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ListView.ItemDeleted Kejadian


Terjadi ketika operasi penghapusan diminta, setelah ListView kontrol menghapus item.

 event EventHandler<System::Web::UI::WebControls::ListViewDeletedEventArgs ^> ^ ItemDeleted;
public event EventHandler<System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListViewDeletedEventArgs> ItemDeleted;
member this.ItemDeleted : EventHandler<System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListViewDeletedEventArgs> 
Public Custom Event ItemDeleted As EventHandler(Of ListViewDeletedEventArgs) 

Jenis Acara


Contoh berikut menunjukkan cara menambahkan penanganan aktivitas untuk peristiwa tersebut ItemDeleted .

<%@ Page language="C#" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<script runat="server">

    void Page_Load()
        Message.Text = String.Empty;
    void ContactsListView_ItemDeleted(Object sender, ListViewDeletedEventArgs e)
        // Determine whether an exception occurred during the delete operation.
        if (e.Exception == null)
            // Ensure that a record was deleted.
            if (e.AffectedRows > 0)
                Message.Text = e.AffectedRows + " item(s) deleted successfully.";
                Message.Text = "No item was deleted.";
            // Insert the code to handle the exception here.

            // Indicate that the exception has been handled.
            e.ExceptionHandled = true;
            Message.Text = "An error occurred during the delete operation.";

<html xmlns="" >
  <head runat="server">
    <title>ListViewDeletedEventArgs Example</title>
    <form id="form1" runat="server">
      <h3>ListViewDeletedEventArgs Example</h3>
      <asp:Label ID="Message"
      <asp:ListView ID="ContactsListView" 
          <table cellpadding="2" runat="server" id="tblContacts" width="640px">
            <tr runat="server" id="itemPlaceholder" />
          <asp:DataPager runat="server" ID="PeopleDataPager" PageSize="12">
                ShowFirstPageButton="true" ShowLastPageButton="true"
                FirstPageText="|&lt;&lt; " LastPageText=" &gt;&gt;|"
                NextPageText=" &gt; " PreviousPageText=" &lt; " />
          <tr runat="server">
            <td valign="top">
              <asp:Label ID="FirstNameLabel" runat="server" Text='<%#Eval("FirstName") %>' />
              <asp:Label ID="LastNameLabel" runat="server" Text='<%#Eval("LastName") %>' />
              <asp:Label ID="EmailLabel" runat="server" Text='<%#Eval("EmailAddress") %>' />
              <asp:LinkButton ID="DeleteButton" runat="server" 
                OnClientClick="return confirm('Are you sure?');" />

      <!-- This example uses Microsoft SQL Server and connects    -->
      <!-- to the AdventureWorks sample database. Use an ASP.NET  -->
      <!-- expression to retrieve the connection string value     -->
      <!-- from the Web.config file.                              -->            
      <asp:SqlDataSource ID="ContactsDataSource" runat="server" 
        ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:AdventureWorks_DataConnectionString %>"
        SelectCommand="SELECT [ContactID], [FirstName], [LastName], [EmailAddress] 
          FROM Person.Contact"
        DeleteCommand="DELETE FROM Person.Contact WHERE [ContactID] = @ContactID">
            <asp:Parameter Name="ContactID" Type="Int32" />
<%@ Page language="VB" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<script runat="server">

    Sub Page_Load()
        Message.Text = String.Empty
    End Sub
    Sub ContactsListView_ItemDeleted(sender As Object, e As ListViewDeletedEventArgs)

        ' Determine whether an exception occurred during the delete operation.
        If e.Exception Is Nothing Then
            ' Ensure that a record was deleted.
            If e.AffectedRows > 0 Then
                Message.Text = e.AffectedRows.ToString() & _
                    " item(s) deleted successfully."
                Message.Text = "No item was deleted."
            End If
            ' Insert the code to handle the exception here.

            ' Indicate that the exception has been handled.
            e.ExceptionHandled = true
            Message.Text = "An error occurred during the delete operation."
        End If
    End Sub

<html xmlns="" >
  <head id="Head1" runat="server">
    <title>ListViewDeletedEventArgs Example</title>
    <form id="form1" runat="server">
      <h3>ListViewDeletedEventArgs Example</h3>
      <asp:Label ID="Message"
      <asp:ListView ID="ContactsListView" 
          <table cellpadding="2" runat="server" id="tblContacts" width="640px">
            <tr runat="server" id="itemPlaceholder" />
          <asp:DataPager runat="server" ID="PeopleDataPager" PageSize="12">
                ShowFirstPageButton="true" ShowLastPageButton="true"
                FirstPageText="|&lt;&lt; " LastPageText=" &gt;&gt;|"
                NextPageText=" &gt; " PreviousPageText=" &lt; " />
          <tr runat="server">
            <td valign="top">
              <asp:Label ID="FirstNameLabel" runat="server" Text='<%#Eval("FirstName") %>' />
              <asp:Label ID="LastNameLabel" runat="server" Text='<%#Eval("LastName") %>' />
              <asp:Label ID="EmailLabel" runat="server" Text='<%#Eval("EmailAddress") %>' />
              <asp:LinkButton ID="DeleteButton" runat="server" 
                OnClientClick="return confirm('Are you sure?');" />

      <!-- This example uses Microsoft SQL Server and connects    -->
      <!-- to the AdventureWorks sample database. Use an ASP.NET  -->
      <!-- expression to retrieve the connection string value     -->
      <!-- from the Web.config file.                              -->            
      <asp:SqlDataSource ID="ContactsDataSource" runat="server" 
        ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:AdventureWorks_DataConnectionString %>"
        SelectCommand="SELECT [ContactID], [FirstName], [LastName], [EmailAddress] 
          FROM Person.Contact"
        DeleteCommand="DELETE FROM Person.Contact WHERE [ContactID] = @ContactID">
            <asp:Parameter Name="ContactID" Type="Int32" />


Peristiwa ItemDeleted dimunculkan saat tombol Hapus item diklik atau DeleteItem metode dipanggil, setelah ListView kontrol menghapus item. (Tombol Hapus adalah kontrol tombol yang propertinya CommandName diatur ke "Hapus".) Ini memungkinkan Anda untuk melakukan rutinitas kustom setiap kali peristiwa ini terjadi, seperti memeriksa hasil operasi penghapusan.

Objek ListViewDeletedEventArgs diteruskan ke penanganan aktivitas, yang memungkinkan Anda menentukan jumlah baris yang terpengaruh di sumber data. Ini juga memungkinkan Anda menentukan pengecualian apa yang mungkin telah terjadi. Anda dapat menunjukkan apakah pengecualian ditangani di penanganan aktivitas dengan mengatur ExceptionHandled properti objek ke ListViewDeletedEventArgstrue.

Untuk informasi selengkapnya tentang cara menangani peristiwa, lihat Menangani dan Menaikkan Peristiwa.

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