MultiLookupMetadata type
The finance and operations (Dynamics 365) mobile app and platform are no longer supported. The platform components supporting the mobile app will be removed in a future update. The mobile app has also been removed from app stores. Previously installed instances of the app will continue to work. For more information, see Removed or deprecated platform features.
Multi-Lookup metadata type.
└─ MultiLookupMetadata
- BoundEntity
- BoundField
- Description
- Design
- Editable
- ExtType
- FilterContext
- FilterLocalOnly
- HelpText
- Hidden
- Id
- Label
- LookupPageId
- Mandatory
- Name
- NumSequence
- Order
- ReferenceAppId
- ReverseLookupRelation
- ShowPending
- Type
BoundEntity: string (optional)
The entity to which the control is bound.
Inherited from ControlMetadata.BoundEntity
BoundField: string (optional)
Inherited from ControlMetadata.BoundField
Description: string (optional)
Description of the control.
Inherited from ControlMetadata.Description
Design: Design (optional)
Design object for the lookup page that is referenced by the LookupPageId.
Editable: boolean (optional)
Boolean indicating if the control is editable. False when either the control or its parent is not editable. True when both the control and its parent are editable. True when either the control or its parent is editable and the other is undefined. Undefined if both the control's edit-ability and its parent's edit-ability is undefined.
Inherited from ControlMetadata.Editable
ExtType: ControlType (optional)
The extended control type. For example, a control of type Input might have an extended type of Barcode.
Inherited from ControlMetadata.ExtType
FilterContext: DataFilter (optional)
FilterLocalOnly: boolean (optional)
HelpText: string (optional)
The keyboard shortcut for a command. For example, "(Shift+F5)"
Inherited from ControlMetadata.HelpText
Hidden: boolean (optional)
Boolean indicating if the control is hidden or not.
Inherited from ControlMetadata.Hidden
Id: string (optional)
Identification string for a control.
Inherited from ControlMetadata.Id
Label: string (optional)
Label for a control. For example, a control representing a person's first name might have a label "First Name".
Inherited from ControlMetadata.Label
LookupPageId: string (optional)
Page that is hosted within the multi-lookup.
Mandatory: boolean (optional)
If set to true then input for the control is required for the task to be completed. Mandatory controls will have a red outline.
Inherited from InputControlMetadata.Mandatory
Name: string (optional)
Name of a control.
Inherited from ControlMetadata.Name
NumSequence: NumberSequenceConfig (optional)
Used for auto detecting and changing visibility of the number sequence controls in the task or page, based on AX number sequence configuration, through extended business logic. Example:
// hide number sequence reference page from users
// parameters to be passed to 'numSequence' flag in configureControl
var configParam = {
referencePageName: 'numSeqReferencePage',
dataType: 'HcmPersonnelNumberId'
// setup 'PersonnelNumber' control as number sequence in the task 'add-worker'
metadataService.configureControl('add-worker', 'PersonnelNumber', { numSequence: configParam });
Inherited from InputControlMetadata.NumSequence
Order: number (optional)
Number indicating the order in which a control will appear on a page.
Inherited from ControlMetadata.Order
ReferenceAppId: string (optional)
ReverseLookupRelation: boolean (optional)
ShowPending: boolean (optional)
Type: ControlType (optional)
String indicating the control type.
Inherited from ControlMetadata.Type
OnLookupPageCreate: function(args: any, multiLookup: any): void (optional)
OnLookupPageCreated: function(args: any, multiLookup: any): void (optional)