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Xbox Device Portal REST API

This section contains reference topics for the Xbox Device Portal REST API, used to remotely configure and manage your console.

URI Description
/api/app/packagemanager/register Registers an app that is contained in a loose folder.
/api/app/packagemanager/upload Uploads an entire folder to the console.
/ext/app/sshpins Clear all trusted SSH pins remotely. Will require doing pin pairing again for Visual Studio UWP development.
/ext/app/deployinfo Requests deployment information for one or more installed packages.
/ext/fiddler Enable and disable Fiddler network tracing.
/ext/httpmonitor/sessions Get HTTP traffic from the focused app on Xbox.
/ext/networkcredential Add, remove, or update network credentials.
/ext/remoteinput Send keyboard, mouse, or controller input remotely to an Xbox.
/ext/remoteinput/controllers Get the number of attached physical controllers or turn off all physical controllers.
/ext/screenshot Captures a PNG representation of the screen currently displayed on the console.
/ext/settings Accesses Xbox One developer settings.
/ext/smb/developerfolder Accesses the developer folder on your console through File Explorer on your development PC.
/ext/user Manages users on the Xbox One console.
/ext/xbox/info Gives information about the Xbox One device.
/ext/xboxlive/sandbox Manages your Xbox Live sandbox.

See also