
Bendrinti naudojant

Tutorial - Use PaaS services with an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster

With Kubernetes, you can use PaaS services, such as Azure Service Bus, to develop and run your applications.

In this tutorial, part five of seven, you create an Azure Service Bus namespace and queue to test your application. You learn how to:

  • Create an Azure Service Bus namespace and queue.
  • Update the Kubernetes manifest file to use the Azure Service Bus queue.
  • Test the updated application by placing an order.

Before you begin

In previous tutorials, you packaged an application into a container image, uploaded the image to Azure Container Registry, created a Kubernetes cluster, and deployed an application. To complete this tutorial, you need the pre-created aks-store-quickstart.yaml Kubernetes manifest file. This file download was included with the application source code in a previous tutorial. Make sure you cloned the repo and changed directories into the cloned repo. If you haven't completed these steps and want to follow along, start with Tutorial 1 - Prepare application for AKS.

This tutorial requires Azure CLI version 2.34.1 or later. Run az --version to find the version. If you need to install or upgrade, see Install Azure CLI.

Create environment variables

  • Create the following environment variables to use for the commands in this tutorial:


Create Azure Service Bus namespace and queue

In previous tutorials, you used a RabbitMQ container to store orders submitted by the order-service. In this tutorial, you use an Azure Service Bus namespace to provide a scoping container for the Service Bus resources within the application. You also use an Azure Service bus queue to send and receive messages between the application components. For more information on Azure Service Bus, see Create an Azure Service Bus namespace and queue.

  1. Create an Azure Service Bus namespace using the az servicebus namespace create command.

    az servicebus namespace create --name $SB_NS --resource-group $RG_NAME --location $LOC_NAME
  2. Create an Azure Service Bus queue using the az servicebus queue create command.

    az servicebus queue create --name orders --resource-group $RG_NAME --namespace-name $SB_NS
  3. Create an Azure Service Bus authorization rule using the az servicebus queue authorization-rule create command.

    az servicebus queue authorization-rule create \
        --name sender \
        --namespace-name $SB_NS \
        --resource-group $RG_NAME \
        --queue-name orders \
        --rights Send
  4. Get the Azure Service Bus credentials for later use using the az servicebus namespace show and az servicebus queue authorization-rule keys list commands.

    az servicebus namespace show --name $SB_NS --resource-group $RG_NAME --query name -o tsv
    az servicebus queue authorization-rule keys list --namespace-name $SB_NS --resource-group $RG_NAME --queue-name orders --name sender --query primaryKey -o tsv

Update Kubernetes manifest file

  1. Configure kubectl to connect to your cluster using the az aks get-credentials command.

    az aks get-credentials --resource-group myResourceGroup --name myAKSCluster
  2. Open the aks-store-quickstart.yaml file in a text editor.

  3. Remove the existing rabbitmq StatefulSet, ConfigMap, and Service sections and replace the existing order-service Deployment section with the following content:

    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
      name: order-service
      replicas: 1
          app: order-service
            app: order-service
            "": linux
          - name: order-service
            image: <REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_ACR_NAME>
            - containerPort: 3000
            - name: ORDER_QUEUE_HOSTNAME
              value: "<REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_SB_NS_HOSTNAME>" # Example:
            - name: ORDER_QUEUE_PORT
              value: "5671"
            - name: ORDER_QUEUE_TRANSPORT
              value: "tls"
            - name: ORDER_QUEUE_USERNAME
              value: "sender"
            - name: ORDER_QUEUE_PASSWORD
            - name: ORDER_QUEUE_NAME
              value: "orders"
            - name: FASTIFY_ADDRESS
              value: ""
                cpu: 1m
                memory: 50Mi
                cpu: 75m
                memory: 128Mi


    Directly adding sensitive information, such as API keys, to your Kubernetes manifest files isn't secure and may accidentally get committed to code repositories. We added it here for simplicity. For production workloads, use Managed Identity to authenticate with Azure Service Bus or store your secrets in Azure Key Vault.

  4. Save and close the updated aks-store-quickstart.yaml file.

Deploy the updated application

  • Deploy the updated application using the kubectl apply command.

    kubectl apply -f aks-store-quickstart.yaml

    The following example output shows the successfully updated resources:

    deployment.apps/order-service configured
    service/order-service unchanged
    deployment.apps/product-service unchanged
    service/product-service unchanged
    deployment.apps/store-front configured
    service/store-front unchanged

Test the application

Place a sample order

  1. Get the external IP address of the store-front service using the kubectl get service command.

    kubectl get service store-front
  2. Navigate to the external IP address of the store-front service in your browser using http://<external-ip>.

  3. Place an order by choosing a product and selecting Add to cart.

  4. Select Cart to view your order, and then select Checkout.

View the order in the Azure Service Bus queue

  1. Navigate to the Azure portal and open the Azure Service Bus namespace you created earlier.
  2. Under Entities, select Queues, and then select the orders queue.
  3. In the orders queue, select Service Bus Explorer.
  4. Select Peek from start to view the order you submitted.

Next steps

In this tutorial, you used Azure Service Bus to update and test the sample application. You learned how to:

  • Create an Azure Service Bus namespace and queue.
  • Update the Kubernetes manifest file to use the Azure Service Bus queue.
  • Test the updated application by placing an order.

In the next tutorial, you learn how to scale an application in AKS.