In the Azure portal, search for and select API Management services.
On the API Management services page, select your API Management instance.
Import OData metadata
In the left menu, select APIs > + Add API.
Under Create from definition, select OData.
Enter API settings. You can update your settings later by going to the Settings tab of the API.
In OData specification, enter a URL for an OData metadata endpoint, typically the URL to the service root, appended with /$metadata. Alternatively, select a local OData XML file to import.
The API is added to the APIs list. The entity sets and functions that are exposed in the OData metadata description appear on the API's Entity sets and functions tab.
Update the OData schema
You can access an editor in the portal to view your API's OData schema. If the API changes, you can also update the schema in API Management from a file or an OData service endpoint.
In the portal, navigate to your API Management instance.
In the left menu, select APIs > your OData API.
On the Entity sets and functions tab, select the context menu (...) next to an entity set or function, and select Edit.
Review the schema. If you want to update it, select Update from file or Update schema from endpoint.
Test your OData API
In the left menu, select APIs > your OData API.
On the Entity sets and functions tab, select the context menu (...) next to an entity set or function, and select Test.
In the test console, enter template parameters, query parameters, and headers for your test, and select Test. Learn more about testing an API in the portal.
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