Azure DevOps Services | Azure DevOps Server 2022 - Azure DevOps Server 2019
In this article, learn how to use Azure Boards to plan and track your work using an Agile, Basic, Scrum, or Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) process. For more information, see About processes and process templates.
The Basic process is available when you add a project to Azure DevOps Services or Azure DevOps Server 2019 Update 1. For earlier on-premises deployments, choose Agile, Scrum, or CMMI process.
The Agile process uses various work item types such as user stories, tasks, bugs, features, and epics to plan and track work. Begin by adding user stories and grouping them into features if needed. You can add tasks to a user story to track more details.
Work item types
Backlog hierarchy
In each work item form, you can describe the work to be done, assign work to project contributors, track status, and collaborate with others through the Discussion section. This article describes how to add user stories and child tasks from the web portal and add details to those work items.
The Basic process offers three work item types for planning and tracking work: epics, issues, and tasks. To begin, add issues to track user stories, bugs, or feature items. For grouping, define epics. To track more details, add tasks to an issue.
Work item types
Backlog hierarchy
In each work item form, describe work, assign contributors, track status, and collaborate in the Discussion section. This article describes how to add issues, child tasks, and work item details on the web portal.
The Scrum process uses various work item types to plan and track work. Item types include product backlog items, tasks, bugs, features, and epics. Add product backlog items and group them into features if needed. Add child tasks to track more work details.
Work item types
Backlog hierarchy
In each work item form, describe work, assign contributors, track status, and collaborate in the Discussion section. This article describes how to add product backlog items, child tasks, and work item details on the web portal.
The CMMI process uses work item types such as requirements, tasks, bugs, features, and epics to plan and track work. Start by adding requirements and group them into features or epics if needed. Add child tasks to track more work details.
Work item types
Backlog hierarchy
In each work item form, describe work, assign contributors, track status, and collaborate in the Discussion section. This article describes how to add user stories, child tasks, and work item details on the web portal.
Access levels
- To add work items to a board and use all other board features: At least Basic access. - Private project: To view boards, open and modify work items, and add child tasks to a checklist: At least Stakeholder access. You can't reorder or reparent a backlog item using drag-and-drop. You can't update a field on a card. - Public project: For full access to all Boards features: At least Stakeholder access.
Member of the Contributors or Project Administrators group.
Access levels
- To add work items to a board and use all other board features: At least Basic access. - To view boards, open and modify work items, and add child tasks to a checklist: At least Stakeholder access. You can't reorder or reparent a backlog item using drag-and-drop. You can't update a field on a card.
Member of the Contributors or Project Administrators group.
- To add work items to a board and use all other board features: At least Basic access. - To view boards, open and modify work items, and add child tasks to a checklist: At least Stakeholder access. You can't reorder or reparent a backlog item using drag-and-drop. You can't update a field on a card.
Member of the Contributors or Project Administrators group.
A board is provisioned with the addition of each project and each team. You can only create or add boards to a project by adding another team. For more information, see About teams and Agile tools.
Sign in to your organization ({Your_Organization}) and go to your project.
Select Boards > Boards.
Select a board from the All Team Boards dropdown menu.
Add work items to your board
Work items on your board are automatically assigned the default Area Path and Iteration Path assigned to the team. For more information, see Manage and configure team tools.
From the Stories board, choose New item and the stories you want to track.
Select Enter. The system assigns a work item ID to the user story.
Add as many user stories as you need.
To quickly add features and child user stories, choose Features from the board selector.
From the Issues board, choose New item and add the issues you want to track.
Enter return and the system assigns a work item ID to the issue.
Add as many issues as you need.
The Epics board is the best tool for quickly adding epics and issues that are children of those epics. To open the Epics board from the Issues board, choose Epics from the board selector.
From the Backlog items board, choose New item and add the stories you want to track.
Enter return and the system assigns a work item ID to the user story.
Add as many backlog items as you need.
The Features board is the best tool for quickly adding features and product backlog items that are children of those features. To open the Features board from the Backlog items board, choose Features from the board selector.
From the Requirements board, choose New item and add the stories you want to track.
Enter return and the system assigns a work item ID to the user story.
Add as many requirements as you need.
The Features board is the best tool for quickly adding features and requirements that are children of those features. To open the Features board from the Requirements board, choose Features from the board selector.
Add details to a board item
To open an issue or user story, select its title. Change one or more field values, add a description, or make a note in the Discussion section. You can also choose the Attachments tab and drag-and-drop a file to share the file with others.
The effect on the customer of not implementing this requirement. You might include details from the Kano model about whether this requirement is in the surprise, required, or obvious categories. You capture this information in the rich-text HTML field that corresponds to Impact Assessment.
The target dates for when the work is expected to start or finish. These fields are filled in by Microsoft Project when you use it for scheduling.
You can specify work in hours or in days. No inherent time units are associated with this field.
Indicates the type of triage decision that's pending for the work item. Use this field when the work item is in the Proposed state and specify one of the following values: Pending (default), More Info, Info Received, or Triaged.
Indicates whether a team member is prevented from making progress toward implementing a requirement or task or resolving a bug, change request, or risk. If an issue was opened to track a blocking problem, you can create a link to the issue. You can specify Yes or No (default).
Assign the work item to the team member responsible for performing the work. Depending on the context you're working in, the drop-down menu lists only team members or contributors to the project.
You can only assign work to a single user. If you need to assign work to more than one user, add a work item for each user and distinguish the work to be done by title and description. The Assigned To field only accepts user accounts that have been added to a project or team.
Choose the area path associated with the product or team, or leave blank until assigned during a planning meeting. To change the dropdown list of areas, see Define area paths and assign to a team.
Choose the sprint or iteration in which the work is to be completed, or leave it blank and assign it later during a planning meeting. To change the drop-down list of iterations, see Define iteration paths and configure team iterations.
Provide enough detail to create shared understanding of scope and support estimation efforts. Focus on the user, what they want to accomplish, and why. Don't describe how to develop the product. Do provide sufficient details so that your team can write tasks and test cases to implement the item.
Provide the criteria to be met before the work item can be closed. Define what "Done" means by describing the criteria for the team to use to verify whether the backlog item or bug fix is fully implemented.
Before work begins, describe the criteria for customer acceptance as clearly as possible. Have conversations between the team and customers to determine the acceptance criteria. These criteria help ensure a common understanding within the team to meet customers' expectations. Also, this information provides the basis for acceptance testing.
Provide a relative estimate of the amount of work required to complete an issue. Most Agile methods recommend that you set estimates for backlog items based on relative size of work. Such methods include powers of 2 (1, 2, 4, 8) and the Fibonacci sequence (1, 2, 3, 5, 8, etc.). Use any numeric unit of measurement your team prefers.
The estimates you set are used to calculate team velocity and forecast sprints.
Update work status
The State field tracks the status of a work item. With the board, you can quickly update the status of backlog items by dragging and dropping them to a different column.
As work begins, drag the user story card from the Backlog column to the Active column. When work is ready for review, move it to the Resolved column. After a team member reviews and accepts it, move it to the Closed column.
As work begins, drag the issue from the To Do column to the Doing column. When a team member completes it, move it to the Done column.
After a backlog item is approved to start work, drag the backlog item card from the New column to the Approved column. When work begins, drag the card to the Committed column. After work completes, move it to the Done column.
As work begins, drag the requirement card from the Backlog column to the Active column. When work is ready for review, move it to the Resolved column. After a team member reviews and accepts it, move it to the Closed column.
Task checklists provide a quick and easy way to track elements of work that are important to complete a backlog item. Also, you can assign individual tasks to different team members.
Tasks that you create from the board are automatically assigned the Area Path and Iteration Path of their parent work item and show up on your sprint taskboard.
Tasks that you create from the sprint backlog or taskboard show up in tasks checklists on the board.
Select the
actions icon for the story and select Add Task.
Enter a title for the task and select Enter.
If you have many tasks to add, keep entering your task titles and select Enter.
You can mark a task as done, expand or collapse the task checklist, reorder, and reparent tasks.
Mark a task as done
Reorder and reparent tasks
Expand or collapse the checklist
To mark a task as complete, select the task checkbox. The task State changes to Done.
To reorder a task, drag it in the checklist. To reparent a the task, drag it to another issue on the board.
To expand or collapse a task checklist, choose the task annotation.
Select the
actions icon for the issue and select Add Task.
Enter a title for the task and select Enter.
If you have various tasks to add, keep entering your task titles and type Enter.
You can mark a task as done, expand or collapse the task checklist, reorder, and reparent tasks.
Mark a task as done
Reorder and reparent tasks
Expand or collapse the checklist
To mark a task as complete, select the task checkbox. The task State changes to Done.
To reorder a task, drag it in the checklist. To reparent a the task, drag it to another issue on the board.
To expand or collapse a task checklist, choose the task annotation.
To start adding tasks, select the
actions icon for the story and select the Add Task option.
Enter a title for the task and type Enter when you're done.
If you have many tasks to add, just keep entering your task titles and type Enter.
You can mark a task as done, expand or collapse the task checklist, or reorder and reparent tasks.
Mark a task as done
Reorder and reparent tasks
Expand or collapse the checklist
To mark a task as complete, select the task checkbox. The task State changes to Done.
To reorder a task, drag it in the checklist. To reparent a the task, drag it to another issue on the board.
To expand or collapse a task checklist, choose the task annotation.
To start adding tasks, select the
actions icon for the story and select the Add Task option.
Enter a title for the task and type Enter when you're done.
If you have various tasks to add, just keep entering your task titles and type Enter.
You can mark a task as done, expand or collapse the task checklist, reorder, and reparent tasks.
Mark a task as done
Reorder and reparent tasks
Expand or collapse the checklist
To mark a task as complete, select the task checkbox. The task State changes to Done.
To reorder a task, drag it in the checklist. To reparent a the task, drag it to another issue on the board.
To expand or collapse a task checklist, choose the task annotation.
Add details to a task
If you have details you want to add about a task, select the title to open it. Change one or more field values, add a description, or make a note in the Discussion section. Choose Save & Close.
You can assign these fields for a backlog item: user story, issue, product backlog item, and requirement. You can specify the following fields for a task to support capacity and time tracking.
There are no inherent time units associated with this field even though the taskboard always shows "h" for hours in relationship to Remaining Work. You can specify work in any unit of measurement your team chooses.
The amount of work that remains to finish a task. You can specify work in hours or in days. As work progresses, update this field. It's used to calculate capacity charts and the sprint burndown chart.
If you divide a task into subtasks, specify Remaining Work for the subtasks only.
Select the kind of task to implement from the allowed values:
Corrective Action
Mitigation Action
Capture comments in the Discussion section
Use the Discussion section to add and review comments made about the work being performed.
The rich text editor toolbar appears under the text entry area when you place your cursor in any text box that supports text formatting.
A Discussion work item field doesn't exist. To query work items with comments from the Discussion area, filter on the History field. The full content of the text entered in the Discussion text box is added to the History field.
Mention someone, a group, work item, or pull request
Select one of the following icons to open a menu of recent entries where you mentioned someone, linked to a work item, or linked to a pull request. Alternatively, you can open the same menu by entering @, #, or !.
Enter a name or number to filter the menu list to match your entry. Select the entry you want to add. To bring a group into the discussion, enter @ followed by the group name, such as a team or security group.
Edit or delete a comment
To edit or delete any of your discussion comments, choose Edit or choose the
actions icon and then choose Delete.
Editing and deleting comments requires Azure DevOps Server 2019 Update 1 or later version.
After you update the comment, select Update. To delete the comment, confirm that you want to delete it. The History tab on the work item form maintains a full audit trail of all edited and deleted comments.
For on-premises Azure DevOps Server, configure an SMTP server for team members to receive notifications.
Add a reaction to a comment
Add one or more reactions to a comment by choosing a smiley icon at the upper-right corner of any comment. Choose from the icons at the bottom of a comment next to any existing reactions. To remove your reaction, choose the reaction on the bottom of your comment. The following image shows an example of the experience of adding a reaction, and the display of reactions on a comment.
Save a comment without saving the work item
This feature is available starting in Azure DevOps Server 2022.1.
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Plan, track, and discuss work across teams. Define and update issues, bugs, user stories, & other work with customizable Kanban, Scrum, and Agile tools.