SharePoint リスト コネクタを使用する場合、Power BI Desktop および Power BI サービス環境では、ブール値は TRUE/FALSE または 1/0 として正確に表現されません。 この結果、間違ったデータ、不適切なフィルター、および空のビジュアルが生成される可能性があります。
Demonstrate the business value and product capabilities of Microsoft Power Platform, such as Power Apps, data connections with Dataverse, and Power Automate.
Provides basic information and how to connect to your data, along with troubleshooting tips for obtaining the root SharePoint address and changing the authentication method.
Provides basic information, prerequisites, and how to connect to your data, along with troubleshooting tips when combining files and using filename special characters.
How to select credentials for a connector in Power Query Desktop to authenticate a connection with a data source, how to select the authentication level, and how to edit or delete credentials for specific connectors and sites.