


本內容適用於具有 Azure Resource Manager Azure 虛擬桌面物件的 Azure 虛擬桌面。 如果您使用不含 Azure Resource Manager 物件的 Azure 虛擬桌面 (傳統),請參閱此文章

本文涵蓋 Azure 虛擬桌面租用戶的初始設定期間,以及相關工作階段主機集區基礎結構的問題。


請造訪 Azure 虛擬桌面 Tech Community,與產品小組和活躍的社群成員一起討論 Azure 虛擬桌面服務。

取得 Windows 10 企業版多重工作階段映像

若要使用Windows 10 企業版多重工作階段映像,請移至 Azure Marketplace,然後依序選取 [開始]>[Microsoft Windows 10]> 以及 [Windows 10 企業版多重工作階段映像 1809 版]

使用 Azure 入口網站建立主機集區的問題


An image showing the Azure portal displaying the

原因:您用來登入 Azure 的帳戶中沒有作用中的訂用帳戶,或帳戶沒有檢視訂用帳戶的權限。

修正:使用至少具有參與者層級存取權的帳戶,登入您將部署工作階段主機虛擬機器 (VM) 的訂用帳戶。



  • 使用相同的參數但較少 VM 和 VM 核心建立新的主機集區。

  • 在瀏覽器中開啟您在 statusMessage 欄位中看到的連結來提交要求,以增加指定 VM SKU 的 Azure 訂用帳戶配額。


原因:當您將訂用帳戶從某個 Microsoft Entra 租用戶移至另一個租用戶之後,通常會發生此錯誤。 如果您的舊指派仍與先前的 Microsoft Entra 租用戶相關,則 Azure 入口網站將失去對它們的追蹤。


我在選取服務物件的位置時,看不到想要使用的 Azure 區域

原因:Azure 目前針對該區域不支援 Azure 虛擬桌面服務。 若要瞭解我們支援哪些地理位置,請參閱資料位置。 如果 Azure 虛擬桌面支援位置,但在您嘗試選取位置時仍不會出現,這表示您的資源提供者尚未更新。


  1. 移至 [訂用帳戶],然後選取相關的訂用帳戶。
  2. 選取 [資源提供者]
  3. 選取 [Microsoft.DesktopVirtualization],然後從動作功能表選取 [重新註冊]

當您重新註冊資源提供者時,將不會看到任何特定的 UI 意見反應或更新狀態。 重新註冊程序也不會干擾您現有的環境。

Azure Resource Manager 範本錯誤

請遵循這些指示,針對 Azure Resource Manager 範本和 PowerShell DSC 的失敗部署進行疑難排解。

  1. 使用<檢視 Azure Resource Manager 的部署作業>來檢閱部署中的錯誤。
  2. 如果部署中沒有任何錯誤,請使用<檢視活動記錄來稽核資源上的動作>來檢閱活動記錄中的錯誤。
  3. 發現錯誤之後,請使用針對 Azure Resource Manager 的常見 Azure 部署錯誤進行疑難排解中的錯誤訊息和資源來解決問題。
  4. 刪除在先前部署期間建立的任何資源,然後再次嘗試部署範本。


Your Deployment Failed screenshot.


 {"code":"DeploymentFailed","message":"At least one resource deployment operation failed. Please list deployment operations for details.
 Please see https://aka.ms/arm-debug for usage details.","details":[{"code":"Conflict","message":"{\r\n \"status\": \"Failed\",\r\n \"error\":
 {\r\n \"code\": \"ResourceDeploymentFailure\",\r\n \"message\": \"The resource operation completed with terminal provisioning state 'Failed'.
 \",\r\n \"details\": [\r\n {\r\n \"code\": \"VMExtensionProvisioningError\",\r\n \"message\": \"VM has reported a failure when processing
 extension 'joindomain'. Error message: \\\"Exception(s) occurred while joining Domain 'diamondsg.onmicrosoft.com'\\\".\"\r\n }\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n}"}]}

原因 1:提供給將 VM 加入網域的認證不正確。

修正 1:請參閱工作階段主機 VM 設定中 VM 的「認證不正確」錯誤未加入網域。

原因 2:網域名稱無法解析。

修正 2:請參閱工作階段主機 VM 設定中的錯誤:網域名稱無法解析

原因 3:您的虛擬網路 (VNET) DNS 設定設為 [預設]


  1. 開啟 Azure 入口網站,然後移至 [虛擬網路] 索引標籤。
  2. 找到您的 VNet,然後選取 [DNS 伺服器]
  3. DNS 伺服器功能表應該會出現在畫面右側。 在該功能表上,選取 [自訂]
  4. 請確定 [自訂] 下所列出的 DNS 伺服器符合您的網域控制站或 Active Directory 網域。 如果您沒有看到 DNS 伺服器,可在 [新增 DNS 伺服器] 欄位中輸入其值來加以新增。


{"code":"DeploymentFailed","message":"At least one resource deployment operation failed. Please list deployment operations for details. Please see https://aka.ms/arm-debug for usage details.","details":[{"code":"Unauthorized","message":"{\r\n \"Code\": \"Unauthorized\",\r\n \"Message\": \"The scale operation is not allowed for this subscription in this region. Try selecting different region or scale option.\",\r\n \"Target\": null,\r\n \"Details\": [\r\n {\r\n \"Message\": \"The scale operation is not allowed for this subscription in this region. Try selecting different region or scale option.\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"Code\": \"Unauthorized\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"ErrorEntity\": {\r\n \"ExtendedCode\": \"52020\",\r\n \"MessageTemplate\": \"The scale operation is not allowed for this subscription in this region. Try selecting different region or scale option.\",\r\n \"Parameters\": [\r\n \"default\"\r\n ],\r\n \"Code\": \"Unauthorized\",\r\n \"Message\": \"The scale operation is not allowed for this subscription in this region. Try selecting different region or scale option.\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n \"Innererror\": null\r\n}"}]}

原因:您所使用的訂用帳戶這種類型無法存取客戶所嘗試部署區域中的必要功能。 例如,MSDN、免費或教育版訂用帳戶可能會顯示此錯誤。



Screenshot of Your Deployment Failed with terminal provisioning state failed.

原因 1:Azure 虛擬桌面環境的暫時性錯誤。

原因 2:連接發生暫時性錯誤。

修正:使用 PowerShell 登入以確認 Azure 虛擬桌面環境狀況良好。 在使用 PowerShell 建立主機集區中手動完成 VM 註冊。


Screenshot of your deployment failed in which an admin specified isn't allowed.


 { …{ "provisioningOperation":
 "Create", "provisioningState": "Failed", "timestamp": "2019-01-29T20:53:18.904917Z", "duration": "PT3.0574505S", "trackingId":
 "1f460af8-34dd-4c03-9359-9ab249a1a005", "statusCode": "BadRequest", "statusMessage": { "error": { "code": "InvalidParameter", "message":
 "The Admin Username specified is not allowed.", "target": "adminUsername" } … }

原因:提供的密碼包含禁止的子字串 (admin、administrator、root)。


錯誤:VM 回報在處理延伸模組時失敗

Screenshot of the resource operation completed with terminal provisioning state in Your Deployment Failed.


{ … "code": "ResourceDeploymentFailure", "message":
 "The resource operation completed with terminal provisioning state 'Failed'.", "details": [ { "code":
 "VMExtensionProvisioningError", "message": "VM has reported a failure when processing extension 'dscextension'.
 Error message: \"DSC Configuration 'SessionHost' completed with error(s). Following are the first few:
 PowerShell DSC resource MSFT_ScriptResource failed to execute Set-TargetResource functionality with error message:
 One or more errors occurred. The SendConfigurationApply function did not succeed.\"." } ] … }

原因:PowerShell DSC 擴充功能無法在 VM 上取得管理員存取權。

修正:確認使用者名稱和密碼具有虛擬機器的系統管理存取權,然後再次執行 Azure Resource Manager 範本。

錯誤:DeploymentFailed - PowerShell DSC 設定 'FirstSessionHost' 已完成,但發生錯誤

Screenshot of deployment fail with PowerShell DSC Configuration 'FirstSessionHost' completed with Error(s).


    "code": "DeploymentFailed",
   "message": "At least one resource deployment operation failed. Please list
 deployment operations for details. 4 Please see https://aka.ms/arm-debug for usage details.",
 "details": [
         { "code": "Conflict",
         "message": "{\r\n \"status\": \"Failed\",\r\n \"error\": {\r\n \"code\":
         \"ResourceDeploymentFailure\",\r\n \"message\": \"The resource
         operation completed with terminal provisioning state 'Failed'.\",\r\n
         \"details\": [\r\n {\r\n \"code\":
        \"VMExtensionProvisioningError\",\r\n \"message\": \"VM has
              reported a failure when processing extension 'dscextension'.
              Error message: \\\"DSC Configuration 'FirstSessionHost'
              completed with error(s). Following are the first few:
              PowerShell DSC resource MSFT ScriptResource failed to
              execute Set-TargetResource functionality with error message:
              One or more errors occurred. The SendConfigurationApply
              function did not succeed.\\\".\"\r\n }\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n}"  }

原因:PowerShell DSC 擴充功能無法在 VM 上取得管理員存取權。

修正:確認提供的使用者名稱和密碼具有虛擬機器的系統管理存取權,然後再次執行 Azure Resource Manager 範本。

錯誤:DeploymentFailed - InvalidResourceReference


{"code":"DeploymentFailed","message":"At least one resource deployment operation
failed. Please list deployment operations for details. Please see https://aka.ms/arm-
debug for usage details.","details":[{"code":"Conflict","message":"{\r\n \"status\":
\"Failed\",\r\n \"error\": {\r\n \"code\": \"ResourceDeploymentFailure\",\r\n
\"message\": \"The resource operation completed with terminal provisioning state
'Failed'.\",\r\n \"details\": [\r\n {\r\n \"code\": \"DeploymentFailed\",\r\n
\"message\": \"At least one resource deployment operation failed. Please list
deployment operations for details. Please see https://aka.ms/arm-debug for usage
details.\",\r\n \"details\": [\r\n {\r\n \"code\": \"BadRequest\",\r\n \"message\":
\"{\\r\\n \\\"error\\\": {\\r\\n \\\"code\\\": \\\"InvalidResourceReference\\\",\\r\\n
\\\"message\\\": \\\"Resource /subscriptions/EXAMPLE/resourceGroups/ernani-wvd-
referenced by resource /subscriptions/EXAMPLE/resourceGroups/ernani-wvd-
demo/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/erd. Please make sure that
the referenced resource exists, and that both resources are in the same
region.\\\",\\r\\n\\\"details\\\": []\\r\\n }\\r\\n}\"\r\n }\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n}"}]}

原因:資源群組名稱的一部分會用於範本所建立的特定資源。 由於名稱符合現有的資源,範本可能會從不同的群組中選取現有的資源。

修正:執行 Azure Resource Manager 範本以部署工作階段主機 VM 時,請將訂用帳戶資源群組名稱的前兩個字元設為唯一。

錯誤:DeploymentFailed - InvalidResourceReference


{"code":"DeploymentFailed","message":"At least one resource deployment operation
failed. Please list deployment operations for details. Please see https://aka.ms/arm-
debug for usage details.","details":[{"code":"Conflict","message":"{\r\n \"status\":
\"Failed\",\r\n \"error\": {\r\n \"code\": \"ResourceDeploymentFailure\",\r\n
\"message\": \"The resource operation completed with terminal provisioning state
'Failed'.\",\r\n \"details\": [\r\n {\r\n \"code\": \"DeploymentFailed\",\r\n
\"message\": \"At least one resource deployment operation failed. Please list
deployment operations for details. Please see https://aka.ms/arm-debug for usage
details.\",\r\n \"details\": [\r\n {\r\n \"code\": \"BadRequest\",\r\n \"message\":
\"{\\r\\n \\\"error\\\": {\\r\\n \\\"code\\\": \\\"InvalidResourceReference\\\",\\r\\n
\\\"message\\\": \\\"Resource /subscriptions/EXAMPLE/resourceGroups/ernani-wvd-
referenced by resource /subscriptions/EXAMPLE/resourceGroups/DEMO/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces
/EXAMPLE was not found. Please make sure that the referenced resource exists, and that both
resources are in the same region.\\\",\\r\\n \\\"details\\\": []\\r\\n }\\r\\n}\"\r\n
}\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n\

原因:此錯誤是因為使用 Azure Resource Manager 範本建立的 NIC 名稱與 VNET 中已有的另一個 NIC 名稱相同。


錯誤:DeploymentFailed - 下載時發生錯誤


\\\"The DSC Extension failed to execute: Error downloading
/Artifacts/DSC/Configuration.zip after 29 attempts: The remote name could not be
resolved: 'catalogartifact.azureedge.net'.\\nMore information about the failure can
be found in the logs located under
'C:\\\\WindowsAzure\\\\Logs\\\\Plugins\\\\Microsoft.Powershell.DSC\\\\' on
the VM.\\\"

原因:此錯誤是因為靜態路由、防火牆規則或 NSG 封鎖了繫結至 Azure Resource Manager 範本的 ZIP 檔案下載。

修正:移除封鎖靜態路由、防火牆規則或 NSG。 您可以選擇性地在文字編輯器中開啟 Azure Resource Manager 範本 JSON 檔案、取得 ZIP 檔案的連結,並將資源下載到允許的位置。

錯誤:刪除 VM 之後,無法從主機集區刪除工作階段主機

原因:您必須先刪除工作階段主機,然後才能刪除 VM。

