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Deploying and Managing Power BI Premium Capacities

We have retired the Power BI Premium whitepaper in favor of providing up-to-date information in separate articles. Use the following table to find content from the whitepaper.

Articles Description
• Basic concepts for designers in the Power BI service
• Semantic models in the Power BI service
• Semantic model modes in the Power BI service
Background information about Power BI service capacities, workspaces, dashboards, reports, workbooks, semantic models, and dataflows.
• What is Power BI Premium? An overview of Power BI Premium, covering the basics of reserved capacities, supported workloads, unlimited content sharing, and other features.
• Managing Premium capacities
• Configure and manage capacities in Power BI Premium
• Configure workloads in a Premium capacity
Detailed information about configuring and managing capacities and workloads.
• Use the Fabric Capacity Metrics app Monitoring with Fabric Capacity Metrics app, and interpreting the metrics you see in the app.
• Power BI Premium FAQ Answers to questions around purchase and licensing, features, and common scenarios.