
Aracılığıyla paylaş

agreement resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Represents a tenant's customizable terms of use agreement that is created and managed with Microsoft Entra ID Governance. You can use the following methods to create and manage the Microsoft Entra Terms of Use feature according to your scenario.


Method Return Type Description
List agreement collection Get an agreement object collection.
Create agreement Create a new agreement by posting to the agreement collection.
Get agreement Read properties and relationships of an agreement object.
Update None Update an agreement object.
Delete None Delete an agreement object.


Property Type Description
displayName String Display name of the agreement. The display name is used for internal tracking of the agreement but isn't shown to end users who view the agreement. Supports $filter (eq).
id String The identifier of the agreement. Read-only. Supports $filter (eq).
isPerDeviceAcceptanceRequired Boolean Indicates whether end users are required to accept this agreement on every device that they access it from. The end user is required to register their device in Microsoft Entra ID, if they haven't already done so. Supports $filter (eq).
isViewingBeforeAcceptanceRequired Boolean Indicates whether the user has to expand the agreement before accepting. Supports $filter (eq).
termsExpiration termsExpiration Expiration schedule and frequency of agreement for all users. Supports $filter (eq).
userReacceptRequiredFrequency Duration The duration after which the user must reaccept the terms of use. The value is represented in ISO 8601 format for durations. Supports $filter (eq).


Relationship Type Description
acceptances agreementAcceptance collection Read-only. Information about acceptances of this agreement.
file agreementFile Default PDF linked to this agreement.
files agreementFileLocalization collection PDFs linked to this agreement. This property is in the process of being deprecated. Use the file property instead. Supports $expand.

JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.agreement",
  "displayName": "String",
  "id": "String (identifier)",
  "isPerDeviceAcceptanceRequired": "Boolean",
  "isViewingBeforeAcceptanceRequired": "Boolean",
  "termsExpiration": {
    "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.termsExpiration"
  "userReacceptRequiredFrequency": "String (duration)"