Azure portal.

Screenshot that shows the 'Configured permissions' blade displaying a warning that some actions may be disabled due to your permissions.

If this is the case, ask your Microsoft Entra admin to grant admin consent to the new Microsoft Entra application. To find and view your administrators, select roles and administrators, then select Cloud application administrator.

Error - "The request to Azure AD Graph failed with code BadRequest"

Cause 1: An application management policy is preventing credentials from being created

When enabling Microsoft Entra Kerberos authentication, you might encounter this error if the following conditions are met:

  1. You're using the beta/preview feature of application management policies.
  2. You (or your administrator) have set a tenant-wide policy that:
    • Has no start date or has a start date before January 1, 2019.
    • Sets a restriction on service principal passwords, which either disallows custom passwords or sets a maximum password lifetime of fewer than 365.5 days.

There is currently no workaround for this error.

Cause 2: An application already exists for the storage account

You might also encounter this error if you previously enabled Microsoft Entra Kerberos authentication through manual limited preview steps. To delete the existing application, the customer or their IT admin can run the following script. Running this script will remove the old manually created application and allow the new experience to auto-create and manage the newly created application. After initiating the connection to Microsoft Graph, sign in to the Microsoft Graph Command Line Tools application on your device and grant permissions to the app.

$storageAccount = "exampleStorageAccountName"
$tenantId = "aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee"
Install-Module Microsoft.Graph
Import-Module Microsoft.Graph
Connect-MgGraph -TenantId $tenantId -Scopes "User.Read","Application.Read.All"

$application = Get-MgApplication -Filter "DisplayName eq '${storageAccount}'"
if ($null -ne $application) {
   Remove-MgApplication -ObjectId $application.ObjectId

Error - Service principal password has expired in Microsoft Entra ID

If you've previously enabled Microsoft Entra Kerberos authentication through manual limited preview steps, the password for the storage account's service principal is set to expire every six months. Once the password expires, users won't be able to get Kerberos tickets to the file share.

To mitigate this, you have two options: either rotate the service principal password in Microsoft Entra every six months, or follow these steps to disable Microsoft Entra Kerberos, delete the existing application, and reconfigure Microsoft Entra Kerberos.

Be sure to save domain properties (domainName and domainGUID) before disabling Microsoft Entra Kerberos, as you'll need them during reconfiguration if you want to configure directory and file-level permissions using Windows File Explorer. If you didn't save domain properties, you can still configure directory/file-level permissions using icacls as a workaround.

  1. Disable Microsoft Entra Kerberos
  2. Delete the existing application
  3. Reconfigure Microsoft Entra Kerberos via the Azure portal

Once you've reconfigured Microsoft Entra Kerberos, the new experience will auto-create and manage the newly created application.

If you're connecting to a storage account via a private endpoint/private link using Microsoft Entra Kerberos authentication, when attempting to mount a file share via net use or other method, the client is prompted for credentials. The user will likely type their credentials in, but the credentials are rejected.


This is because the SMB client has tried to use Kerberos but failed, so it falls back to using NTLM authentication, and Azure Files doesn't support using NTLM authentication for domain credentials. The client can't get a Kerberos ticket to the storage account because the private link FQDN isn't registered to any existing Microsoft Entra application.


The solution is to add the privateLink FQDN to the storage account's Microsoft Entra application before you mount the file share. You can add the required identifierUris to the application object using the Azure portal by following these steps.

  1. Open Microsoft Entra ID.

  2. Select App registrations in the left pane.

  3. Select All Applications.

  4. Select the application with the name matching [Storage Account] $

  5. Select Manifest in the left pane.

  6. Copy and paste the existing content so you have a duplicate copy.

  7. Edit the JSON manifest. For every <storageAccount> entry, add a corresponding <storageAccount> entry. For instance, if your manifest has the following value for identifierUris:

    "identifierUris": [

    Then you should edit the identifierUris field to the following:

    "identifierUris": [
  8. Review the content and select Save to update the application object with the new identifierUris.

  9. Update any internal DNS references to point to the private link.

  10. Retry mounting the share.

Error AADSTS50105

The request was interrupted by the following error AADSTS50105:

Your administrator has configured the application "Enterprise application name" to block users unless they are specifically granted (assigned) access to the application. The signed in user '{EmailHidden}' is blocked because they are not a direct member of a group with access, nor had access directly assigned by an administrator. Please contact your administrator to assign access to this application.


If you set up "assignment required" for the corresponding enterprise application, you won't be able to get a Kerberos ticket, and Microsoft Entra sign-in logs will show an error even though users or groups are assigned to the application.


Don't select Assignment required for Microsoft Entra application for the storage account because we don't populate entitlements in the Kerberos ticket that's returned back to the requestor. For more information, see Error AADSTS50105 - The signed in user is not assigned to a role for the application.

See also

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