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ActiveDesignerEventHandler Delegasikan


Mewakili metode yang akan menangani ActiveDesignerChanged peristiwa.

public delegate void ActiveDesignerEventHandler(System::Object ^ sender, ActiveDesignerEventArgs ^ e);
public delegate void ActiveDesignerEventHandler(object sender, ActiveDesignerEventArgs e);
public delegate void ActiveDesignerEventHandler(object? sender, ActiveDesignerEventArgs e);
type ActiveDesignerEventHandler = delegate of obj * ActiveDesignerEventArgs -> unit
Public Delegate Sub ActiveDesignerEventHandler(sender As Object, e As ActiveDesignerEventArgs)



Sumber dari peristiwa tersebut.


Yang ActiveDesignerEventArgs berisi data peristiwa.


Contoh berikut menunjukkan mendaftarkan ActiveDesignerEventHandler dan menangani peristiwa ActiveDesignerChanged .

   void LinkActiveDesignerEvent( IDesignerEventService^ eventService )
      // Registers an event handler for the ActiveDesignerChanged event.
      eventService->ActiveDesignerChanged += gcnew ActiveDesignerEventHandler( this, &MiscCompModSamples::ActiveDesignerEventHandlerExample::OnActiveDesignerEvent );

   void OnActiveDesignerEvent( Object^ /*sender*/, ActiveDesignerEventArgs^ e )
      // Displays changed designer information on the console.
      if ( e->NewDesigner->RootComponent->Site != nullptr )
         Console::WriteLine( "Name of the component of the new active designer: {0}", e->NewDesigner->RootComponent->Site->Name );
      Console::WriteLine( "Type of the component of the new active designer: {0}", e->NewDesigner->RootComponentClassName );
      if ( e->OldDesigner->RootComponent->Site != nullptr )
         Console::WriteLine( "Name of the component of the previously active designer: {0}", e->OldDesigner->RootComponent->Site->Name );
      Console::WriteLine( "Type of the component of the previously active designer: {0}", e->OldDesigner->RootComponentClassName );
public void LinkActiveDesignerEvent(IDesignerEventService eventService)
    // Registers an event handler for the ActiveDesignerChanged event.
    eventService.ActiveDesignerChanged += new ActiveDesignerEventHandler(this.OnActiveDesignerEvent);

private void OnActiveDesignerEvent(object sender, ActiveDesignerEventArgs e)
    // Displays changed designer information on the console.
    if( e.NewDesigner.RootComponent.Site != null )
        Console.WriteLine("Name of the component of the new active designer: "+e.NewDesigner.RootComponent.Site.Name);
    Console.WriteLine("Type of the component of the new active designer: "+e.NewDesigner.RootComponentClassName);
    if( e.OldDesigner.RootComponent.Site != null )
        Console.WriteLine("Name of the component of the previously active designer: "+e.OldDesigner.RootComponent.Site.Name);
    Console.WriteLine("Type of the component of the previously active designer: "+e.OldDesigner.RootComponentClassName);
Public Sub LinkActiveDesignerEvent(ByVal eventService As IDesignerEventService)
    ' Registers an event handler for the ActiveDesignerChanged event.
    AddHandler eventService.ActiveDesignerChanged, AddressOf Me.OnActiveDesignerEvent
End Sub

Private Sub OnActiveDesignerEvent(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ActiveDesignerEventArgs)
    ' Displays changed designer information on the console.            
    If (e.NewDesigner.RootComponent.Site IsNot Nothing) Then
        Console.WriteLine(("Name of the component of the new active designer: " + e.NewDesigner.RootComponent.Site.Name))
    End If
    Console.WriteLine(("Type of the component of the new active designer: " + e.NewDesigner.RootComponentClassName))
    If (e.OldDesigner.RootComponent.Site IsNot Nothing) Then
        Console.WriteLine(("Name of the component of the previously active designer: " + e.OldDesigner.RootComponent.Site.Name))
    End If
    Console.WriteLine(("Type of the component of the previously active designer: " + e.OldDesigner.RootComponentClassName))
End Sub


Peristiwa ActiveDesignerChanged dimunculkan ketika dokumen yang saat ini aktif telah dimodifikasi.

Saat Membuat ActiveDesignerEventHandler delegasi, Anda mengidentifikasi metode yang akan menangani peristiwa. Untuk mengaitkan peristiwa dengan penanganan aktivitas Anda, tambahkan instans delegasi ke peristiwa. Penanganan aktivitas dipanggil setiap kali peristiwa terjadi, kecuali Anda menghapus delegasi. Untuk informasi selengkapnya tentang delegasi penanganan aktivitas, lihat Menangani dan Menaikkan Peristiwa.

Metode Ekstensi


Mendapatkan objek yang mewakili metode yang diwakili oleh delegasi yang ditentukan.

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