Use advance techniques in canvas apps to perform custom updates and optimization - Training
Use advance techniques in canvas apps to perform custom updates and optimization
อัปเกรดเป็น Microsoft Edge เพื่อใช้ประโยชน์จากคุณลักษณะล่าสุด เช่น การอัปเดตความปลอดภัยและการสนับสนุนด้านเทคนิค
Overview of the Windows Multimedia technology.
To develop Windows Multimedia, you need these headers:
For programming guidance for this technology, see:
acmDriverAdd The acmDriverAdd function (msacm.h) adds a driver to the list of available ACM drivers. (acmDriverAddW) |
acmDriverAddA The acmDriverAdd function adds a driver to the list of available ACM drivers. (acmDriverAddA) |
acmDriverAddW The acmDriverAddW (Unicode) function (msacm.h) adds a driver to the list of available ACM drivers. (acmDriverAddW) |
acmDriverClose The acmDriverClose function closes a previously opened ACM driver instance. If the function is successful, the handle is invalidated. |
acmDriverDetails The acmDriverDetails function (msacm.h) queries a specified ACM driver to determine its capabilities. (acmDriverDetailsW) |
acmDriverDetailsA The acmDriverDetails function queries a specified ACM driver to determine its capabilities. (acmDriverDetailsA) |
acmDriverDetailsW The acmDriverDetails (Unicode) function queries a specified ACM driver to determine its capabilities. (acmDriverDetailsW) |
acmDriverEnum The acmDriverEnum function enumerates the available ACM drivers, continuing until there are no more drivers or the callback function returns FALSE. |
ACMDRIVERENUMCB The acmDriverEnumCallback function specifies a callback function used with the acmDriverEnum function. The acmDriverEnumCallback name is a placeholder for an application-defined function name. |
acmDriverID The acmDriverID function returns the handle of an ACM driver identifier associated with an open ACM driver instance or stream handle. |
acmDriverMessage The acmDriverMessage function sends a user-defined message to a given ACM driver instance. |
acmDriverOpen The acmDriverOpen function opens the specified ACM driver and returns a driver instance handle that can be used to communicate with the driver. |
acmDriverPriority The acmDriverPriority function modifies the priority and state of an ACM driver. |
ACMDRIVERPROC The acmDriverProc function specifies a callback function used with the ACM driver. |
acmDriverRemove The acmDriverRemove function removes an ACM driver from the list of available ACM drivers. The driver will be removed for the calling application only. If the driver is globally installed, other applications will still be able to use it. |
acmFilterChoose The acmFilterChoose function creates an ACM-defined dialog box that enables the user to select a waveform-audio filter. |
acmFilterChooseA The acmFilterChoose function creates an ACM-defined dialog box that enables the user to select a waveform-audio filter. (acmFilterChooseA) |
ACMFILTERCHOOSEHOOKPROC The acmFilterChooseHookProc function specifies a user-defined function that hooks the acmFilterChoose dialog box. |
acmFilterChooseW The acmFilterChoose (Unicode) function creates an ACM-defined dialog box that enables the user to select a waveform-audio filter. (acmFilterChooseW) |
acmFilterDetails The acmFilterDetails function queries the ACM for details about a filter with a specific waveform-audio filter tag. |
acmFilterDetailsA The acmFilterDetails function queries the ACM for details about a filter with a specific waveform-audio filter tag. (acmFilterDetailsA) |
acmFilterDetailsW The acmFilterDetails (Unicode) function queries the ACM for details about a filter with a specific waveform-audio filter tag. (acmFilterDetailsW) |
acmFilterEnum The acmFilterEnum function enumerates waveform-audio filters available for a given filter tag from an ACM driver. This function continues enumerating until there are no more suitable filters for the filter tag or the callback function returns FALSE. |
acmFilterEnumA The acmFilterEnum function enumerates waveform-audio filters available for a given filter tag from an ACM driver. This function continues enumerating until there are no more suitable filters for the filter tag or the callback function returns FALSE. (acmFilterEnumA) |
ACMFILTERENUMCB The ACMFILTERENUMCB callback function specifies a callback function used with the acmFilterEnum function. |
ACMFILTERENUMCBA The acmFilterEnumCallback function specifies a callback function used with the acmFilterEnum function. The acmFilterEnumCallback name is a placeholder for an application-defined function name. (ACMFILTERENUMCBA) |
ACMFILTERENUMCBW The ACMFILTERENUMCBW (Unicode) callback function specifies a callback function used with the acmFilterEnum function. |
acmFilterEnumW The acmFilterEnum (Unicode) function enumerates waveform-audio filters available for a given filter tag from an ACM driver. This function continues enumerating until there are no more suitable filters for the filter tag or the callback function returns FALSE. (acmFilterEnumW) |
acmFilterTagDetails The acmFilterTagDetails function queries the ACM for details about a specific waveform-audio filter tag. |
acmFilterTagDetailsA The acmFilterTagDetails function queries the ACM for details about a specific waveform-audio filter tag. (acmFilterTagDetailsA) |
acmFilterTagDetailsW The acmFilterTagDetails (Unicode) function queries the ACM for details about a specific waveform-audio filter tag. (acmFilterTagDetailsW) |
acmFilterTagEnum The acmFilterTagEnum function enumerates waveform-audio filter tags available from an ACM driver. This function continues enumerating until there are no more suitable filter tags or the callback function returns FALSE. |
acmFilterTagEnumA The acmFilterTagEnum function enumerates waveform-audio filter tags available from an ACM driver. This function continues enumerating until there are no more suitable filter tags or the callback function returns FALSE. (acmFilterTagEnumA) |
ACMFILTERTAGENUMCB The ACMFILTERTAGENUMCB callback function specifies a callback function used with the acmFilterTagEnum function. |
ACMFILTERTAGENUMCBA The acmFilterTagEnumCallback function specifies a callback function used with the acmFilterTagEnum function. The acmFilterTagEnumCallback function name is a placeholder for an application-defined function name. (ACMFILTERTAGENUMCBA) |
ACMFILTERTAGENUMCBW The ACMFILTERTAGENUMCBW (Unicode) callback function specifies a callback function used with the acmFilterTagEnum function. |
acmFilterTagEnumW The acmFilterTagEnum (Unicode) function enumerates waveform-audio filter tags available from an ACM driver. This function continues enumerating until there are no more suitable filter tags or the callback function returns FALSE. (acmFilterTagEnumW) |
acmFormatChoose The acmFormatChoose function creates an ACM-defined dialog box that enables the user to select a waveform-audio format. |
acmFormatChooseA The acmFormatChoose function creates an ACM-defined dialog box that enables the user to select a waveform-audio format. (acmFormatChooseA) |
ACMFORMATCHOOSEHOOKPROC The acmFormatChooseHookProc function specifies a user-defined function that hooks the acmFormatChoose dialog box. The acmFormatChooseHookProc name is a placeholder for an application-defined name. |
acmFormatChooseW The acmFormatChoose (Unicode) function creates an ACM-defined dialog box that enables the user to select a waveform-audio format. (acmFormatChooseW) |
acmFormatDetails The acmFormatDetails function queries the ACM for format details for a specific waveform-audio format tag. |
acmFormatDetailsA The acmFormatDetails function queries the ACM for format details for a specific waveform-audio format tag. (acmFormatDetailsA) |
acmFormatDetailsW The acmFormatDetails (Unicode) function queries the ACM for format details for a specific waveform-audio format tag. (acmFormatDetailsW) |
acmFormatEnum The acmFormatEnum function enumerates waveform-audio formats available for a given format tag from an ACM driver. This function continues enumerating until there are no more suitable formats for the format tag or the callback function returns FALSE. |
acmFormatEnumA The acmFormatEnum function enumerates waveform-audio formats available for a given format tag from an ACM driver. This function continues enumerating until there are no more suitable formats for the format tag or the callback function returns FALSE. (acmFormatEnumA) |
ACMFORMATENUMCB The ACMFORMATENUMCB callback function specifies a callback function used with the acmFormatEnum function. |
ACMFORMATENUMCBA The acmFormatEnumCallback function specifies a callback function used with the acmFormatEnum function. The acmFormatEnumCallback name is a placeholder for the application-defined function name. (ACMFORMATENUMCBA) |
ACMFORMATENUMCBW The ACMFORMATENUMCBW (Unicode) callback function specifies a callback function used with the acmFormatEnum function. |
acmFormatEnumW The acmFormatEnum (Unicode) function enumerates waveform-audio formats available for a given format tag from an ACM driver. This function continues enumerating until there are no more suitable formats for the format tag or the callback function returns FALSE. (acmFormatEnumW) |
acmFormatSuggest The acmFormatSuggest function queries the ACM or a specified ACM driver to suggest a destination format for the supplied source format. |
acmFormatTagDetails The acmFormatTagDetails function queries the ACM for details on a specific waveform-audio format tag. |
acmFormatTagDetailsA The acmFormatTagDetails function queries the ACM for details on a specific waveform-audio format tag. (acmFormatTagDetailsA) |
acmFormatTagDetailsW The acmFormatTagDetails (Unicode) function queries the ACM for details on a specific waveform-audio format tag. (acmFormatTagDetailsW) |
acmFormatTagEnum The acmFormatTagEnum function enumerates waveform-audio format tags available from an ACM driver. This function continues enumerating until there are no more suitable format tags or the callback function returns FALSE. |
acmFormatTagEnumA The acmFormatTagEnum function enumerates waveform-audio format tags available from an ACM driver. This function continues enumerating until there are no more suitable format tags or the callback function returns FALSE. (acmFormatTagEnumA) |
ACMFORMATTAGENUMCB The ACMFORMATTAGENUMCB callback function specifies a callback function used with the acmFormatTagEnum function. |
ACMFORMATTAGENUMCBA The acmFormatTagEnumCallback function specifies a callback function used with the acmFormatTagEnum function. The acmFormatTagEnumCallback name is a placeholder for an application-defined function name. (ACMFORMATTAGENUMCBA) |
ACMFORMATTAGENUMCBW The ACMFORMATTAGENUMCBW (Unicode) callback function specifies a callback function used with the acmFormatTagEnum function. |
acmFormatTagEnumW The acmFormatTagEnum (Unicode) function enumerates waveform-audio format tags available from an ACM driver. This function continues enumerating until there are no more suitable format tags or the callback function returns FALSE. (acmFormatTagEnumW) |
acmGetVersion The acmGetVersion function returns the version number of the ACM. |
acmMetrics The acmMetrics function returns various metrics for the ACM or related ACM objects. |
acmStreamClose The acmStreamClose function closes an ACM conversion stream. If the function is successful, the handle is invalidated. |
acmStreamConvert The acmStreamConvert function requests the ACM to perform a conversion on the specified conversion stream. A conversion may be synchronous or asynchronous, depending on how the stream was opened. |
acmStreamMessage The acmStreamMessage function sends a driver-specific message to an ACM driver. |
acmStreamOpen The acmStreamOpen function opens an ACM conversion stream. Conversion streams are used to convert data from one specified audio format to another. |
acmStreamPrepareHeader The acmStreamPrepareHeader function prepares an ACMSTREAMHEADER structure for an ACM stream conversion. |
acmStreamReset The acmStreamReset function stops conversions for a given ACM stream. All pending buffers are marked as done and returned to the application. |
acmStreamSize The acmStreamSize function returns a recommended size for a source or destination buffer on an ACM stream. |
acmStreamUnprepareHeader The acmStreamUnprepareHeader function cleans up the preparation performed by the acmStreamPrepareHeader function for an ACM stream. |
auxGetDevCaps The auxGetDevCaps function (mmeapi.h) retrieves the capabilities of a given auxiliary output device. |
auxGetDevCapsA The auxGetDevCaps function retrieves the capabilities of a given auxiliary output device. (auxGetDevCapsA) |
auxGetDevCapsW The auxGetDevCapsW (Unicode) function (mmeapi.h) retrieves the capabilities of a given auxiliary output device. |
auxGetNumDevs The auxGetNumDevs function retrieves the number of auxiliary output devices present in the system. |
auxGetVolume The auxGetVolume function retrieves the current volume setting of the specified auxiliary output device. |
auxOutMessage The auxOutMessage function sends a message to the given auxiliary output device. This function also performs error checking on the device identifier passed as part of the message. |
auxSetVolume The auxSetVolume function sets the volume of the specified auxiliary output device. |
AVIBuildFilterA The AVIBuildFilter function builds a filter specification that is subsequently used by the GetOpenFileName or GetSaveFileName function. (ANSI) |
AVIBuildFilterW The AVIBuildFilter function builds a filter specification that is subsequently used by the GetOpenFileName or GetSaveFileName function. (Unicode) |
AVIClearClipboard The AVIClearClipboard function removes an AVI file from the clipboard. |
AVIFileAddRef The AVIFileAddRef function increments the reference count of an AVI file. |
AVIFileCreateStream The AVIFileCreateStream function (vfw.h) creates a new stream in an existing file and creates an interface to the new stream. |
AVIFileCreateStreamA The AVIFileCreateStream function creates a new stream in an existing file and creates an interface to the new stream. (AVIFileCreateStreamA) |
AVIFileCreateStreamW The AVIFileCreateStreamW (Unicode) function (vfw.h) creates a new stream in an existing file and creates an interface to the new stream. |
AVIFileEndRecord The AVIFileEndRecord function marks the end of a record when writing an interleaved file that uses a 1:1 interleave factor of video to audio data. (Each frame of video is interspersed with an equivalent amount of audio data.). |
AVIFileExit The AVIFileExit function exits the AVIFile library and decrements the reference count for the library. |
AVIFileGetStream The AVIFileGetStream function returns the address of a stream interface that is associated with a specified AVI file. |
AVIFileInfo The AVIFileInfo function (vfw.h) obtains information about an AVI file. |
AVIFileInfoA The AVIFileInfo function obtains information about an AVI file. (AVIFileInfoA) |
AVIFileInfoW The AVIFileInfoW function (vfw.h) obtains information about an AVI file. |
AVIFileInit The AVIFileInit function initializes the AVIFile library. |
AVIFileOpen The AVIFileOpen function (vfw.h) opens an AVI file and returns the address of a file interface used to access it. |
AVIFileOpenA The AVIFileOpen function opens an AVI file and returns the address of a file interface used to access it. (AVIFileOpenA) |
AVIFileOpenW The AVIFileOpenW function (vfw.h) opens an AVI file and returns the address of a file interface used to access it. |
AVIFileReadData The AVIFileReadData function reads optional header data that applies to the entire file, such as author or copyright information. |
AVIFileRelease The AVIFileRelease function decrements the reference count of an AVI file interface handle and closes the file if the count reaches zero. |
AVIFileWriteData The AVIFileWriteData function writes supplementary data (other than normal header, format, and stream data) to the file. |
AVIGetFromClipboard The AVIGetFromClipboard function copies an AVI file from the clipboard. |
AVIMakeCompressedStream The AVIMakeCompressedStream function creates a compressed stream from an uncompressed stream and a compression filter, and returns the address of a pointer to the compressed stream. This function supports audio and video compression. |
AVIMakeFileFromStreams The AVIMakeFileFromStreams function constructs an AVIFile interface pointer from separate streams. |
AVIMakeStreamFromClipboard The AVIMakeStreamFromClipboard function creates an editable stream from stream data on the clipboard. |
AVIPutFileOnClipboard The AVIPutFileOnClipboard function copies an AVI file to the clipboard. |
AVISaveA The AVISave function builds a file by combining data streams from other files or from memory. (ANSI) |
AVISaveOptions The AVISaveOptions function retrieves the save options for a file and returns them in a buffer. |
AVISaveOptionsFree The AVISaveOptionsFree function frees the resources allocated by the AVISaveOptions function. |
AVISaveVA The AVISaveV function builds a file by combining data streams from other files or from memory. (ANSI) |
AVISaveVW The AVISaveV function builds a file by combining data streams from other files or from memory. (Unicode) |
AVISaveW The AVISave function builds a file by combining data streams from other files or from memory. (Unicode) |
AVIStreamAddRef The AVIStreamAddRef function increments the reference count of an AVI stream. |
AVIStreamBeginStreaming The AVIStreamBeginStreaming function specifies the parameters used in streaming and lets a stream handler prepare for streaming. |
AVIStreamCreate The AVIStreamCreate function creates a stream not associated with any file. |
AVIStreamDataSize The AVIStreamDataSize macro determines the buffer size, in bytes, needed to retrieve optional header data for a specified stream. |
AVIStreamEnd The AVIStreamEnd macro calculates the sample associated with the end of a stream. |
AVIStreamEndStreaming The AVIStreamEndStreaming function ends streaming. |
AVIStreamEndTime The AVIStreamEndTime macro returns the time representing the end of the stream. |
AVIStreamFindSample The AVIStreamFindSample function returns the position of a sample (key frame, nonempty frame, or a frame containing a format change) relative to the specified position. |
AVIStreamFormatSize The AVIStreamFormatSize macro determines the buffer size, in bytes, needed to store format information for a sample in a stream. |
AVIStreamGetFrame The AVIStreamGetFrame function returns the address of a decompressed video frame. |
AVIStreamGetFrameClose The AVIStreamGetFrameClose function releases resources used to decompress video frames. |
AVIStreamGetFrameOpen The AVIStreamGetFrameOpen function prepares to decompress video frames from the specified video stream. |
AVIStreamInfoA The AVIStreamInfo function obtains stream header information. (ANSI) |
AVIStreamInfoW The AVIStreamInfo function obtains stream header information. (Unicode) |
AVIStreamIsKeyFrame The AVIStreamIsKeyFrame macro indicates whether a sample in a specified stream is a key frame. |
AVIStreamLength The AVIStreamLength function returns the length of the stream. |
AVIStreamLengthTime The AVIStreamLengthTime macro returns the length of a stream in time. |
AVIStreamNearestKeyFrame The AVIStreamNearestKeyFrame macro locates the key frame at or preceding a specified position in a stream. |
AVIStreamNearestKeyFrameTime The AVIStreamNearestKeyFrameTime macro determines the time corresponding to the beginning of the key frame nearest (at or preceding) a specified time in a stream. |
AVIStreamNearestSample The AVIStreamNearestSample macro locates the nearest nonempty sample at or preceding a specified position in a stream. |
AVIStreamNearestSampleTime The AVIStreamNearestSampleTime macro determines the time corresponding to the beginning of a sample that is nearest to a specified time in a stream. |
AVIStreamNextKeyFrame The AVIStreamNextKeyFrame macro locates the next key frame following a specified position in a stream. |
AVIStreamNextKeyFrameTime The AVIStreamNextKeyFrameTime macro returns the time of the next key frame in the stream, starting at a given time. |
AVIStreamNextSample The AVIStreamNextSample macro locates the next nonempty sample from a specified position in a stream. |
AVIStreamNextSampleTime The AVIStreamNextSampleTime macro returns the time that a sample changes to the next sample in the stream. This macro finds the next interesting time in a stream. |
AVIStreamOpenFromFileA The AVIStreamOpenFromFile function opens a single stream from a file. (ANSI) |
AVIStreamOpenFromFileW The AVIStreamOpenFromFile function opens a single stream from a file. (Unicode) |
AVIStreamPrevKeyFrame The AVIStreamPrevKeyFrame macro locates the key frame that precedes a specified position in a stream. |
AVIStreamPrevKeyFrameTime The AVIStreamPrevKeyFrameTime macro returns the time of the previous key frame in the stream, starting at a given time. |
AVIStreamPrevSample The AVIStreamPrevSample macro locates the nearest nonempty sample that precedes a specified position in a stream. |
AVIStreamPrevSampleTime The AVIStreamPrevSampleTime macro determines the time of the nearest nonempty sample that precedes a specified time in a stream. |
AVIStreamRead The AVIStreamRead function reads audio, video or other data from a stream according to the stream type. |
AVIStreamReadData The AVIStreamReadData function reads optional header data from a stream. |
AVIStreamReadFormat The AVIStreamReadFormat function reads the stream format data. |
AVIStreamRelease The AVIStreamRelease function decrements the reference count of an AVI stream interface handle, and closes the stream if the count reaches zero. |
AVIStreamSampleSize The AVIStreamRelease macro determines the size of the buffer needed to store one sample of information from a stream. The size corresponds to the sample at the position specified by lPos. |
AVIStreamSampleToSample The AVIStreamSampleToSample macro returns the sample in a stream that occurs at the same time as a sample that occurs in a second stream. |
AVIStreamSampleToTime The AVIStreamSampleToTime function converts a stream position from samples to milliseconds. |
AVIStreamSetFormat The AVIStreamSetFormat function sets the format of a stream at the specified position. |
AVIStreamStart The AVIStreamStart function returns the starting sample number for the stream. |
AVIStreamStartTime The AVIStreamStartTime macro returns the starting time of a stream's first sample. |
AVIStreamTimeToSample The AVIStreamTimeToSample function converts from milliseconds to samples. |
AVIStreamWrite The AVIStreamWrite function writes data to a stream. |
AVIStreamWriteData The AVIStreamWriteData function writes optional header information to the stream. |
Begin The Begin method prepares for the streaming operation. Called when an application uses the AVIStreamBeginStreaming function. |
Begin The Begin method prepares to extract and decompress copies of frames from a stream. Called when an application uses the AVIStreamGetFrameOpen function. |
capCaptureAbort The capCaptureAbort macro stops the capture operation. You can use this macro or explicitly send the WM_CAP_ABORT message. |
capCaptureGetSetup The capCaptureGetSetup macro retrieves the current settings of the streaming capture parameters. You can use this macro or explicitly send the WM_CAP_GET_SEQUENCE_SETUP message. |
capCaptureSequence The capCaptureSequence macro initiates streaming video and audio capture to a file. You can use this macro or explicitly send the WM_CAP_SEQUENCE message. |
capCaptureSequenceNoFile The capCaptureSequenceNoFile macro initiates streaming video capture without writing data to a file. You can use this macro or explicitly send the WM_CAP_SEQUENCE_NOFILE message. |
capCaptureSetSetup The capCaptureSetSetup macro sets the configuration parameters used with streaming capture. You can use this macro or explicitly send the WM_CAP_SET_SEQUENCE_SETUP message. |
capCaptureSingleFrame The capCaptureSingleFrame macro appends a single frame to a capture file that was opened using the capCaptureSingleFrameOpen macro. You can use this macro or explicitly send the WM_CAP_SINGLE_FRAME message. |
capCaptureSingleFrameClose The capCaptureSingleFrameClose macro closes the capture file opened by the capCaptureSingleFrameOpen macro. You can use this macro or explicitly send the WM_CAP_SINGLE_FRAME_CLOSE message. |
capCaptureSingleFrameOpen The capCaptureSingleFrameOpen macro opens the capture file for single-frame capturing. Any previous information in the capture file is overwritten. You can use this macro or explicitly send the WM_CAP_SINGLE_FRAME_OPEN message. |
capCaptureStop The capCaptureStop macro stops the capture operation. You can use this macro or explicitly send the WM_CAP_STOP message. |
CAPCONTROLCALLBACK The capControlCallback function is the callback function used for precision control to begin and end streaming capture. The name capControlCallback is a placeholder for the application-supplied function name. |
capCreateCaptureWindowA The capCreateCaptureWindow function creates a capture window. (ANSI) |
capCreateCaptureWindowW The capCreateCaptureWindow function creates a capture window. (Unicode) |
capDlgVideoCompression The capDlgVideoCompression macro displays a dialog box in which the user can select a compressor to use during the capture process. |
capDlgVideoDisplay The capDlgVideoDisplay macro displays a dialog box in which the user can set or adjust the video output. |
capDlgVideoFormat The capDlgVideoFormat macro displays a dialog box in which the user can select the video format. |
capDlgVideoSource The capDlgVideoSource macro displays a dialog box in which the user can control the video source. |
capDriverConnect The capDriverConnect macro connects a capture window to a capture driver. You can use this macro or explicitly send the WM_CAP_DRIVER_CONNECT message. |
capDriverDisconnect The capDriverDisconnect macro disconnects a capture driver from a capture window. You can use this macro or explicitly send the WM_CAP_DRIVER_DISCONNECT message. |
capDriverGetCaps The capDriverGetCaps macro returns the hardware capabilities of the capture driver currently connected to a capture window. You can use this macro or explicitly send the WM_CAP_DRIVER_GET_CAPS message. |
capDriverGetName The capDriverGetName macro returns the name of the capture driver connected to the capture window. You can use this macro or explicitly call the WM_CAP_DRIVER_GET_NAME message. |
capDriverGetVersion The capDriverGetVersion macro returns the version information of the capture driver connected to a capture window. You can use this macro or explicitly send the WM_CAP_DRIVER_GET_VERSION message. |
capEditCopy The capEditCopy macro copies the contents of the video frame buffer and associated palette to the clipboard. You can use this macro or explicitly send the WM_CAP_EDIT_COPY message. |
CAPERRORCALLBACKA The capErrorCallback function is the error callback function used with video capture. The name capErrorCallback is a placeholder for the application-supplied function name. (ANSI) |
CAPERRORCALLBACKW The capErrorCallback function is the error callback function used with video capture. The name capErrorCallback is a placeholder for the application-supplied function name. (Unicode) |
capFileAlloc The capFileAlloc macro creates (preallocates) a capture file of a specified size. You can use this macro or explicitly send the WM_CAP_FILE_ALLOCATE message. |
capFileGetCaptureFile The capFileGetCaptureFile macro returns the name of the current capture file. You can use this macro or explicitly call the WM_CAP_FILE_GET_CAPTURE_FILE message. |
capFileSaveAs The capFileSaveAs macro copies the contents of the capture file to another file. You can use this macro or explicitly call the WM_CAP_FILE_SAVEAS message. |
capFileSaveDIB The capFileSaveDIB macro copies the current frame to a DIB file. You can use this macro or explicitly call the WM_CAP_FILE_SAVEDIB message. |
capFileSetCaptureFile The capFileSetCaptureFile macro names the file used for video capture. You can use this macro or explicitly call the WM_CAP_FILE_SET_CAPTURE_FILE message. |
capFileSetInfoChunk The capFileSetInfoChunk macro sets and clears information chunks. Information chunks can be inserted in an AVI file during capture to embed text strings or custom data. You can use this macro or explicitly call the WM_CAP_FILE_SET_INFOCHUNK message. |
capGetAudioFormat The capGetAudioFormat macro obtains the audio format. You can use this macro or explicitly call the WM_CAP_GET_AUDIOFORMAT message. |
capGetAudioFormatSize The capGetAudioFormatSize macro obtains the size of the audio format. You can use this macro or explicitly call the WM_CAP_GET_AUDIOFORMAT message. |
capGetDriverDescriptionA The capGetDriverDescription function retrieves the version description of the capture driver. (ANSI) |
capGetDriverDescriptionW The capGetDriverDescription function retrieves the version description of the capture driver. (Unicode) |
capGetMCIDeviceName The capGetMCIDeviceName macro retrieves the name of an MCI device previously set with the capSetMCIDeviceName macro. You can use this macro or explicitly call the WM_CAP_GET_MCI_DEVICE message. |
capGetStatus The capGetStatus macro retrieves the status of the capture window. You can use this macro or explicitly call the WM_CAP_GET_STATUS message. |
capGetUserData The capGetUserData macro retrieves a LONG_PTR data value associated with a capture window. You can use this macro or explicitly call the WM_CAP_GET_USER_DATA message. |
capGetVideoFormat The capGetVideoFormat macro retrieves a copy of the video format in use. You can use this macro or explicitly call the WM_CAP_GET_VIDEOFORMAT message. |
capGetVideoFormatSize The capGetVideoFormatSize macro retrieves the size required for the video format. You can use this macro or explicitly call the WM_CAP_GET_VIDEOFORMAT message. |
capGrabFrame The capGrabFrame macro retrieves and displays a single frame from the capture driver. After capture, overlay and preview are disabled. You can use this macro or explicitly call the WM_CAP_GRAB_FRAME message. |
capGrabFrameNoStop The capGrabFrameNoStop macro fills the frame buffer with a single uncompressed frame from the capture device and displays it. |
capOverlay The capOverlay macro enables or disables overlay mode. In overlay mode, video is displayed using hardware overlay. You can use this macro or explicitly call the WM_CAP_SET_OVERLAY message. |
capPaletteAuto The capPaletteAuto macro requests that the capture driver sample video frames and automatically create a new palette. You can use this macro or explicitly call the WM_CAP_PAL_AUTOCREATE message. |
capPaletteManual The capPaletteManual macro requests that the capture driver manually sample video frames and create a new palette. You can use this macro or explicitly call the WM_CAP_PAL_MANUALCREATE message. |
capPaletteOpen The capPaletteOpen macro loads a new palette from a palette file and passes it to a capture driver. |
capPalettePaste The capPalettePaste macro copies the palette from the clipboard and passes it to a capture driver. You can use this macro or explicitly call the WM_CAP_PAL_PASTE message. |
capPaletteSave The capPaletteSave macro saves the current palette to a palette file. Palette files typically use the filename extension .PAL. You can use this macro or explicitly send the WM_CAP_PAL_SAVE message. |
capPreview The capPreview macro enables or disables preview mode. |
capPreviewRate The capPreviewRate macro sets the frame display rate in preview mode. You can use this macro or explicitly call the WM_CAP_SET_PREVIEWRATE message. |
capPreviewScale The capPreviewScale macro enables or disables scaling of the preview video images. |
capSetAudioFormat The capSetAudioFormat macro sets the audio format to use when performing streaming or step capture. You can use this macro or explicitly call the WM_CAP_SET_AUDIOFORMAT message. |
capSetCallbackOnCapControl The capSetCallbackOnCapControl macro sets a callback function in the application giving it precise recording control. You can use this macro or explicitly call the WM_CAP_SET_CALLBACK_CAPCONTROL message. |
capSetCallbackOnError The capSetCallbackOnError macro sets an error callback function in the client application. AVICap calls this procedure when errors occur. You can use this macro or explicitly call the WM_CAP_SET_CALLBACK_ERROR message. |
capSetCallbackOnFrame The capSetCallbackOnFrame macro sets a preview callback function in the application. AVICap calls this procedure when the capture window captures preview frames. You can use this macro or explicitly call the WM_CAP_SET_CALLBACK_FRAME message. |
capSetCallbackOnStatus The capSetCallbackOnStatus macro sets a status callback function in the application. AVICap calls this procedure whenever the capture window status changes. You can use this macro or explicitly call the WM_CAP_SET_CALLBACK_STATUS message. |
capSetCallbackOnVideoStream The capSetCallbackOnVideoStream macro sets a callback function in the application. AVICap calls this procedure during streaming capture when a video buffer is filled. You can use this macro or explicitly call the WM_CAP_SET_CALLBACK_VIDEOSTREAM message. |
capSetCallbackOnWaveStream The capSetCallbackOnWaveStream macro sets a callback function in the application. |
capSetCallbackOnYield The capSetCallbackOnYield macro sets a callback function in the application. AVICap calls this procedure when the capture window yields during streaming capture. You can use this macro or explicitly call the WM_CAP_SET_CALLBACK_YIELD message. |
capSetMCIDeviceName The capSetMCIDeviceName macro specifies the name of the MCI video device to be used to capture data. You can use this macro or explicitly call the WM_CAP_SET_MCI_DEVICE message. |
capSetScrollPos The capSetScrollPos macro defines the portion of the video frame to display in the capture window. |
capSetUserData The capSetUserData macro associates a LONG_PTR data value with a capture window. You can use this macro or explicitly call the WM_CAP_SET_USER_DATA message. |
capSetVideoFormat The capSetVideoFormat macro sets the format of captured video data. You can use this macro or explicitly call the WM_CAP_SET_VIDEOFORMAT message. |
CAPSTATUSCALLBACKA The capStatusCallback function is the status callback function used with video capture. The name capStatusCallback is a placeholder for the application-supplied function name. (ANSI) |
CAPSTATUSCALLBACKW The capStatusCallback function is the status callback function used with video capture. The name capStatusCallback is a placeholder for the application-supplied function name. (Unicode) |
CAPVIDEOCALLBACK The capVideoStreamCallback function is the callback function used with streaming capture to optionally process a frame of captured video. The name capVideoStreamCallback is a placeholder for the application-supplied function name. |
CAPWAVECALLBACK The capWaveStreamCallback function is the callback function used with streaming capture to optionally process buffers of audio data. The name capWaveStreamCallback is a placeholder for the application-supplied function name. |
CAPYIELDCALLBACK The capYieldCallback function is the yield callback function used with video capture. The name capYieldCallback is a placeholder for the application-supplied function name. |
Clone The Clone method duplicates a stream. Called when an application uses the EditStreamClone function. |
CloseDriver Closes an installable driver. |
Copy The Copy method copies a stream or a portion of it to a temporary stream. Called when an application uses the EditStreamCopy function. |
Create The Create method initializes a stream handler that is not associated with any file. Called when an application uses the AVIStreamCreate function. |
CreateEditableStream The CreateEditableStream function creates an editable stream. Use this function before using other stream editing functions. |
CreateStream The CreateStream method creates a stream for writing. Called when an application uses the AVIFileCreateStream function. |
Cut The Cut method removes a portion of a stream and places it in a temporary stream. Called when an application uses the EditStreamCut function. |
DefDriverProc Provides default processing for any messages not processed by an installable driver. This function is intended to be used only within the DriverProc function of an installable driver. (DefDriverProc) |
Delete The Delete method deletes data from a stream. |
DrawDibBegin The DrawDib function changes parameters of a DrawDib DC or initializes a new DrawDib DC. |
DrawDibChangePalette The DrawDibChangePalette function sets the palette entries used for drawing DIBs. |
DrawDibClose The DrawDibClose function closes a DrawDib DC and frees the resources DrawDib allocated for it. |
DrawDibDraw The DrawDibDraw function draws a DIB to the screen. |
DrawDibEnd The DrawDibEnd function clears the flags and other settings of a DrawDib DC that are set by the DrawDibBegin or DrawDibDraw functions. |
DrawDibGetBuffer The DrawDibGetBuffer function retrieves the location of the buffer used by DrawDib for decompression. |
DrawDibGetPalette The DrawDibGetPalette function retrieves the palette used by a DrawDib DC. |
DrawDibOpen The DrawDibOpen function opens the DrawDib library for use and creates a DrawDib DC for drawing. |
DrawDibProfileDisplay The DrawDibProfileDisplay function determines settings for the display system when using DrawDib functions. |
DrawDibRealize The DrawDibRealize function realizes the palette of the DrawDib DC for use with the specified DC. |
DrawDibSetPalette The DrawDibSetPalette function sets the palette used for drawing DIBs. |
DrawDibStart The DrawDibStart function prepares a DrawDib DC for streaming playback. |
DrawDibStop The DrawDibStop function frees the resources used by a DrawDib DC for streaming playback. |
DrawDibTime The DrawDibTime function retrieves timing information about the drawing operation and is used during debug operations. |
DrawDibUpdate The DrawDibUpdate macro draws the last frame in the DrawDib off-screen buffer. |
DriverCallback Calls a callback function, sends a message to a window, or unblocks a thread. The action depends on the value of the notification flag. This function is intended to be used only within the DriverProc function of an installable driver. |
DRIVERPROC Processes driver messages for the installable driver. DriverProc is a driver-supplied function. |
DrvDefDriverProc Provides default processing for any messages not processed by an installable driver. This function is intended to be used only within the DriverProc function of an installable driver.D |
DrvGetModuleHandle Retrieves the instance handle of the module that contains the installable driver. This function is provided for compatibility with previous versions of Windows. |
EditStreamClone The EditStreamClone function creates a duplicate editable stream. |
EditStreamCopy The EditStreamCopy function copies an editable stream (or a portion of it) into a temporary stream. |
EditStreamCut The EditStreamCut function deletes all or part of an editable stream and creates a temporary editable stream from the deleted portion of the stream. |
EditStreamPaste The EditStreamPaste function copies a stream (or a portion of it) from one stream and pastes it within another stream at a specified location. |
EditStreamSetInfoA The EditStreamSetInfo function changes characteristics of an editable stream. (ANSI) |
EditStreamSetInfoW The EditStreamSetInfo function changes characteristics of an editable stream. (Unicode) |
EditStreamSetNameA The EditStreamSetName function assigns a descriptive string to a stream. (ANSI) |
EditStreamSetNameW The EditStreamSetName function assigns a descriptive string to a stream. (Unicode) |
End The End method ends the streaming operation. Called when an application uses the AVIStreamEndStreaming function. |
End The End method ends frame extraction and decompression. Called when an application uses the AVIStreamGetFrameClose function. |
EndRecord The EndRecord method writes the "REC" chunk in a tightly interleaved AVI file (having a one-to-one interleave factor of audio to video). Called when an application uses the AVIFileEndRecord function. |
FindSample The FindSample method obtains the position in a stream of a key frame or a nonempty frame. Called when an application uses the AVIStreamFindSample function. |
GetDriverModuleHandle Retrieves the instance handle of the module that contains the installable driver. |
GetFrame The GetFrame method retrieves a decompressed copy of a frame from a stream. Called when an application uses the AVIStreamGetFrame function. |
GetOpenFileNamePreviewA The GetOpenFileNamePreview function selects a file by using the Open dialog box. The dialog box also allows the user to preview the currently specified AVI file. This function augments the capability found in the GetOpenFileName function. (ANSI) |
GetOpenFileNamePreviewW The GetOpenFileNamePreview function selects a file by using the Open dialog box. The dialog box also allows the user to preview the currently specified AVI file. This function augments the capability found in the GetOpenFileName function. (Unicode) |
GetSaveFileNamePreviewA The GetSaveFileNamePreview function selects a file by using the Save As dialog box. The dialog box also allows the user to preview the currently specified file. This function augments the capability found in the GetSaveFileName function. (ANSI) |
GetSaveFileNamePreviewW The GetSaveFileNamePreview function selects a file by using the Save As dialog box. The dialog box also allows the user to preview the currently specified file. This function augments the capability found in the GetSaveFileName function. (Unicode) |
GetStream The GetStream method opens a stream by accessing it in a file. Called when an application uses the AVIFileGetStream function. |
ICAbout The ICAbout macro notifies a video compression driver to display its About dialog box. You can use this macro or explicitly call the ICM_ABOUT message. |
ICClose The ICClose function closes a compressor or decompressor. |
ICCompress The ICCompress function compresses a single video image. |
ICCompressBegin The ICCompressBegin macro notifies a video compression driver to prepare to compress data. You can use this macro or explicitly call the ICM_COMPRESS_BEGIN message. |
ICCompressEnd The ICCompressEnd macro notifies a video compression driver to end compression and free resources allocated for compression. You can use this macro or explicitly call the ICM_COMPRESS_END message. |
ICCompressGetFormat The ICCompressGetFormat macro requests the output format of the compressed data from a video compression driver. You can use this macro or explicitly call the ICM_COMPRESS_GET_FORMAT message. |
ICCompressGetFormatSize The ICCompressGetFormatSize macro requests the size of the output format of the compressed data from a video compression driver. You can use this macro or explicitly call the ICM_COMPRESS_GET_FORMAT message. |
ICCompressGetSize The ICCompressGetSize macro requests that the video compression driver supply the maximum size of one frame of data when compressed into the specified output format. You can use this macro or explicitly call the ICM_COMPRESS_GET_SIZE message. |
ICCompressorChoose The ICCompressorChoose function displays a dialog box in which a user can select a compressor. This function can display all registered compressors or list only the compressors that support a specific format. |
ICCompressorFree The ICCompressorFree function frees the resources in the COMPVARS structure used by other VCM functions. |
ICCompressQuery The ICCompressQuery macro queries a video compression driver to determine if it supports a specific input format or if it can compress a specific input format to a specific output format. |
ICConfigure The ICConfigure macro notifies a video compression driver to display its configuration dialog box. You can use this macro or explicitly send the ICM_CONFIGURE message. |
ICDecompress The ICDecompress function decompresses a single video frame. |
ICDecompressBegin The ICDecompressBegin macro notifies a video decompression driver to prepare to decompress data. You can use this macro or explicitly call the ICM_DECOMPRESS_BEGIN message. |
ICDecompressEnd The ICDecompressEnd macro notifies a video decompression driver to end decompression and free resources allocated for decompression. You can use this macro or explicitly call the ICM_DECOMPRESS_END message. |
ICDecompressEx The ICDecompressEx function decompresses a single video frame. |
ICDecompressExBegin The ICDecompressExBegin function prepares a decompressor for decompressing data. |
ICDecompressExEnd The ICDecompressExEnd macro notifies a video decompression driver to end decompression and free resources allocated for decompression. You can use this macro or explicitly call the ICM_DECOMPRESSEX_END message. |
ICDecompressExQuery The ICDecompressExQuery function determines if a decompressor can decompress data with a specific format. |
ICDecompressGetFormat The ICDecompressGetFormat macro requests the output format of the decompressed data from a video decompression driver. You can use this macro or explicitly call the ICM_DECOMPRESS_GET_FORMAT message. |
ICDecompressGetFormatSize The ICDecompressGetFormatSize macro requests the size of the output format of the decompressed data from a video decompression driver. You can use this macro or explicitly call the ICM_DECOMPRESS_GET_FORMAT message. |
ICDecompressGetPalette The ICDecompressGetPalette macro requests that the video decompression driver supply the color table of the output BITMAPINFOHEADER structure. You can use this macro or explicitly call the ICM_DECOMPRESS_GET_PALETTE message. |
ICDecompressOpen The ICDecompressOpen macro opens a decompressor that is compatible with the specified formats. |
ICDecompressQuery The ICDecompressQuery macro queries a video decompression driver to determine if it supports a specific input format or if it can decompress a specific input format to a specific output format. |
ICDecompressSetPalette The ICDecompressSetPalette macro specifies a palette for a video decompression driver to use if it is decompressing to a format that uses a palette. You can use this macro or explicitly call the ICM_DECOMPRESS_SET_PALETTE message. |
ICDraw The ICDraw function decompresses an image for drawing. |
ICDrawBegin The ICDrawBegin function initializes the renderer and prepares the drawing destination for drawing. |
ICDrawChangePalette The ICDrawChangePalette macro notifies a rendering driver that the movie palette is changing. You can use this macro or explicitly call the ICM_DRAW_CHANGEPALETTE message. |
ICDrawEnd The ICDrawEnd macro notifies a rendering driver to decompress the current image to the screen and to release resources allocated for decompression and drawing. You can use this macro or explicitly call the ICM_DRAW_END message. |
ICDrawFlush The ICDrawFlush macro notifies a rendering driver to render the contents of any image buffers that are waiting to be drawn. You can use this macro or explicitly call the ICM_DRAW_FLUSH message. |
ICDrawGetTime The ICDrawGetTime macro requests a rendering driver that controls the timing of drawing frames to return the current value of its internal clock. You can use this macro or explicitly call the ICM_DRAW_GETTIME message. |
ICDrawOpen The ICDrawOpen macro opens a driver that can draw images with the specified format. |
ICDrawQuery The ICDrawQuery macro queries a rendering driver to determine if it can render data in a specific format. You can use this macro or explicitly call the ICM_DRAW_QUERY message. |
ICDrawRealize The ICDrawRealize macro notifies a rendering driver to realize its drawing palette while drawing. You can use this macro or explicitly call the ICM_DRAW_REALIZE message. |
ICDrawRenderBuffer The ICDrawRenderBuffer macro notifies a rendering driver to draw the frames that have been passed to it. You can use this macro or explicitly call the ICM_DRAW_RENDERBUFFER message. |
ICDrawSetTime The ICDrawSetTime macro provides synchronization information to a rendering driver that handles the timing of drawing frames. |
ICDrawStart The ICDrawStart macro notifies a rendering driver to start its internal clock for the timing of drawing frames. You can use this macro or explicitly call the ICM_DRAW_START message. |
ICDrawStartPlay The ICDrawStartPlay macro provides the start and end times of a play operation to a rendering driver. You can use this macro or explicitly call the ICM_DRAW_START_PLAY message. |
ICDrawStop The ICDrawStop macro notifies a rendering driver to stop its internal clock for the timing of drawing frames. You can use this macro or explicitly call the ICM_DRAW_STOP message. |
ICDrawStopPlay The ICDrawStopPlay macro notifies a rendering driver when a play operation is complete. You can use this macro or explicitly call the ICM_DRAW_STOP_PLAY message. |
ICDrawSuggestFormat The ICDrawSuggestFormat function notifies the drawing handler to suggest the input data format. |
ICDrawWindow The ICDrawWindow macro notifies a rendering driver that the window specified for the ICM_DRAW_BEGIN message needs to be redrawn. The window has moved or become temporarily obscured. You can use this macro or explicitly call the ICM_DRAW_WINDOW message. |
ICGetBuffersWanted The ICGetBuffersWanted macro queries a driver for the number of buffers to allocate. You can use this macro or explicitly call the ICM_GETBUFFERSWANTED message. |
ICGetDefaultKeyFrameRate The ICGetDefaultKeyFrameRate macro queries a video compression driver for its default (or preferred) key-frame spacing. You can use this macro or explicitly call the ICM_GETDEFAULTKEYFRAMERATE message. |
ICGetDefaultQuality The ICGetDefaultQuality macro queries a video compression driver to provide its default quality setting. You can use this macro or explicitly call the ICM_GETDEFAULTQUALITY message. |
ICGetDisplayFormat The ICGetDisplayFormat function determines the best format available for displaying a compressed image. The function also opens a compressor if a handle of an open compressor is not specified. |
ICGetInfo The ICGetInfo function obtains information about a compressor. |
ICGetState The ICGetState macro queries a video compression driver to return its current configuration in a block of memory. You can use this macro or explicitly call the ICM_GETSTATE message. |
ICGetStateSize The ICGetStateSize macro queries a video compression driver to determine the amount of memory required to retrieve the configuration information. You can use this macro or explicitly call the ICM_GETSTATE message. |
ICImageCompress The ICImageCompress function compresses an image to a given size. This function does not require initialization functions. |
ICImageDecompress The ICImageDecompress function decompresses an image without using initialization functions. |
ICInfo The ICInfo function retrieves information about specific installed compressors or enumerates the installed compressors. |
ICInstall The ICInstall function installs a new compressor or decompressor. |
ICLocate The ICLocate function finds a compressor or decompressor that can handle images with the specified formats, or finds a driver that can decompress an image with a specified format directly to hardware. |
ICOpen The ICOpen function opens a compressor or decompressor. |
ICOpenFunction The ICOpenFunction function opens a compressor or decompressor defined as a function. |
ICQueryAbout The ICQueryAbout macro queries a video compression driver to determine if it has an About dialog box. You can use this macro or explicitly call the ICM_ABOUT message. |
ICQueryConfigure The ICQueryConfigure macro queries a video compression driver to determine if it has a configuration dialog box. You can use this macro or explicitly send the ICM_CONFIGURE message. |
ICRemove The ICRemove function removes an installed compressor. |
ICSendMessage The ICSendMessage function sends a message to a compressor. |
ICSeqCompressFrame The ICSeqCompressFrame function compresses one frame in a sequence of frames. |
ICSeqCompressFrameEnd The ICSeqCompressFrameEnd function ends sequence compression that was initiated by using the ICSeqCompressFrameStart and ICSeqCompressFrame functions. |
ICSeqCompressFrameStart The ICSeqCompressFrameStart function initializes resources for compressing a sequence of frames using the ICSeqCompressFrame function. |
ICSetState The ICSetState macro notifies a video compression driver to set the state of the compressor. You can use this macro or explicitly call the ICM_SETSTATE message. |
ICSetStatusProc The ICSetStatusProc function sends the address of a status callback function to a compressor. The compressor calls this function during lengthy operations. |
Info The Info method returns with information about an AVI file. Called when an application uses the AVIFileInfo function. |
Info The Info method fills and returns an AVISTREAMINFO structure with information about a stream. Called when an application uses the AVIStreamInfo function. |
joyConfigChanged The joyConfigChanged function informs the joystick driver that the configuration has changed and should be reloaded from the registry. |
joyGetDevCaps The joyGetDevCaps function (joystickapi.h) queries a joystick to determine its capabilities. uJoyID is the identifier of the joystick to be queried. |
joyGetDevCapsA The joyGetDevCaps function queries a joystick to determine its capabilities. (joyGetDevCapsA) |
joyGetDevCapsW The joyGetDevCapsW (Unicode) function queries a joystick to determine its comprehensive capabilities. |
joyGetNumDevs The joyGetNumDevs function queries the joystick driver for the number of joysticks it supports. |
joyGetPos The joyGetPos function queries a joystick for its position and button status. |
joyGetPosEx The joyGetPosEx function queries a joystick for its position and button status. |
joyGetThreshold The joyGetThreshold function queries a joystick for its current movement threshold. |
joyReleaseCapture The joyReleaseCapture function releases the specified captured joystick. |
joySetCapture The joySetCapture function captures a joystick by causing its messages to be sent to the specified window. |
joySetThreshold The joySetThreshold function sets the movement threshold of a joystick. |
MCIWndCanConfig The MCIWndCanConfig macro determines if an MCI device can display a configuration dialog box. You can use this macro or explicitly send the MCIWNDM_CAN_CONFIG message. |
MCIWndCanEject The MCIWndCanEject macro determines if an MCI device can eject its media. You can use this macro or explicitly send the MCIWNDM_CAN_EJECT message. |
MCIWndCanPlay The MCIWndCanPlay macro determines if an MCI device can play a data file or content of some other kind. You can use this macro or explicitly send the MCIWNDM_CAN_PLAY message. |
MCIWndCanRecord The MCIWndCanRecord macro determines if an MCI device supports recording. You can use this macro or explicitly send the MCIWNDM_CAN_RECORD message. |
MCIWndCanSave The MCIWndCanSave macro determines if an MCI device can save data. You can use this macro or explicitly send the MCIWNDM_CAN_SAVE message. |
MCIWndCanWindow The MCIWndCanWindow macro determines if an MCI device supports window-oriented MCI commands. You can use this macro or explicitly send the MCIWNDM_CAN_WINDOW message. |
MCIWndChangeStyles The MCIWndChangeStyles macro changes the styles used by the MCIWnd window. You can use this macro or explicitly send the MCIWNDM_CHANGESTYLES message. |
MCIWndClose The MCIWndClose macro closes an MCI device or file associated with an MCIWnd window. |
MCIWndCreateA The MCIWndCreate function registers the MCIWnd window class and creates an MCIWnd window for using MCI services. MCIWndCreate can also open an MCI device or file (such as an AVI file) and associate it with the MCIWnd window. (ANSI) |
MCIWndCreateW The MCIWndCreate function registers the MCIWnd window class and creates an MCIWnd window for using MCI services. MCIWndCreate can also open an MCI device or file (such as an AVI file) and associate it with the MCIWnd window. (Unicode) |
MCIWndDestroy The MCIWndDestroy macro closes an MCI device or file associated with an MCIWnd window and destroys the window. You can use this macro or explicitly send the WM_CLOSE message. |
MCIWndEject The MCIWndEject macro sends a command to an MCI device to eject its media. You can use this macro or explicitly send the MCIWNDM_EJECT message. |
MCIWndEnd The MCIWndEnd macro moves the current position to the end of the content. You can use this macro or explicitly send the MCI_SEEK message. |
MCIWndGetActiveTimer The MCIWndGetActiveTimer macro retrieves the update period used when the MCIWnd window is the active window. You can use this macro or explicitly send the MCIWNDM_GETACTIVETIMER message. |
MCIWndGetAlias The MCIWndGetAlias macro retrieves the alias used to open an MCI device or file with the mciSendString function. You can use this macro or explicitly send the MCIWNDM_GETALIAS message. |
MCIWndGetDest The MCIWndGetDest macro retrieves the coordinates of the destination rectangle used for zooming or stretching the images of an AVI file during playback. You can use this macro or explicitly send the MCIWNDM_GET_DEST message. |
MCIWndGetDevice The MCIWndGetDevice macro retrieves the name of the current MCI device. You can use this macro or explicitly send the MCIWNDM_GETDEVICE message. |
MCIWndGetDeviceID The MCIWndGetDeviceID macro retrieves the identifier of the current MCI device to use with the mciSendCommand function. You can use this macro or explicitly send the MCIWNDM_GETDEVICEID message. |
MCIWndGetEnd The MCIWndGetEnd macro retrieves the location of the end of the content of an MCI device or file. You can use this macro or explicitly send the MCIWNDM_GETEND message. |
MCIWndGetError The MCIWndGetError macro retrieves the last MCI error encountered. You can use this macro or explicitly send the MCIWNDM_GETERROR message. |
MCIWndGetFileName The MCIWndGetFileName macro retrieves the filename used by an MCI device. You can use this macro or explicitly send the MCIWNDM_GETFILENAME message. |
MCIWndGetInactiveTimer The MCIWndGetInactiveTimer macro retrieves the update period used when the MCIWnd window is the inactive window. You can use this macro or explicitly send the MCIWNDM_GETINACTIVETIMER message. |
MCIWndGetLength The MCIWndGetLength macro retrieves the length of the content or file currently used by an MCI device. You can use this macro or explicitly send the MCIWNDM_GETLENGTH message. |
MCIWndGetMode The MCIWndGetMode macro retrieves the current operating mode of an MCI device. MCI devices have several operating modes, which are designated by constants. You can use this macro or explicitly send the MCIWNDM_GETMODE message. |
MCIWndGetPalette The MCIWndGetPalette macro retrieves a handle of the palette used by an MCI device. You can use this macro or explicitly send the MCIWNDM_GETPALETTE message. |
MCIWndGetPosition The MCIWndGetPosition macro retrieves the numerical value of the current position within the content of the MCI device. You can use this macro or explicitly send the MCIWNDM_GETPOSITION message. |
MCIWndGetPositionString The MCIWndGetPositionString macro retrieves the numerical value of the current position within the content of the MCI device. |
MCIWndGetRepeat The MCIWndGetRepeat macro determines if continuous playback has been activated. You can use this macro or explicitly send the MCIWNDM_GETREPEAT message. |
MCIWndGetSource The MCIWndGetSource macro retrieves the coordinates of the source rectangle used for cropping the images of an AVI file during playback. You can use this macro or explicitly send the MCIWNDM_GET_SOURCE message. |
MCIWndGetSpeed The MCIWndGetSpeed macro retrieves the playback speed of an MCI device. You can use this macro or explicitly send the MCIWNDM_GETSPEED message. |
MCIWndGetStart The MCIWndGetStart macro retrieves the location of the beginning of the content of an MCI device or file. You can use this macro or explicitly send the MCIWNDM_GETSTART message. |
MCIWndGetStyles The MCIWndGetStyles macro retrieves the flags specifying the current MCIWnd window styles used by a window. You can use this macro or explicitly send the MCIWNDM_GETSTYLES message. |
MCIWndGetTimeFormat The MCIWndGetTimeFormat macro retrieves the current time format of an MCI device in two forms:_as a numerical value and as a string. You can use this macro or explicitly send the MCIWNDM_GETTIMEFORMAT message. |
MCIWndGetVolume The MCIWndGetVolume macro retrieves the current volume setting of an MCI device. You can use this macro or explicitly send the MCIWNDM_GETVOLUME message. |
MCIWndGetZoom The MCIWndGetZoom macro retrieves the current zoom value used by an MCI device. You can use this macro or explicitly send the MCIWNDM_GETZOOM message. |
MCIWndHome The MCIWndHome macro moves the current position to the beginning of the content. You can use this macro or explicitly send the MCI_SEEK command. |
MCIWndNew The MCIWndNew macro creates a new file for the current MCI device. You can use this macro or explicitly send the MCIWNDM_NEW message. |
MCIWndOpen The MCIWndOpen macro opens an MCI device and associates it with an MCIWnd window. |
MCIWndOpenDialog The MCIWndOpenDialog macro opens a user-specified data file and corresponding type of MCI device, and associates them with an MCIWnd window. |
MCIWndOpenInterface The MCIWndOpenInterface macro attaches the data stream or file associated with the specified interface to an MCIWnd window. You can use this macro or explicitly send the MCIWNDM_OPENINTERFACE message. |
MCIWndPause The MCIWndPause macro sends a command to an MCI device to pause playing or recording. |
MCIWndPlay The MCIWndPlay macro sends a command to an MCI device to start playing from the current position in the content. You can use this macro or explicitly send the MCI_PLAY command. |
MCIWndPlayFrom The MCIWndPlayFrom macro plays the content of an MCI device from the specified location to the end of the content or until another command stops playback. You can use this macro or explicitly send the MCIWNDM_PLAYFROM message. |
MCIWndPlayFromTo The MCIWndPlayFromTo macro plays a portion of content between specified starting and ending locations. |
MCIWndPlayReverse The MCIWndPlayReverse macro plays the current content in the reverse direction, beginning at the current position and ending at the beginning of the content or until another command stops playback. |
MCIWndPlayTo The MCIWndPlayTo macro plays the content of an MCI device from the current position to the specified ending location or until another command stops playback. |
MCIWndPutDest The MCIWndPutDest macro redefines the coordinates of the destination rectangle used for zooming or stretching the images of an AVI file during playback. You can use this macro or explicitly send the MCIWNDM_PUT_DEST message. |
MCIWndPutSource The MCIWndPutSource macro redefines the coordinates of the source rectangle used for cropping the images of an AVI file during playback. You can use this macro or explicitly send the MCIWNDM_PUT_SOURCE message. |
MCIWndRealize The MCIWndRealize macro controls how an MCI window realized in the foreground or background. This macro also causes the palette for the MCI window to be realized in the process. You can use this macro or explicitly send the MCIWNDM_REALIZE message. |
MCIWndRecord The MCIWndRecord macro begins recording content using the MCI device. The recording process begins at the current position in the content and will overwrite existing data for the duration of the recording. |
MCIWndRegisterClass The MCIWndRegisterClass function registers the MCI window class MCIWND_WINDOW_CLASS. |
MCIWndResume The MCIWndResume macro resumes playback or recording content from the paused mode. This macro restarts playback or recording from the current position in the content. You can use this macro or explicitly send the MCI_RESUME command. |
MCIWndReturnString The MCIWndReturnString macro retrieves the reply to the most recent MCI string command sent to an MCI device. Information in the reply is supplied as a null-terminated string. You can use this macro or explicitly send the MCIWNDM_RETURNSTRING message. |
MCIWndSave The MCIWndSave macro saves the content currently used by an MCI device. |
MCIWndSaveDialog The MCIWndSaveDialog macro saves the content currently used by an MCI device. This macro displays the Save dialog box to let the user select a filename to store the content. You can use this macro or explicitly send the MCI_SAVE command. |
MCIWndSeek The MCIWndSeek macro moves the playback position to the specified location in the content. You can use this macro or explicitly use the MCI_SEEK command. |
MCIWndSendString The MCIWndSendString macro sends an MCI command in string form to the device associated with the MCIWnd window. You can use this macro or explicitly send the MCIWNDM_SENDSTRING message. |
MCIWndSetActiveTimer The MCIWndSetActiveTimer macro sets the update period used by MCIWnd to update the trackbar in the MCIWnd window, update position information displayed in the window title bar, and send notification messages to the parent window when the MCIWnd window is active. You can use this macro or explicitly send the MCIWNDM_SETACTIVETIMER message. |
MCIWndSetInactiveTimer The MCIWndSetInactiveTimer macro sets the update period used by MCIWnd to update the trackbar in the MCIWnd window, update position information displayed in the window title bar, and send notification messages to the parent window when the MCIWnd window is inactive. You can use this macro or explicitly send the MCIWNDM_SETINACTIVETIMER message. |
MCIWndSetOwner The MCIWndSetOwner macro sets the window to receive notification messages associated with the MCIWnd window. You can use this macro or explicitly send the MCIWNDM_SETOWNER message. |
MCIWndSetPalette The MCIWndSetPalette macro sends a palette handle to the MCI device associated with the MCIWnd window. You can use this macro or explicitly send the MCIWNDM_SETPALETTE message. |
MCIWndSetRepeat The MCIWndSetRepeat macro sets the repeat flag associated with continuous playback. You can use this macro or explicitly send the MCIWNDM_SETREPEAT message. |
MCIWndSetSpeed The MCIWndSetSpeed macro sets the playback speed of an MCI device. You can use this macro or explicitly send the MCIWNDM_SETSPEED message. |
MCIWndSetTimeFormat The MCIWndSetTimeFormat macro sets the time format of an MCI device. You can use this macro or explicitly send the MCIWNDM_SETTIMEFORMAT message. |
MCIWndSetTimers The MCIWndSetTimers macro sets the update periods used by MCIWnd to update the trackbar in the MCIWnd window, update the position information displayed in the window title bar, and send notification messages to the parent window. |
MCIWndSetVolume The MCIWndSetVolume macro sets the volume level of an MCI device. You can use this macro or explicitly send the MCIWNDM_SETVOLUME message. |
MCIWndSetZoom The MCIWndSetZoom macro resizes a video image according to a zoom factor. This marco adjusts the size of an MCIWnd window while maintaining a constant aspect ratio. You can use this macro or explicitly send the MCIWNDM_SETZOOM message. |
MCIWndStep The MCIWndStep macro moves the current position in the content forward or backward by a specified increment. You can use this macro or explicitly send the MCI_STEP command. |
MCIWndStop The MCIWndStop macro stops playing or recording the content of the MCI device associated with the MCIWnd window. You can use this macro or explicitly send the MCI_STOP command. |
MCIWndUseFrames The MCIWndUseFrames macro sets the time format of an MCI device to frames. You can use this macro or explicitly send the MCIWNDM_SETTIMEFORMAT message. |
MCIWndUseTime The MCIWndUseTime macro sets the time format of an MCI device to milliseconds. You can use this macro or explicitly send the MCIWNDM_SETTIMEFORMAT message. |
MCIWndValidateMedia The MCIWndValidateMedia macro updates the starting and ending locations of the content, the current position in the content, and the trackbar according to the current time format. |
MEVT_EVENTPARM The MEVT_EVENTPARM macro retrieves the event parameters or length from the value specified in the dwEvent member of a MIDIEVENT structure. |
MEVT_EVENTTYPE The MEVT_EVENTTYPE macro retrieves the event type from the value specified in the dwEvent member of a MIDIEVENT structure. |
midiConnect The midiConnect function connects a MIDI input device to a MIDI thru or output device, or connects a MIDI thru device to a MIDI output device. |
midiDisconnect The midiDisconnect function disconnects a MIDI input device from a MIDI thru or output device, or disconnects a MIDI thru device from a MIDI output device. |
midiInAddBuffer The midiInAddBuffer function sends an input buffer to a specified opened MIDI input device. This function is used for system-exclusive messages. |
midiInClose The midiInClose function closes the specified MIDI input device. |
midiInGetDevCaps The midiInGetDevCaps function (mmeapi.h) determines the capabilities of a specified MIDI input device. |
midiInGetDevCapsA The midiInGetDevCaps function determines the capabilities of a specified MIDI input device. (midiInGetDevCapsA) |
midiInGetDevCapsW The midiInGetDevCapsW (Unicode) function (mmeapi.h) determines the capabilities of a specified MIDI input device. |
midiInGetErrorText The midiInGetErrorText function (mmeapi.h) retrieves a textual description for an error identified by the specified error code. |
midiInGetErrorTextA The midiInGetErrorText function retrieves a textual description for an error identified by the specified error code. (midiInGetErrorTextA) |
midiInGetErrorTextW The midiInGetErrorTextW (Unicode) function (mmeapi.h) retrieves a textual description for an error identified by the specified error code. |
midiInGetID The midiInGetID function gets the device identifier for the given MIDI input device. |
midiInGetNumDevs The midiInGetNumDevs function retrieves the number of MIDI input devices in the system. |
midiInMessage The midiInMessage function sends a message to the MIDI device driver. |
midiInOpen The midiInOpen function opens a specified MIDI input device. |
midiInPrepareHeader The midiInPrepareHeader function prepares a buffer for MIDI input. |
midiInReset The midiInReset function stops input on a given MIDI input device. |
midiInStart The midiInStart function starts MIDI input on the specified MIDI input device. |
midiInStop The midiInStop function stops MIDI input on the specified MIDI input device. |
midiInUnprepareHeader The midiInUnprepareHeader function cleans up the preparation performed by the midiInPrepareHeader function. |
midiOutCacheDrumPatches The midiOutCacheDrumPatches function requests that an internal MIDI synthesizer device preload and cache a specified set of key-based percussion patches. |
midiOutCachePatches The midiOutCachePatches function requests that an internal MIDI synthesizer device preload and cache a specified set of patches. |
midiOutClose The midiOutClose function closes the specified MIDI output device. |
midiOutGetDevCaps The midiOutGetDevCaps function (mmeapi.h) queries a specified MIDI output device to determine its capabilities. |
midiOutGetDevCapsA The midiOutGetDevCaps function queries a specified MIDI output device to determine its capabilities. (midiOutGetDevCapsA) |
midiOutGetDevCapsW The midiOutGetDevCapsW (Unicode) function (mmeapi.h) queries a specified MIDI output device to determine its capabilities. |
midiOutGetErrorText The midiOutGetErrorText (mmeapi.h) function retrieves a textual description for an error identified by the specified error code. |
midiOutGetErrorTextA The midiOutGetErrorText function retrieves a textual description for an error identified by the specified error code. (midiOutGetErrorTextA) |
midiOutGetErrorTextW The midiOutGetErrorTextW (Unicode) function (mmeapi.h) retrieves a textual description for an error identified by the specified error code. |
midiOutGetID The midiOutGetID function retrieves the device identifier for the given MIDI output device. |
midiOutGetNumDevs The midiOutGetNumDevs function retrieves the number of MIDI output devices present in the system. |
midiOutGetVolume The midiOutGetVolume function retrieves the current volume setting of a MIDI output device. |
midiOutLongMsg The midiOutLongMsg function sends a system-exclusive MIDI message to the specified MIDI output device. |
midiOutMessage The midiOutMessage function sends a message to the MIDI device drivers. This function is used only for driver-specific messages that are not supported by the MIDI API. |
midiOutOpen The midiOutOpen function opens a MIDI output device for playback. |
midiOutPrepareHeader The midiOutPrepareHeader function prepares a MIDI system-exclusive or stream buffer for output. |
midiOutReset The midiOutReset function turns off all notes on all MIDI channels for the specified MIDI output device. |
midiOutSetVolume The midiOutSetVolume function sets the volume of a MIDI output device. |
midiOutShortMsg The midiOutShortMsg function sends a short MIDI message to the specified MIDI output device. |
midiOutUnprepareHeader The midiOutUnprepareHeader function cleans up the preparation performed by the midiOutPrepareHeader function. |
midiStreamClose The midiStreamClose function closes an open MIDI stream. |
midiStreamOpen The midiStreamOpen function opens a MIDI stream for output. By default, the device is opened in paused mode. The stream handle retrieved by this function must be used in all subsequent references to the stream. |
midiStreamOut The midiStreamOut function plays or queues a stream (buffer) of MIDI data to a MIDI output device. |
midiStreamPause The midiStreamPause function pauses playback of a specified MIDI stream. |
midiStreamPosition The midiStreamPosition function retrieves the current position in a MIDI stream. |
midiStreamProperty The midiStreamProperty function sets or retrieves properties of a MIDI data stream associated with a MIDI output device. |
midiStreamRestart The midiStreamRestart function restarts a paused MIDI stream. |
midiStreamStop The midiStreamStop function turns off all notes on all MIDI channels for the specified MIDI output device. |
mixerClose The mixerClose function closes the specified mixer device. |
mixerGetControlDetails The mixerGetControlDetails function (mmeapi.h) retrieves details about a single control associated with an audio line. |
mixerGetControlDetailsA The mixerGetControlDetails function retrieves details about a single control associated with an audio line. (mixerGetControlDetailsA) |
mixerGetControlDetailsW The mixerGetControlDetailsW (Unicode) function (mmeapi.h) retrieves details about a single control associated with an audio line. |
mixerGetDevCaps The mixerGetDevCaps function (mmeapi.h) queries a specified mixer device to determine its capabilities. |
mixerGetDevCapsA The mixerGetDevCaps function queries a specified mixer device to determine its capabilities. (mixerGetDevCapsA) |
mixerGetDevCapsW The mixerGetDevCapsW (Unicode) function (mmeapi.h) queries a specified mixer device to determine its capabilities. |
mixerGetID The mixerGetID function retrieves the device identifier for a mixer device associated with a specified device handle. |
mixerGetLineControls The mixerGetLineControls function (mmeapi.h) retrieves one or more controls associated with an audio line. |
mixerGetLineControlsA The mixerGetLineControls function retrieves one or more controls associated with an audio line. (mixerGetLineControlsA) |
mixerGetLineControlsW The mixerGetLineControlsW (Unicode) function retrieves one or more controls associated with an audio line. (mixerGetLineControlsW) |
mixerGetLineInfo The mixerGetLineInfo function retrieves information about a specific line of a mixer device and contains parameters that modify the function. |
mixerGetLineInfoA The mixerGetLineInfo function retrieves information about a specific line of a mixer device. (mixerGetLineInfoA) |
mixerGetLineInfoW The mixerGetLineInfoW (Unicode) function retrieves information about a specific line of a mixer device. (mixerGetLineInfoW) |
mixerGetNumDevs The mixerGetNumDevs function retrieves the number of mixer devices present in the system. |
mixerMessage The mixerMessage function sends a custom mixer driver message directly to a mixer driver. |
mixerOpen The mixerOpen function opens a specified mixer device and ensures that the device will not be removed until the application closes the handle. |
mixerSetControlDetails The mixerSetControlDetails function sets properties of a single control associated with an audio line. |
mmGetCurrentTask The mmGetCurrentTask function is deprecated. Applications should not use this function. |
mmioAdvance The mmioAdvance function advances the I/O buffer of a file set up for direct I/O buffer access with the mmioGetInfo function. |
mmioAscend The mmioAscend function ascends out of a chunk in a RIFF file descended into with the mmioDescend function or created with the mmioCreateChunk function. |
mmioClose The mmioClose function closes a file that was opened by using the mmioOpen function. |
mmioCreateChunk The mmioCreateChunk function creates a chunk in a RIFF file that was opened by using the mmioOpen function. |
mmioDescend The mmioDescend function descends into a chunk of a RIFF file that was opened by using the mmioOpen function. It can also search for a given chunk. |
mmioFlush The mmioFlush function writes the I/O buffer of a file to disk if the buffer has been written to. |
mmioFOURCC The mmioFOURCC macro converts four characters into a four-character code. |
mmioGetInfo The mmioGetInfo function retrieves information about a file opened by using the mmioOpen function. This information allows the application to directly access the I/O buffer, if the file is opened for buffered I/O. |
mmioInstallIOProc The mmioInstallIOProc function installs or removes a custom I/O procedure and locates an installed I/O procedure, using its corresponding four-character code. |
mmioInstallIOProcA The mmioInstallIOProc function installs or removes a custom I/O procedure. This function also locates an installed I/O procedure, using its corresponding four-character code. (mmioInstallIOProcA) |
mmioInstallIOProcW The mmioInstallIOProcW (Unicode) function installs or removes a custom I/O procedure and locates an installed I/O procedure, using its corresponding code. |
mmioOpen The mmioOpen function opens a file for unbuffered or buffered I/O; creates a file; deletes a file; or checks whether a file exists. |
mmioOpenA The mmioOpen function opens a file for unbuffered or buffered I/O; creates a file; deletes a file; or checks whether a file exists. (mmioOpenA) |
mmioOpenW The mmioOpenW (Unicode) function opens a file for unbuffered or buffered I/O; creates a file; deletes a file; or checks whether a file exists. (mmioOpenW) |
MMIOPROC The MMIOProc function is a custom input/output (I/O) procedure installed by the mmioInstallIOProc function. |
mmioRead The mmioRead function reads a specified number of bytes from a file opened by using the mmioOpen function. |
mmioRename The mmioRename function renames the specified file and contains parameters that modify strings containing a file name. |
mmioRenameA The mmioRename function renames the specified file. (mmioRenameA) |
mmioRenameW The mmioRenameW (Unicode) function renames the specified file and contains parameters that modify strings containing a file name. (mmioRenameW) |
mmioSeek The mmioSeek function changes the current file position in a file opened by using the mmioOpen function. |
mmioSendMessage The mmioSendMessage function sends a message to the I/O procedure associated with the specified file. |
mmioSetBuffer The mmioSetBuffer function enables or disables buffered I/O, or changes the buffer or buffer size for a file opened by using the mmioOpen function. |
mmioSetInfo The mmioSetInfo function updates the information retrieved by the mmioGetInfo function about a file opened by using the mmioOpen function. Use this function to terminate direct buffer access of a file opened for buffered I/O. |
mmioStringToFOURCC The mmioStringToFOURCC function converts a null-terminated string to a four-character code and contains parameters that modify conversion. (mmioStringToFOURCCW) |
mmioStringToFOURCCA The mmioStringToFOURCC function converts a null-terminated string to a four-character code. (mmioStringToFOURCCA) |
mmioStringToFOURCCW The mmioStringToFOURCCW (Unicode) function converts a null-terminated string to a four-character code. (mmioStringToFOURCCW) |
mmioWrite The mmioWrite function writes a specified number of bytes to a file opened by using the mmioOpen function. |
mmTaskBlock The mmTaskBlock function is deprecated. Applications should not use this function. |
mmTaskCreate The mmTaskCreate function is deprecated. Applications should not use this function. |
mmTaskSignal The mmTaskSignal function is deprecated. Applications should not use this function. |
mmTaskYield The mmTaskYield function is deprecated. Applications should not use this function. |
OpenDriver Opens an instance of an installable driver and initializes the instance using either the driver's default settings or a driver-specific value. |
Paste The Paste method copies a stream or a portion of it in another stream. Called when an application uses the EditStreamPaste function. |
Read The Read method reads data from a stream and copies it to an application-defined buffer. If no buffer is supplied, it determines the buffer size needed to retrieve the next buffer of data. Called when an application uses the AVIStreamRead function. |
ReadData The ReadData method reads file headers. Called when an application uses the AVIFileReadData function. |
ReadData The ReadData method reads data headers of a stream. Called when an application uses the AVIStreamReadData function. |
ReadFormat The ReadFormat method obtains format information from a stream. |
SendDriverMessage Sends the specified message to the installable driver. |
SetFormat The SetFormat method sets format information in a stream. Called when an application uses the AVIStreamSetFormat function. |
SetFormat The SetFormat method sets the decompressed image format of the frames being extracted and optionally provides a buffer for the decompression operation. |
SetInfo The SetInfo method changes the characteristics of a stream. Called when an application uses the EditStreamSetInfo function. |
sndOpenSound Opens the specified sound event. |
StretchDIB The StretchDIB function copies a device independent bitmap from one memory location to another and resizes the image to fit the destination rectangle. |
timeBeginPeriod The timeBeginPeriod function requests a minimum resolution for periodic timers. |
timeEndPeriod The timeEndPeriod function clears a previously set minimum timer resolution. |
timeGetDevCaps The timeGetDevCaps function queries the timer device to determine its resolution. |
timeGetSystemTime The timeGetSystemTime function retrieves the system time, in milliseconds. |
timeGetTime The timeGetTime function retrieves the system time, in milliseconds. The system time is the time elapsed since Windows was started. |
waveInAddBuffer The waveInAddBuffer function sends an input buffer to the given waveform-audio input device. When the buffer is filled, the application is notified. |
waveInClose The waveInClose function closes the given waveform-audio input device. |
waveInGetDevCaps The waveInGetDevCaps function retrieves the capabilities of a given waveform-audio input device. |
waveInGetErrorText The waveInGetErrorText function retrieves a textual description of the error identified by the given error number. |
waveInGetID The waveInGetID function gets the device identifier for the given waveform-audio input device. |
waveInGetNumDevs The waveInGetNumDevs function returns the number of waveform-audio input devices present in the system. |
waveInGetPosition waveInGetPosition is no longer supported for use as of Windows Vista. |
waveInMessage The waveInMessage function sends messages to the waveform-audio input device drivers. |
waveInOpen The waveInOpen function opens the given waveform-audio input device for recording. |
waveInPrepareHeader The waveInPrepareHeader function prepares a buffer for waveform-audio input. |
waveInReset The waveInReset function stops input on the given waveform-audio input device and resets the current position to zero. All pending buffers are marked as done and returned to the application. |
waveInStart The waveInStart function starts input on the given waveform-audio input device. |
waveInStop The waveInStop function stops waveform-audio input. |
waveInUnprepareHeader The waveInUnprepareHeader function cleans up the preparation performed by the waveInPrepareHeader function. |
waveOutBreakLoop The waveOutBreakLoop function breaks a loop on the given waveform-audio output device and allows playback to continue with the next block in the driver list. |
waveOutClose The waveOutClose function closes the given waveform-audio output device. |
waveOutGetDevCaps The waveOutGetDevCaps function retrieves the capabilities of a given waveform-audio output device. |
waveOutGetErrorText The waveOutGetErrorText function retrieves a textual description of the error identified by the given error number. |
waveOutGetID The waveOutGetID function retrieves the device identifier for the given waveform-audio output device. |
waveOutGetNumDevs The waveOutGetNumDevs function retrieves the number of waveform-audio output devices present in the system. |
waveOutGetPitch The waveOutGetPitch function retrieves the current pitch setting for the specified waveform-audio output device. |
waveOutGetPlaybackRate The waveOutGetPlaybackRate function retrieves the current playback rate for the specified waveform-audio output device. |
waveOutGetPosition The waveOutGetPosition function retrieves the current playback position of the given waveform-audio output device. |
waveOutGetVolume The waveOutGetVolume function retrieves the current volume level of the specified waveform-audio output device. |
waveOutMessage The waveOutMessage function sends messages to the waveform-audio output device drivers. |
waveOutOpen The waveOutOpen function opens the given waveform-audio output device for playback. |
waveOutPause The waveOutPause function pauses playback on the given waveform-audio output device. The current position is saved. Use the waveOutRestart function to resume playback from the current position. |
waveOutPrepareHeader The waveOutPrepareHeader function prepares a waveform-audio data block for playback. |
waveOutReset The waveOutReset function stops playback on the given waveform-audio output device and resets the current position to zero. All pending playback buffers are marked as done (WHDR_DONE) and returned to the application. |
waveOutRestart The waveOutRestart function resumes playback on a paused waveform-audio output device. |
waveOutSetPitch The waveOutSetPitch function sets the pitch for the specified waveform-audio output device. |
waveOutSetPlaybackRate The waveOutSetPlaybackRate function sets the playback rate for the specified waveform-audio output device. |
waveOutSetVolume The waveOutSetVolume function sets the volume level of the specified waveform-audio output device. |
waveOutUnprepareHeader The waveOutUnprepareHeader function cleans up the preparation performed by the waveOutPrepareHeader function. This function must be called after the device driver is finished with a data block. You must call this function before freeing the buffer. |
waveOutWrite The waveOutWrite function sends a data block to the given waveform-audio output device. |
Write The Write method writes data to a stream. Called when an application uses the AVIStreamWrite function. |
WriteData The WriteData method writes file headers. Called when an application uses the AVIFileWriteData function. |
WriteData The WriteData method writes headers for a stream. Called when an application uses the AVIStreamWriteData function. |
IAVIEditStream The IAVIEditStream interface supports manipulating and modifying editable streams. Uses IUnknown::QueryInterface, IUnknown::AddRef, IUnknown::Release in addition to the following custom methods:_ |
IAVIFile The IAVIFile interface supports opening and manipulating files and file headers, and creating and obtaining stream interfaces. Uses IUnknown::QueryInterface, IUnknown::AddRef, and IUnknown::Release in addition to the following custom methods:_ |
IAVIStream The IAVIStream interface supports creating and manipulating data streams within a file. Uses IUnknown::QueryInterface, IUnknown::AddRef, IUnknown::Release in addition to the following custom methods:_ |
IAVIStreaming The IAVIStreaming interface supports preparing open data streams for playback in streaming operations. Uses IUnknown::QueryInterface, IUnknown::AddRef, IUnknown::Release in addition to the following custom methods:_ |
IGetFrame The IGetFrame interface supports extracting, decompressing, and displaying individual frames from an open stream. |
ACMDRIVERDETAILS The ACMDRIVERDETAILS structure describes the features of an ACM driver. |
ACMFILTERCHOOSE The ACMFILTERCHOOSE structure contains information the ACM uses to initialize the system-defined waveform-audio filter selection dialog box. |
ACMFILTERDETAILS The ACMFILTERDETAILS structure details a waveform-audio filter for a specific filter tag for an ACM driver. |
ACMFILTERTAGDETAILS The ACMFILTERTAGDETAILS structure details a waveform-audio filter tag for an ACM filter driver. |
ACMFORMATCHOOSE The ACMFORMATCHOOSE structure contains information the ACM uses to initialize the system-defined waveform-audio format selection dialog box. |
ACMFORMATDETAILS The ACMFORMATDETAILS structure details a waveform-audio format for a specific format tag for an ACM driver. |
ACMFORMATTAGDETAILS The ACMFORMATTAGDETAILS structure details a waveform-audio format tag for an ACM driver. |
ACMSTREAMHEADER The ACMSTREAMHEADER structure defines the header used to identify an ACM conversion source and destination buffer pair for a conversion stream. |
AUXCAPS The AUXCAPS structure describes the capabilities of an auxiliary output device. (AUXCAPS) |
AUXCAPSA The AUXCAPS structure describes the capabilities of an auxiliary output device. (AUXCAPSA) |
AUXCAPSW The AUXCAPS structure describes the capabilities of an auxiliary output device. (AUXCAPSW) |
AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS The AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS structure contains information about a stream and how it is compressed and saved. This structure passes data to the AVIMakeCompressedStream function (or the AVISave function, which uses AVIMakeCompressedStream). |
AVIFILEINFOA The AVIFILEINFO structure contains global information for an entire AVI file. (ANSI) |
AVIFILEINFOW The AVIFILEINFO structure contains global information for an entire AVI file. (Unicode) |
AVISTREAMINFOA The AVISTREAMINFO structure contains information for a single stream. (ANSI) |
AVISTREAMINFOW The AVISTREAMINFO structure contains information for a single stream. (Unicode) |
CAPDRIVERCAPS The CAPDRIVERCAPS structure defines the capabilities of the capture driver.An application should use the WM_CAP_DRIVER_GET_CAPS message or capDriverGetCaps macro to place a copy of the driver capabilities in a CAPDRIVERCAPS structure whenever the application connects a capture window to a capture driver. |
CAPINFOCHUNK The CAPINFOCHUNK structure contains parameters that can be used to define an information chunk within an AVI capture file. The WM_CAP_FILE_SET_INFOCHUNK message or capSetInfoChunk macro is used to send a CAPINFOCHUNK structure to a capture window. |
CAPSTATUS The CAPSTATUS structure defines the current state of the capture window. |
CAPTUREPARMS The CAPTUREPARMS structure contains parameters that control the streaming video capture process. This structure is used to get and set parameters that affect the capture rate, the number of buffers to use while capturing, and how capture is terminated. |
COMPVARS The COMPVARS structure describes compressor settings for functions such as ICCompressorChoose, ICSeqCompressFrame, and ICCompressorFree. |
DRAWDIBTIME The DRAWDIBTIME structure contains elapsed timing information for performing a set of DrawDib operations. The DrawDibTime function resets the count and the elapsed time value for each operation each time it is called. |
DRVCONFIGINFO Contains the registry key and value names associated with the installable driver. |
ICCOMPRESS The ICCOMPRESS structure contains compression parameters used with the ICM_COMPRESS message. |
ICCOMPRESSFRAMES The ICCOMPRESSFRAMES structure contains compression parameters used with the ICM_COMPRESS_FRAMES_INFO message. |
ICDECOMPRESS The ICDECOMPRESS structure contains decompression parameters used with the ICM_DECOMPRESS message. |
ICDECOMPRESSEX The ICDECOMPRESSEX structure contains decompression parameters used with the ICM_DECOMPRESSEX message. |
ICDRAW The ICDRAW structure contains parameters for drawing video data to the screen. This structure is used with the ICM_DRAW message. |
ICDRAWBEGIN The ICDRAWBEGIN structure contains decompression parameters used with the ICM_DRAW_BEGIN message. |
ICDRAWSUGGEST The ICDRAWSUGGEST structure contains compression parameters used with the ICM_DRAW_SUGGESTFORMAT message to suggest an appropriate input format. |
ICINFO The ICINFO structure contains compression parameters supplied by a video compression driver. The driver fills or updates the structure when it receives the ICM_GETINFO message. |
ICOPEN The ICOPEN structure contains information about the data stream being compressed or decompressed, the version number of the driver, and how the driver is used. |
ICSETSTATUSPROC The ICSETSTATUSPROC structure contains status information used with the ICM_SET_STATUS_PROC message. |
JOYCAPS The JOYCAPS (joystickapi.h) structure contains significant information about the joystick capabilities. |
JOYCAPSA The JOYCAPS structure contains information about the joystick capabilities. (JOYCAPSA) |
JOYCAPSW The JOYCAPSW (Unicode) (joystickapi.h) structure contains information about the joystick capabilities. |
JOYINFO The JOYINFO structure contains information about the joystick position and button state. |
JOYINFOEX The JOYINFOEX structure contains extended information about the joystick position, point-of-view position, and button state. |
MCI_DGV_CAPTURE_PARMSA The MCI_DGV_CAPTURE_PARMSA (ANSI) structure (digitalv.h) contains parameters for the MCI_CAPTURE command for digital-video devices. |
MCI_DGV_CAPTURE_PARMSW The MCI_DGV_CAPTURE_PARMSW (Unicode) structure (digitalv.h) contains parameters for the MCI_CAPTURE command for digital-video devices. |
MCI_DGV_COPY_PARMS The MCI_DGV_COPY_PARMS structure contains parameters for the MCI_COPY command for digital-video devices. |
MCI_DGV_CUE_PARMS The MCI_DGV_CUE_PARMS structure contains parameters for the MCI_CUE command for digital-video devices. |
MCI_DGV_CUT_PARMS The MCI_DGV_CUT_PARMS structure contains parameters for the MCI_CUT command for digital-video devices. |
MCI_DGV_DELETE_PARMS The MCI_DGV_DELETE_PARMS structure contains parameters for the MCI_DELETE command for digital-video devices. |
MCI_DGV_INFO_PARMSA The MCI_DGV_INFO_PARMSA (ANSI) structure (digitalv.h) contains parameters for the MCI_INFO command for digital-video devices. |
MCI_DGV_INFO_PARMSW The MCI_DGV_INFO_PARMSW (Unicode) structure (digitalv.h) contains parameters for the MCI_INFO command for digital-video devices. |
MCI_DGV_LIST_PARMSA The MCI_DGV_LIST_PARMSA (ANSI) structure (digitalv.h) contains the information for the MCI_LIST command for digital-video devices. |
MCI_DGV_LIST_PARMSW The MCI_DGV_LIST_PARMSW (Unicode) structure (digitalv.h) contains the information for the MCI_LIST command for digital-video devices. |
MCI_DGV_MONITOR_PARMS The MCI_DGV_MONITOR_PARMS structure contains parameters for the MCI_MONITOR command. |
MCI_DGV_OPEN_PARMSA The MCI_DGV_OPEN_PARMSA (ANSI) structure (digitalv.h) contains information for the MCI_OPEN command for digital-video devices. |
MCI_DGV_OPEN_PARMSW The MCI_DGV_OPEN_PARMSW (Unicode) structure (digitalv.h) contains information for the MCI_OPEN command for digital-video devices. |
MCI_DGV_PASTE_PARMS The MCI_DGV_PASTE_PARMS structure contains parameters for the MCI_PASTE command for digital-video devices. |
MCI_DGV_QUALITY_PARMSA The MCI_DGV_QUALITY_PARMSA (ANSI) structure (digitalv.h) contains parameters for the MCI_QUALITY command for digital-video devices. |
MCI_DGV_QUALITY_PARMSW The MCI_DGV_QUALITY_PARMSW (Unicode) structure (digitalv.h) contains parameters for the MCI_QUALITY command for digital-video devices. |
MCI_DGV_RECORD_PARMS The MCI_DGV_RECORD_PARMS structure contains parameters for the MCI_RECORD command for digital-video devices. |
MCI_DGV_RECT_PARMS The MCI_DGV_RECT_PARMS structure contains parameters for the MCI_FREEZE, MCI_PUT, MCI_UNFREEZE, and MCI_WHERE commands for digital-video devices. |
MCI_DGV_RESERVE_PARMSA The MCI_DGV_RESERVE_PARMSA (ANSI) structure (digitalv.h) contains information for the MCI_RESERVE command for digital-video devices. |
MCI_DGV_RESERVE_PARMSW The MCI_DGV_RESERVE_PARMSW (Unicode) structure (digitalv.h) contains information for the MCI_RESERVE command for digital-video devices. |
MCI_DGV_RESTORE_PARMSA The MCI_DGV_RESTORE_PARMSA (ANSI) structure (digitalv.h) contains information for the MCI_RESTORE command for digital-video devices. |
MCI_DGV_RESTORE_PARMSW The MCI_DGV_RESTORE_PARMSW (Unicode) structure (digitalv.h) contains information for the MCI_RESTORE command for digital-video devices. |
MCI_DGV_SAVE_PARMSA The MCI_DGV_SAVE_PARMSA (ANSI) structure (digitalv.h) contains information for the MCI_SAVE command for digital-video devices. |
MCI_DGV_SAVE_PARMSW The MCI_DGV_SAVE_PARMSW (Unicode) structure (digitalv.h) contains information for the MCI_SAVE command for digital-video devices. |
MCI_DGV_SET_PARMS The MCI_DGV_SET_PARMS structure contains parameters for the MCI_SET command for digital-video devices. |
MCI_DGV_SETAUDIO_PARMSA The MCI_DGV_SETAUDIO_PARMSA (ANSI) structure (digitalv.h) contains parameters for the MCI_SETAUDIO command for digital-video devices. |
MCI_DGV_SETAUDIO_PARMSW The MCI_DGV_SETAUDIO_PARMSW (Unicode) structure (digitalv.h) contains parameters for the MCI_SETAUDIO command for digital-video devices. |
MCI_DGV_SETVIDEO_PARMSA The MCI_DGV_SETVIDEO_PARMSA (ANSI) structure contains parameters for the MCI_SETVIDEO command for digital-video devices. |
MCI_DGV_SETVIDEO_PARMSW The MCI_DGV_SETVIDEO_PARMSW (Unicode) structure contains parameters for the MCI_SETVIDEO command for digital-video devices. |
MCI_DGV_SIGNAL_PARMS The MCI_DGV_SIGNAL_PARMS structure contains parameters for the MCI_SIGNAL command for digital-video devices. |
MCI_DGV_STATUS_PARMSA The MCI_DGV_STATUS_PARMSA (ANSI) structure contains parameters for the MCI_STATUS command for digital-video devices. |
MCI_DGV_STATUS_PARMSW The MCI_DGV_STATUS_PARMSW (Unicode) structure contains parameters for the MCI_STATUS command for digital-video devices. |
MCI_DGV_STEP_PARMS The MCI_DGV_STEP_PARMS structure contains parameters for the MCI_STEP command for digital-video devices. |
MCI_DGV_UPDATE_PARMS The MCI_DGV_UPDATE_PARMS structure contains parameters for the MCI_UPDATE command. |
MCI_DGV_WINDOW_PARMSA The MCI_DGV_WINDOW_PARMSA (ANSI) structure contains parameters for MCI_WINDOW command for digital-video devices. |
MCI_DGV_WINDOW_PARMSW The MCI_DGV_WINDOW_PARMSW (Unicode) structure contains parameters for MCI_WINDOW command for digital-video devices. |
MIDIEVENT The MIDIEVENT structure describes a MIDI event in a stream buffer. |
MIDIHDR The MIDIHDR structure defines the header used to identify a MIDI system-exclusive or stream buffer. |
MIDIINCAPS The MIDIINCAPS structure describes the capabilities of a MIDI input device. (MIDIINCAPS) |
MIDIINCAPSA The MIDIINCAPS structure describes the capabilities of a MIDI input device. (MIDIINCAPSA) |
MIDIINCAPSW The MIDIINCAPS structure describes the capabilities of a MIDI input device. (MIDIINCAPSW) |
MIDIOUTCAPS The MIDIOUTCAPS structure describes the capabilities of a MIDI output device. (MIDIOUTCAPS) |
MIDIOUTCAPSA The MIDIOUTCAPS structure describes the capabilities of a MIDI output device. (MIDIOUTCAPSA) |
MIDIOUTCAPSW The MIDIOUTCAPS structure describes the capabilities of a MIDI output device. (MIDIOUTCAPSW) |
MIDIPROPTEMPO The MIDIPROPTEMPO structure contains the tempo property for a stream. |
MIDIPROPTIMEDIV The MIDIPROPTIMEDIV structure contains the time division property for a stream. |
MIDISTRMBUFFVER The MIDISTRMBUFFVER structure contains version information for a long MIDI event of the MEVT_VERSION type. |
MIXERCAPS The MIXERCAPS structure describes the capabilities of a mixer device. (MIXERCAPS) |
MIXERCAPSA The MIXERCAPS structure describes the capabilities of a mixer device. (MIXERCAPSA) |
MIXERCAPSW The MIXERCAPS structure describes the capabilities of a mixer device. (MIXERCAPSW) |
MIXERCONTROL The MIXERCONTROL structure describes the state and metrics of a single control for an audio line. (MIXERCONTROL, *PMIXERCONTROL, FAR *PMIXERCONTROL) |
MIXERCONTROLA The MIXERCONTROL structure describes the state and metrics of a single control for an audio line. (mixercontrola) |
MIXERCONTROLDETAILS The MIXERCONTROLDETAILS structure refers to control-detail structures, retrieving or setting state information of an audio mixer control. (MIXERCONTROLDETAILS) |
MIXERCONTROLDETAILS_BOOLEAN The MIXERCONTROLDETAILS_BOOLEAN structure retrieves and sets Boolean control properties for an audio mixer control. |
MIXERCONTROLDETAILS_LISTTEXT The MIXERCONTROLDETAILS_LISTTEXT structure retrieves list text, label text, and/or band-range information for multiple-item controls. |
MIXERCONTROLDETAILS_LISTTEXTA The MIXERCONTROLDETAILS structure refers to control-detail structures, retrieving or setting state information of an audio mixer control. (mixercontroldetails_listtexta) |
MIXERCONTROLDETAILS_LISTTEXTW The MIXERCONTROLDETAILS structure refers to control-detail structures, retrieving or setting state information of an audio mixer control. (mixercontroldetails_listtextw) |
MIXERCONTROLDETAILS_SIGNED The MIXERCONTROLDETAILS_SIGNED structure retrieves and sets signed type control properties for an audio mixer control. |
MIXERCONTROLDETAILS_UNSIGNED The MIXERCONTROLDETAILS_UNSIGNED structure retrieves and sets unsigned type control properties for an audio mixer control. |
MIXERCONTROLW The MIXERCONTROL structure describes the state and metrics of a single control for an audio line. (mixercontrolw) |
MIXERLINE The MIXERLINE structure describes the state and metrics of an audio line. (MIXERLINE) |
MIXERLINEA The MIXERLINE structure describes the state and metrics of an audio line. (MIXERLINEA) |
MIXERLINECONTROLS The MIXERLINECONTROLS structure contains information about the controls of an audio line. (MIXERLINECONTROLS) |
MIXERLINECONTROLSA The MIXERLINECONTROLS structure contains information about the controls of an audio line. (MIXERLINECONTROLSA) |
MIXERLINECONTROLSW The MIXERLINECONTROLS structure contains information about the controls of an audio line. (MIXERLINECONTROLSW) |
MIXERLINEW The MIXERLINE structure describes the state and metrics of an audio line. (MIXERLINEW) |
MMCKINFO The MMCKINFO structure contains information about a chunk in a RIFF file. |
PCMWAVEFORMAT The PCMWAVEFORMAT structure describes the data format for PCM waveform-audio data. This structure is superseded by the WAVEFORMATEX structure. |
PCMWAVEFORMAT The PCMWAVEFORMAT structure describes the data format for PCM waveform-audio data. This structure has been superseded by the WAVEFORMATEX structure. |
TIMECAPS The TIMECAPS structure contains information about the resolution of the timer. |
VIDEOHDR The VIDEOHDR structure is used by the capVideoStreamCallback function. |
WAVEFILTER The WAVEFILTER structure defines a filter for waveform-audio data. |
WAVEFORMAT The WAVEFORMAT structure describes the format of waveform-audio data. This structure is superseded by the WAVEFORMATEX structure. |
WAVEFORMAT The WAVEFORMAT structure describes the format of waveform-audio data. This structure has been superseded by the WAVEFORMATEX structure. |
WAVEFORMATEX The WAVEFORMATEX structure defines the format of waveform-audio data. |
WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE The WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE structure defines the format of waveform-audio data for formats having more than two channels or higher sample resolutions than allowed by WAVEFORMATEX. |
WAVEHDR The WAVEHDR structure defines the header used to identify a waveform-audio buffer. |
WAVEINCAPS The WAVEINCAPS structure describes the capabilities of a waveform-audio input device. (WAVEINCAPS) |
WAVEINCAPSA The WAVEINCAPS structure describes the capabilities of a waveform-audio input device. (WAVEINCAPSA) |
WAVEINCAPSW The WAVEINCAPS structure describes the capabilities of a waveform-audio input device. (WAVEINCAPSW) |
WAVEOUTCAPS The WAVEOUTCAPS structure describes the capabilities of a waveform-audio output device. (WAVEOUTCAPS) |
WAVEOUTCAPSA The WAVEOUTCAPS structure describes the capabilities of a waveform-audio output device. (WAVEOUTCAPSA) |
WAVEOUTCAPSW The WAVEOUTCAPS structure describes the capabilities of a waveform-audio output device. (WAVEOUTCAPSW) |
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