
mspp_webformstep EntityType

Defines the flow logic of the form's user experience such as steps and conditional branching.

Entity set path: 
[organization URI]/api/data/v9.2/mspp_webformsteps
Base type: 
Table type: 
Display name: 
Form Step
Primary key: 
Primary key attribute: 
Operations supported: 


Properties represent fields of data stored in the entity. Some properties are read-only.

Name Type Details
mspp_accept Edm.String

The accept attribute specifies the MIME types of files that the server accepts through file upload. To specify more than one value, separate the values with a comma (e.g. audio/*,video/*,image/*).

Display name: Accept

mspp_allowmultiplefiles Edm.Boolean

Display name: Allow Multiple Files

Default options
Values Label
1 Yes
0 No
mspp_appendquerystring Edm.Boolean

Display name: Append Query String

Default options
Values Label
1 Yes
0 No
mspp_associatecurrentportaluser Edm.Boolean

Display name: Associate Current Portal User

Default options
Values Label
1 Yes
0 No
mspp_attachfile Edm.Boolean

Display name: Attach File

Default options
Values Label
1 Yes
0 No
mspp_attachfilelabel Edm.String

Display name: Attach File Label

mspp_attachfilemaxsize Edm.Int32

Display name: Attach File Maximum Size

mspp_attachfilerequired Edm.Boolean

Display name: Attach File Required

Default options
Values Label
1 Yes
0 No
mspp_attachfilerequirederrormessage Edm.String

Display name: Attach File Required Error Message

mspp_attachfilerestrictaccept Edm.Boolean

Display name: Attach File Restrict Accept

Default options
Values Label
1 Yes
0 No
mspp_attachfilesizeerrormessage Edm.String

Display name: Attach File Size Error Message

mspp_attachfilestoragelocation Edm.Int32

Display name: Attach File Storage Location

Default options
Values Label
756150000 Note Document
756150001 Azure Blob Storage
mspp_attachfiletypeerrormessage Edm.String

Display name: Attach File Type Error Message

mspp_autogeneratesteps Edm.Boolean

Display name: Auto Generate Steps From Tabs

Default options
Values Label
1 Yes
0 No
mspp_autonumberattributelogicalname Edm.String

Display name: Auto Number Attribute Logical Name

mspp_autonumberdefinitionname Edm.String

Display name: Auto Number Definition Name

mspp_captcharequired Edm.Boolean

Display name: Captcha Required

Default options
Values Label
1 Yes
0 No
mspp_condition Edm.String

Display name: Condition

mspp_containername Edm.String

Display name: Container Name

mspp_createautonumber Edm.Boolean

Display name: Create Auto Number

Default options
Values Label
1 Yes
0 No
mspp_createdon Edm.DateTimeOffset

Shows the date and time when the record was created.

Display name: Created On

mspp_editexistingrecordpermitted Edm.Boolean

Display name: Edit Existing Record Permitted

Default options
Values Label
1 Yes
0 No
mspp_editexpiredmessage Edm.String

Display name: Edit Expired Message

mspp_editexpiredstatecode Edm.Int32

Display name: Edit Expired State Code

mspp_editexpiredstatusreason Edm.Int32

Display name: Edit Expired Status Reason

mspp_editnotpermittedmessage Edm.String

Display name: Edit Not Permitted Message

mspp_entitypermissionsenabled Edm.Boolean

Display name: Enable Table Permissions

Default options
Values Label
1 Yes
0 No
mspp_entitysourcetype Edm.Int32

Display name: Table Source Type

Default options
Values Label
100000001 Query String
100000002 Current Portal User
100000003 Result From Previous Step
100000004 Record Associated to Current Portal User
mspp_forceallfieldsrequired Edm.Boolean

Display name: Make All Fields Required

Default options
Values Label
1 Yes
0 No
mspp_formname Edm.String

Shows the name of the entity form to render.

Display name: Form Name

mspp_geolocation_addresslinefieldname Edm.String

Display name: Address Line Field Name

mspp_geolocation_cityfieldname Edm.String

Display name: City Field Name

mspp_geolocation_countryfieldname Edm.String

Display name: Country/Region Field Name

mspp_geolocation_countyfieldname Edm.String

Display name: County Field Name

mspp_geolocation_displaymap Edm.Boolean

Display name: Display Map

Default options
Values Label
1 Yes
0 No
mspp_geolocation_enabled Edm.Boolean

Display name: Enabled

Default options
Values Label
1 Yes
0 No
mspp_geolocation_formattedaddressfieldname Edm.String

Display name: Formatted Address Field Name

mspp_geolocation_latitudefieldname Edm.String

Display name: Latitude Field Name

mspp_geolocation_longitudefieldname Edm.String

Display name: Longitude Field Name

mspp_geolocation_maptype Edm.Int32

Display name: Map Type

Default options
Values Label
756150000 Bing
756150002 Esri
756150001 Google
mspp_geolocation_neighborhoodfieldname Edm.String

Display name: Neighborhood Field Name

mspp_geolocation_postalcodefieldname Edm.String

Display name: Zip/Postal Code Field Name

mspp_geolocation_statefieldname Edm.String

Display name: State or Province Field Name

mspp_hideformonsuccess Edm.Boolean

Display name: Hide Form on Success

Default options
Values Label
1 Yes
0 No
mspp_instructions Edm.String

Display name: Instructions

mspp_loadeventkeyname Edm.String

Display name: Load Event Key Name

mspp_loguser Edm.Boolean

Display name: Log User

Default options
Values Label
1 Yes
0 No
mspp_maximumnooffiles Edm.Int32

Display name: Maximum No Of Files

mspp_mode Edm.Int32

Display name: Mode

Default options
Values Label
100000000 Insert
100000001 Edit
100000002 ReadOnly
mspp_modifiedon Edm.DateTimeOffset

Shows the date and time when the record was modified.

Display name: Modified On

mspp_movepreviouseventkeyname Edm.String

Display name: Move Previous Event Key Name

mspp_movepreviouspermitted Edm.Boolean

Display name: Move Previous Permitted

Default options
Values Label
1 Yes
0 No
mspp_multiplerecordsperuserpermitted Edm.Boolean

Display name: Multiple Records Per User Permitted

Default options
Values Label
1 Yes
0 No
mspp_name Edm.String

The name of the custom entity.

Display name: Name

mspp_nextbuttoncssclass Edm.String

Display name: Next Button CSS Class

mspp_nextbuttontext Edm.String

Display name: Next Button Text

mspp_populatereferenceentitylookupfield Edm.Boolean

Display name: Populate Table Reference Lookup Field

Default options
Values Label
1 Yes
0 No
mspp_portaluserlookupattributeisactivityparty Edm.Boolean

Display name: Is Activity Party

Default options
Values Label
1 Yes
0 No
mspp_postbackurl Edm.String

Display name: Post Back URL

mspp_previousbuttoncssclass Edm.String

Display name: Previous Button CSS Class

mspp_previousbuttontext Edm.String

Display name: Previous Button Text

mspp_primarykeyattributelogicalname Edm.String

The logical name of the primary key attribute of the target entity.

Display name: Primary Key Attribute Logical Name

mspp_primarykeyquerystringparametername Edm.String

Display name: Primary Key Query String Parameter Name

mspp_provisionedlanguages Edm.Int32

Display name: Provisioned Languages

mspp_recommendedfieldsrequired Edm.Boolean

Display name: Recommended Fields Required

Default options
Values Label
1 Yes
0 No
mspp_recordnotfoundmessage Edm.String

Display name: Record Not Found Message

mspp_recordsourcerelationshipname Edm.String

Display name: Relationship Name

mspp_redirecturl Edm.String

Shows the URL to redirect to.

Display name: Redirect URL

mspp_redirecturlappendentityidquerystring Edm.Boolean

Display name: Append Table ID To Query String

Default options
Values Label
1 Yes
0 No
mspp_redirecturlcustomquerystring Edm.String

Display name: Custom Query String

mspp_redirecturlquerystringattribute Edm.String

Add an attribute value as a query string value by specifying the logical name of the attribute to assign its value to the query string.

Display name: Attribute Logical Name

mspp_redirecturlquerystringattributeparamname Edm.String

Display name: Query String Parameter Name

mspp_redirecturlquerystringname Edm.String

The url to redirect to is dynamically retrieved from the query string using this parameter name

Display name: Redirect URL Query String Name

mspp_referenceentitylogicalname Edm.String

Display name: Reference Table name

mspp_referenceentityprimarykeylogicalname Edm.String

Display name: Reference Table Primary Key Logical Name

mspp_referenceentityreadonlyformname Edm.String

Display name: Reference Entity ReadOnly Form Name

mspp_referenceentityrelationshipname Edm.String

Display name: Reference Entity Relationship Name

mspp_referenceentityshowreadonlyform Edm.Boolean

Display name: Show Reference Entity ReadOnly Form

Default options
Values Label
1 Yes
0 No
mspp_referenceentitysourcetype Edm.Int32

Display name: Source Type

Default options
Values Label
100000000 Query String
100000001 Previous Step
100000002 Record Associated to Current Portal User
mspp_referencequeryattributelogicalname Edm.String

Display name: Reference Query Attribute Logical Name

mspp_referencequerystringisprimarykey Edm.Boolean

Display name: Reference Query String Is Primary Key

Default options
Values Label
1 Yes
0 No
mspp_referencequerystringname Edm.String

Display name: Reference Query String Name

mspp_referencerecordsourcerelationshipname Edm.String

Display name: Record Source Relationship Name

mspp_referencesourceentitylogicalname Edm.String

Display name: Reference Source Table name

mspp_referencetargetlookupattributelogicalname Edm.String

Display name: Reference Target Lookup Attribute Logical Name

mspp_registerstartupscript Edm.String

Shows your custom JavaScript that will be placed at the bottom of the page right before the closing </form> element.

Display name: Custom JavaScript

mspp_renderwebresourcesinline Edm.Boolean

Display name: Render Web Resources Inline

Default options
Values Label
1 Yes
0 No
mspp_savedeventkeyname Edm.String

Display name: Saved Event Key Name

mspp_savingeventkeyname Edm.String

Display name: Saving Event Key Name

mspp_setentityreference Edm.Boolean

Display name: Set Table Reference

Default options
Values Label
1 Yes
0 No
mspp_settings Edm.String

Display name: Settings

mspp_showcaptchaforauthenticatedusers Edm.Boolean

Display name: Show Captcha for authenticated users

Default options
Values Label
1 Yes
0 No
mspp_showownerfields Edm.Boolean

Display name: Show Owner Fields

Default options
Values Label
1 Yes
0 No
mspp_showunsupportedfields Edm.Boolean

Display name: Show Unsupported Fields

Default options
Values Label
1 Yes
0 No
mspp_storageaccountname Edm.String

Display name: Storage Account Name

mspp_submitbuttonbusytext Edm.String

Display name: Submit Button Busy Text

mspp_submitbuttoncssclass Edm.String

Display name: Submit Button CSS Class

mspp_submitbuttontext Edm.String

Display name: Submit Button Text

mspp_submiteventkeyname Edm.String

Display name: Submit Event Key Name

mspp_successmessage Edm.String

Display name: Success Message

mspp_tabname Edm.String

The name of the tab on an entity form to render.

Display name: Tab Name

mspp_targetentitylogicalname Edm.String

Display name: Target Table name

mspp_targetentityportaluserlookupattribute Edm.String

Display name: Portal User Lookup Column

mspp_targetentityprimarykeylogicalname Edm.String

Display name: Target Entity Primary Key Logical Name

mspp_title Edm.String

Display name: Title

mspp_tooltipenabled Edm.Boolean

Display name: ToolTip Enabled

Default options
Values Label
1 Yes
0 No
mspp_type Edm.Int32

Display name: Type

Default options
Values Label
100000000 Condition
100000001 Load Form
100000002 Load Tab
100000003 Redirect
100000004 Load User Control
mspp_usercontrolpath Edm.String

Display name: User Control Path

mspp_usercontroltitle Edm.String

Display name: User Control Title

mspp_userhostaddressattributelogicalname Edm.String

Display name: User Host Address Attribute Logical Name

mspp_useridentitynameattributelogicalname Edm.String

Display name: User Identity Name Attribute Logical Name

mspp_validationgroup Edm.String

Display name: Validation Group

mspp_validationsummarycssclass Edm.String

Display name: Validation Summary CSS Class

mspp_validationsummaryheadertext Edm.String

Display name: Validation Summary Header Text

mspp_validationsummarylinksenabled Edm.Boolean

Display name: Enable Validation Summary Links

Default options
Values Label
1 Yes
0 No
mspp_validationsummarylinktext Edm.String

Display name: Validation Summary Link Text

mspp_webformstepid Edm.Guid

Unique identifier for entity instances

Display name: Form Step

statecode Edm.Int32

Status of the Form Step

Display name: Status

Default options
Values Label
0 Active
1 Inactive
statuscode Edm.Int32

Reason for the status of the Form Step

Display name: Status Reason

Default options
Values Label
1 Active
2 Inactive

Lookup properties

Lookup properties are read-only, computed properties which contain entity primary key Edm.Guid data for one or more corresponding single-valued navigation properties. More information: Lookup properties and Lookup property data.

Name Single-valued navigation property Description
_mspp_conditiondefaultnextstep_value mspp_conditiondefaultnextstep

If the condition test fails, this is the next step.

_mspp_createdby_value mspp_createdby

Shows who created the record.

_mspp_entitysourcestep_value mspp_entitysourcestep

Unique identifier for Form Step associated with Form Step.

_mspp_modifiedby_value mspp_modifiedby

Shows who last updated the record.

_mspp_nextstep_value mspp_nextstep

Pointer to the next step.

_mspp_previousstep_value mspp_previousstep

Pointer to the previous step.

_mspp_redirectwebpage_value mspp_redirectwebpage

Web Page to redirect to.

_mspp_referenceentitystep_value mspp_referenceentitystep

Unique identifier for Form Step associated with Form Step.

_mspp_webform_value mspp_webform

Unique identifier for Multistep Form associated with Form Step.

Single-valued navigation properties

Single-valued navigation properties represent lookup fields where a single entity can be referenced. Each single-valued navigation property has a corresponding partner collection-valued navigation property on the related entity.

Name Type Partner
mspp_conditiondefaultnextstep mspp_webformstep mspp_webformstep_conditiondefaultnextstep
mspp_createdby systemuser mspp_systemuser_mspp_webformstep_createdby
mspp_entitysourcestep mspp_webformstep mspp_webformstep_entitysourcestep
mspp_modifiedby systemuser mspp_systemuser_mspp_webformstep_modifiedby
mspp_nextstep mspp_webformstep mspp_webformstep_nextstep
mspp_previousstep mspp_webformstep mspp_webformstep_previousstep
mspp_redirectwebpage mspp_webpage mspp_webformstep_redirectwebpage
mspp_referenceentitystep mspp_webformstep mspp_webformstep_referenceentitystep
mspp_webform mspp_webform mspp_webformstep_webform

Collection-valued navigation properties

Collection-valued navigation properties represent collections of entities which may represent either a one-to-many (1:N) or many-to-many (N:N) relationship between the entities.

Name Type Partner
mspp_webform_startstep mspp_webform mspp_startstep
mspp_webformmetadata_webformstep mspp_webformmetadata mspp_webformstep
mspp_webformstep_conditiondefaultnextstep mspp_webformstep mspp_conditiondefaultnextstep
mspp_webformstep_entitysourcestep mspp_webformstep mspp_entitysourcestep
mspp_webformstep_nextstep mspp_webformstep mspp_nextstep
mspp_webformstep_previousstep mspp_webformstep mspp_previousstep
mspp_webformstep_referenceentitystep mspp_webformstep mspp_referenceentitystep


The following operations can be used with the mspp_webformstep entity type.

Name Binding
BulkRetain Not Bound
CreateMultiple Not Bound
DeleteMultiple Not Bound
PurgeRetainedContent Not Bound
Retain Not Bound
RollbackRetain Not Bound
UpdateMultiple Not Bound
ValidateRetentionConfig Not Bound

See also