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Being Scott Densmore

One Angry Coder

Custom Exception Handler Example: LocalizedReplaceHandler by TSHAK

Jam master TSHAK has a cool article on how to build an Exception Handler. TSHAK really walks you...

Author: scottdensmore Date: 05/23/2005

A How-to for Geeks with Kids

Gary has a hilarious post about is life as a geek with kids. I know this all to well. Now playing:...

Author: scottdensmore Date: 05/17/2005

What is a Troop?

Now usually I watch the evil tube to escape reality (that is why I don’t get reality shows )....

Author: scottdensmore Date: 05/16/2005

Enterprise Library January 2005 Hands On Labs

Get ‘em while they are fresh! Hopefully they will help the masses out there! Now playing: 311...

Author: scottdensmore Date: 05/16/2005

Application Blocks on .NET Compact Framework

Straight from Sandy : For any of you patterns & practices fans that have always wanted...

Author: scottdensmore Date: 05/13/2005

Deploying Enterprise Library in Two Steps

It is amazing the things you find out in the wild. has a post on how to deploy...

Author: scottdensmore Date: 05/11/2005

First Community drop of the Composite UI Application Block

Congrats to the team for this Milestone. Go to the workspace and check out the Smart Client...

Author: scottdensmore Date: 05/11/2005

Enterprise Library V2 Roadmap - Follow up

First of all, thanks for everyones feedback on my last post. As edjez points out in his post, we...

Author: scottdensmore Date: 05/05/2005

Wojtek is Blogging!

You don’t know Wojtek? Go read his blog. This guy is super smart (and quite amusing ). Now...

Author: scottdensmore Date: 05/02/2005

Visual Studio Team Developer - Undocumented feature in Unit Testing

During my whirl-wind tour of Whidbey I am taking the ride using VSTD (there is a joke ther somewhere...

Author: scottdensmore Date: 04/29/2005

TDD Webcast on Thursday

Brad, Peter, Brian and myself will be doing a web cast on TDD. Sign up here and share in the magic....

Author: scottdensmore Date: 04/27/2005

Enterprise Library V2 Roadmap

I thought it might be nice to give everyone a little peak into what we are doing for V2 from the...

Author: scottdensmore Date: 04/27/2005

An Enterprise Library End-to-End Application

As I sit here looking at the beautiful blue sky in the Northwest behind my monitor, I looked over at...

Author: scottdensmore Date: 04/22/2005

Packaging Design and Architecture Guidance for Visual Studio

Now that I have your attention … Tom is going to be giving a new webcast on a new...

Author: scottdensmore Date: 04/20/2005

More on Enterprise Library Unit Tests

Roy has a very interesting post on the unit tests that we shipped. This is the kind of feedback we...

Author: scottdensmore Date: 04/11/2005

Patch 1475 for Enterprise Library 1.0

Well here we are again . For those of you who remember, I made a post a while back about events and...

Author: scottdensmore Date: 04/11/2005

We want to know what you think about our Unit Tests?

We have a sight up for your feedback here. Please fill out the survey so you can help drive our...

Author: scottdensmore Date: 04/08/2005

How to setup and run our Unit Tests

Brian Button has the definitive directions on how to run the unit tests in Enterprise Library here.

Author: scottdensmore Date: 04/08/2005

The Delta Lounge

If you have listened to any of the web casts that we have done, you might have heard me mention the...

Author: scottdensmore Date: 03/30/2005

Enterprise Library Configuration Console Module Generator

I know the authoring experience for Enterprise Library can be better. We are already working on that...

Author: scottdensmore Date: 03/24/2005

Enteprise Library : Cryptography Web cast today

Come listen to us today (it is fun). Register at Now playing: The Cult - Sun...

Author: scottdensmore Date: 03/22/2005

A New Addition to the Enterprise Library Family - App Updater 2.0

I must apologise to my fellow p&p’rs (ok say that really fast and not laugh). While not an...

Author: scottdensmore Date: 03/17/2005

An easier way to register the Assemblies' Instrumentation In Enterprise Library

I know that we have a link on the start menu to run the batch file that registers all the assemblies...

Author: scottdensmore Date: 03/17/2005

Enterprise Library from the Big Boss

Wow! Even Soma is blogging about Enterprise Library. Now playing: The Crystal Method - Cherry Twist

Author: scottdensmore Date: 03/15/2005

Enterprise Library - Hands on Labs

For those of you who have been watching the web casts, thanks. Ron has been awesome to work with and...

Author: scottdensmore Date: 03/15/2005

Enterprise Library and .NET 2.0

What can I say… it doesn’t work all that well right now (of course we never intended it...

Author: scottdensmore Date: 03/15/2005

Log4Net vs Logging & Instrumentation in Enterprise Library

I know a lot of people have heard about the discussion between log4net and the Logging Block in...

Author: scottdensmore Date: 03/15/2005

Enterprise Library Community

As I sit here in a ~54US a share coffee house (hopefully will be having a 2 for 1 sell soon), I am...

Author: scottdensmore Date: 03/09/2005

Data Access Web Cast

Thanks for all those who attened. Just wanted to make an update to my stumble on the Parameter...

Author: scottdensmore Date: 03/09/2005

Cool Extension to the Configuration Tool in Enterprise Library

Another thing I thought I would never see… Olaf created a pretty creative way of extending...

Author: scottdensmore Date: 03/04/2005

Enterprise Library's Unit Tests

Peter asked an interesting question that I am would love to know the answer from you. What do you...

Author: scottdensmore Date: 03/04/2005

Enterprise Library : Configuration Part 1.1.3 - ConfigurationContext

Last week I did a podcast (why do we call it that when we use the WMA format?) with Ron Jacobs on...

Author: scottdensmore Date: 03/01/2005

A New Patch Live on GDN

Another patch and examples for how to do Configuration Design is available on the workspace. This...

Author: scottdensmore Date: 03/01/2005

Enterprise Library Webcasts

Session Date Level Title Abstract Presenter(s) 1 3/3/2005 200 patterns & practices Live:...

Author: scottdensmore Date: 02/18/2005

Enterprise Library Instrumetation

Tom Hollander has a great post on Instrumentation in Enterprise Library. Instrumentation is...

Author: scottdensmore Date: 02/18/2005

Configuraiton Storage Providers - Smart Client vs Server

I have had a few questions on this issue so I thought I would post some random thoughts. On the...

Author: scottdensmore Date: 02/15/2005

Enterprise Library : Configuration Part 1.1.2 - Transformers

No we are not talking about the Autobots and Deceptecons. Transformers are objects that you can...

Author: scottdensmore Date: 02/09/2005

Public Apology to the Peeps

I did not get to VSLive if any of you could were looking. I hope I didn’t disappoint to many...

Author: scottdensmore Date: 02/08/2005

Enterprise Library Turbo

Interesting thread on how you can add a “turbo” charger to Enterprise Library. Since we...

Author: scottdensmore Date: 02/04/2005

Baz - The Logging Man

Baz is one of the developers from the Enterprise Library team. Baz worked on the Enterprise Library...

Author: scottdensmore Date: 02/04/2005

Enterprise Library : Configuration Part 1.1 - Cofiguration Runtime Overview

In my last post I tried to give a brief overview of Configuration. In this post I am going to go...

Author: scottdensmore Date: 02/01/2005

A String Resoure Tool for Enterprise Library

Martin has graciously created a string resource custom tool to work with the Enterprise Library...

Author: scottdensmore Date: 02/01/2005

String Resource Tool for Enterprise Library

As some of you may have noticed, we used a tool to generate all the resource files and classes to...

Author: scottdensmore Date: 01/29/2005

Enterprise Library Console Manifest File

In a post in the workspaces, someone noticed that we forgot to update the manifest file to match the...

Author: scottdensmore Date: 01/29/2005

Enterprise Library as Non Admin

Peter and Robert posted that you will have few problems when running as a non-admin. I do all of my...

Author: scottdensmore Date: 01/29/2005

Enterprise Library Is Live - Go Download

Wahoooo… your all clear kid… now go download and have fun! Just one thing… it...

Author: scottdensmore Date: 01/28/2005

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