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Protected Properties and Methods

This topic lists the properties and methods in the Outlook object model that are protected by the Object Model Guard. If untrusted code performs a get on these properties or uses these methods, under default conditions for how Outlook is set up, it will invoke a security warning. Em seguida, o usuário terá de verificar e responder o aviso para poder continuar.

Há três avisos de segurança que podem ser invocados por um aplicativo não confiável, dependendo da propriedade ou do método protegidos usados pelo aplicativo:

  • The address book warning. This is the most common of the three security prompts. Unless marked otherwise, the properties and methods in the table below generate the address book warning.

  • The execute action warning. Properties and methods superscripted by 1 in the table below denote that they generate the execute action warning.

  • The send message warning. Properties and methods superscripted by 2 in the table below denote that they generate the send message warning.

For more information on security warnings, see Outlook Object Model Security Prompts.

Object Propriedades protegidas Métodos protegidos
Account CurrentUser, SmtpAddress GetAddressEntryFromID, GetRecipientFromID
Action Executar1
AddressEntries Add, GetFirst, GetLast, GetNext, GetPrevious, Item
AddressEntry Address, ID, Manager, Members, Parent, PropertyAccessor GetExchangeDistributionList, GetExchangeUser, Update
AddressList AddressEntries, ID, PropertyAccessor
AddressLists Item
AppointmentItem Body, OptionalAttendees, Organizer, PropertyAccessor, RequiredAttendees, Resources, RTFBody Respond2, SaveAs, Send2
Attachment PropertyAccessor
Compartilhamento de calendários SaveAsICal
Columns Adicionar
Item de contato Corpo, Email1Address, Email1AddressType, Email1DisplayName, Email1EntryID, Email2AddressType, Email2DisplayName, Email2EntryID, Email3Address, Email3AddressType, Email3DisplayName, Email3EntryID, IMAddress, NetMeetingAlias, PropertyAccessor, ReferredBy, RTFBody SaveAs
Lista de item Dist. Body, PropertyAccessor, RTFBody GetMember, SaveAs
Item de documento Body, PropertyAccessor
ExchangeDistributionList Address, Alias, ID, Parent, PrimarySmtpAddress, PropertyAccessor GetExchangeDistributionList, GetExchangeUser, GetMemberOfList, GetExchangeDistributionListMembers, GetOwners, Update
ExchangeUser Address, Alias, ID, Parent, PrimarySmtpAddress, PropertyAccessor GetDirectReports, GetExchangeDistributionList, GetExchangeUser, GetExchangeUserManager, GetMemberOfList, Update
Folder GetCalendarExporter, PropertyAccessor
Inspector HTMLEditor, WordEditor
ItemProperties Qualquer propriedade protegida de um item
Item de diário Body, ContactNames, PropertyAccessor SaveAs
Item de Email Bcc, Body, Cc, HTMLBody, PropertyAccessor, ReceivedByName, ReceivedOnBehalfOfName, Recipients, ReplyRecipientNames, RTFBody, Sender, SenderEmailAddress, SenderEmailType, SenderName, SentOnBehalfOfName, To SaveAs, Send2
Item de reunião Body, PropertyAccessor, Recipients, RTFBody, SenderName SaveAs
Item de celular Body, HTMLBody, PropertyAccessor, ReceivedByName, Recipients, ReplyRecipientNames, SenderEmailAddress, SenderEmailType, SenderName, SMILBody, To SaveAs, Send2
Namespace CurrentUser, SelectNamesDialog GetAddressEntryFromID, GetRecipientFromID
Item de nota Body, PropertyAccessor
Item de postagem Body, HTMLBody, PropertyAccessor, RTFBody, SenderName SaveAs
Recipiente Qualquer propriedade Qualquer método
Destinatários Qualquer propriedade Qualquer método
RemoteItem Body, PropertyAccessor
Reportar Item Body, PropertyAccessor
SelectNamesDialog Recipients
SharingItem Bcc, Body, Cc, HTMLBody, PropertyAccessor, ReceivedByName, ReceivedOnBehalfOfName, ReplyRecipientNames, RTFBody, SenderEmailAddress, SenderEmailType, SenderName, SendOnBehalfOfName, To Permitir, SalvarAs, Enviar2
StorageItem Body, PropertyAccessor
Repositório PropertyAccessor
Item de tarefa Body, ContactNames, Contacts, Delegator, Owner, PropertyAccessor, RTFBody, StatusOnCompletionRecipients, StatusUpdateRecipients SaveAs, Send2
Item de solicitação de tarefa aceita Body, PropertyAccessor, RTFBody
Item de solicitação de tarefa negada Body, PropertyAccessor, RTFBody
Item de solicitação de tarefa Body, PropertyAccessor, RTFBody
Item de solicitação de tarefa atualizada Body, PropertyAccessor, RTFBody
UserProperties Localizar
UserProperty Fórmula


[!OBSERVAçãO] UserProperties.Find is protected if the property being requested is one of the built-in properties that contains address information. If you ask for a custom property or a property like Subject that doesn't contain address information, a prompt will not be displayed.

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