This article shows how to import a WSDL specification, which is a standard XML representation of a SOAP API. The article also shows how to test the API in API Management.
In this article, you learn how to:
Import a SOAP API
Test the API in the Azure portal
WSDL import to API Management is subject to certain limitations. WSDL files with wsdl:import, xsd:import, and xsd:include directives aren't supported. For an open-source tool to resolve and merge these dependencies in a WSDL file, see this GitHub repo.
If you prefer to run CLI reference commands locally, install the Azure CLI. If you're running on Windows or macOS, consider running Azure CLI in a Docker container. For more information, see How to run the Azure CLI in a Docker container.
If you're using a local installation, sign in to the Azure CLI by using the az login command. To finish the authentication process, follow the steps displayed in your terminal. For other sign-in options, see Sign in with the Azure CLI.
When you're prompted, install the Azure CLI extension on first use. For more information about extensions, see Use extensions with the Azure CLI.
Run az version to find the version and dependent libraries that are installed. To upgrade to the latest version, run az upgrade.
In the Azure portal, navigate to your API Management instance.
In the left menu, select APIs > + Add API.
Under Create from definition, select WSDL.
In WSDL specification, enter the URL to your SOAP API, or click Select a file to select a local WSDL file.
In Import method, SOAP pass-through is selected by default.
With this selection, the API is exposed as SOAP, and API consumers have to use SOAP rules. If you want to "restify" the API, follow the steps in Import a SOAP API and convert it to REST.
The following API settings are filled automatically based on information from the SOAP API: Display name, Name, Description. Operations are filled automatically with Display name, URL, and Description, and receive a system-generated Name.
Enter other API settings. You can set the values during creation or configure them later by going to the Settings tab.
The following example uses the az apim api import command to import a WSDL specification from the specified URL to an API Management instance named apim-hello-world. To import using a path to a specification instead of a URL, use the --specification-path parameter.
For this example WSDL, the service name is OrdersAPI, and one of the available endpoints (interfaces) is basic.
The following example uses the Import-AzApiManagementApi Azure PowerShell cmdlet to import a WSDL specification from the specified URL to an API Management instance named apim-hello-world. To import using a path to a specification instead of a URL, use the -SpecificationPath parameter.
For this example WSDL, the service name is OrdersAPI, and one of the available endpoints (interfaces) is basic.
# API Management service-specific details$apimServiceName = "apim-hello-world"$resourceGroupName = "myResourceGroup"# API-specific det$apiId = "orders-api"$apiPath = "orders"$specificationFormat = "Wsdl"$specificationUrl = ""$wsdlServiceName = "OrdersAPI"$wsdlEndpointName = "basic"# Get context of the API Management instance. $context = New-AzApiManagementContext -ResourceGroupName$resourceGroupName -ServiceName$apimServiceName# Import APIImport-AzApiManagementApi -Context$context -ApiId$apiId -SpecificationFormat$specificationFormat -SpecificationUrl$specificationUrl -Path$apiPath -WsdlServiceName$wsdlServiceName -WsdlEndpointName$wsdlEndpointName
Test the new API in the portal
Operations can be called directly from the portal, which provides a convenient way for administrators to view and test the operations of an API.
Select the API you created in the previous step.
Select the Test tab.
Select an operation.
The page displays fields for query parameters and fields for the headers.
In the test console, API Management automatically populates an Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key header, and configures the subscription key of the built-in all-access subscription. This key enables access to every API in the API Management instance. Optionally display the Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key header by selecting the "eye" icon next to the HTTP Request.
Depending on the operation, enter query parameter values, header values, or a request body. Select Send.
When the test is successful, the backend responds with a successful HTTP response code and some data.
By default, the test console sends a request to API Management's CORS proxy, which forwards the request to the API Management instance, which then forwards it to the backend. This proxy uses public IP address and can only reach public endpoints. If you want to send a request directly from the browser to the API Management service, select Bypass CORS proxy. Use this option when you want to use the test console and your API Management gateway is network-isolated or doesn't allow traffic from the CORS proxy.
If you need to pass a SOAP request that doesn't have a dedicated action defined in the API, you can configure a wildcard SOAP action. The wildcard action will match any SOAP request that isn't defined in the API.
To define a wildcard SOAP action:
In the portal, select the API you created in the previous step.
In the Design tab, select + Add Operation.
Enter a Display name for the operation.
In the URL, select POST and enter /?soapAction={any} in the resource. The template parameter inside the curly brackets is arbitrary and doesn't affect the execution.
Don't use the OpenAPI specification editor in the Design tab to modify a SOAP API.
Append other APIs
You can compose an API of APIs exposed by different services, including:
An OpenAPI specification
A Web App hosted in Azure App Service
Azure Function App
Azure Logic Apps
Azure Service Fabric
Append a different API to your existing API using the following steps.
When you import another API, the operations are appended to your current API.
Go to your Azure API Management instance in the Azure portal.
Select APIs on the Overview page or from the menu on the left.
Click ... next to the API that you want to append another API to.
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