GaugeScale 속성
GaugeScale 유형에서 다음 멤버를 표시합니다.
이름 | 설명 | |
ActionInfo | Actions for the scale. | |
ComponentMetadata | The component metadata. (ReportObject에서 상속됨) | |
CustomLabels | Custom labels for the scale. | |
GaugeMajorTickMarks | Major tickmarks to display on the scale. | |
GaugeMinorTickMarks | Minor tickmarks to display on the scale. | |
GaugePointers | Pointers to display on the scale. | |
Hidden | Indicates the scale is hidden. | |
Interval | Default interval between tick marks and labels. | |
IntervalOffset | Default offset for the first tick mark and label. | |
Logarithmic | Indicates the scale is logarithmic. | |
LogarithmicBase | Base to use for logarithmic scale. | |
MaximumPin | Maximum value at which a pointer on the scale will stop. | |
MaximumValue | Maximum value for the scale. | |
MinimumPin | Minimum value at which a pointer on the scale will stop. | |
MinimumValue | Minimum value for the scale. | |
Multiplier | Amount by which the gauge value is multiplied before it is displayed. | |
Name | ||
Parent | The parent of this report object. (ReportObjectBase에서 상속됨) | |
Reversed | Indicates the direction of the scale is reversed. | |
ScaleLabels | Labels to display on the scale. | |
ScaleRanges | Ranges to display on the scale. | |
Site | 인프라입니다. (ReportObject에서 상속됨) | |
Style | Gets the style properties of this report definition object. | |
TickMarksOnTop | Indicates tick marks should be drawn atop pointers. | |
ToolTip | Tool tip text for the scale. | |
Width | Width of the scale bar, as a percent of the size of the gauge. |
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