Use generative answers in a topic

The generative answers node gives you the ability to respond to your users based on knowledge sources at the topic-level. Knowledge sources allow you to give your users authoritative responses, based on information that you provide your copilot.

When you first create your copilot, you can enter a URL your copilot uses to generate responses. This URL is used in all features of the copilot. However, you can boost your copilot's conversations by using multiple internal and external knowledge sources within individual topics.

Generative answers as a fallback

When your copilot can't find a matching intent (defined in a topic) for the user's query, it uses generative answers to try to answer the question. This behavior is known as generative answers as a fallback. If the user's intent isn't matched to topics or generative answers, the Fallback system topic is used. System topics can escalate a query for the copilot.

Generative answers knowledge sources

Within a copilot's topic, you can add a generative answers node. This node allows you to specify more sources that the node searches based on your inputs. Knowledge sources defined in the generative answers node override sources you specified at the copilot level, which functions as a fallback. For the best results, configure your generative answers nodes with specific knowledge sources.

These sources include:

  • External resources:

  • Internal resources:

    • Azure OpenAI on your data
    • Documents uploaded to Dataverse
    • SharePoint (only specific file formats are supported)
    • Custom data (internal or external): supply your own source, such as a Power Automate Flow or from Skill.

Supported knowledge sources

Different knowledge sources have different capabilities, such as the number of inputs, the type or format of the data, and how (or if) the source needs authentication to access it.

Name Source Description Number of inputs supported in general answers Authentication
Public Website External Searches the query input on Bing, only returns results from provided websites Four public URLs (for example, None
Documents Internal Searches documents uploaded to Dataverse, returns results from the document contents Limited by Dataverse file storage allocation None
SharePoint Internal Connects to a SharePoint URL, uses GraphSearch to return results Four URLs per generative answers topic node Copilot user's Microsoft Entra ID authentication
Dataverse Internal Connects to the connected Dataverse environment and uses retrieval-augmented generative technique in Dataverse to return results Two Dataverse knowledge sources (and up to 15 tables per knowledge source) Copilot user's Microsoft Entra ID authentication
Enterprise data using Microsoft Graph connectors Internal Connects to Microsoft Graph connectors where your organization data is indexed by Microsoft Search Two per custom copilot Copilot user's Microsoft Entra ID authentication


  • Copilot user authentication for knowledge sources means that when a specific user asks a question of the copilot, the copilot only surfaces content that the specific user can access.

  • Knowledge sources in generative answers nodes currently don't support Bing Custom Search, Azure Open AI, or Custom Data. Instead, from the generative answers node properties, use the Classic data option for Bing Custom Search, Azure Open AI, or Custom Data sources.

  • For websites, you need to confirm which website(s) your organization owns that Bing will search through Copilot Studio.

Add a generative answers node

  1. Select the Topics page and open a topic. Find where you want to use generative answers.

  2. Select the plus icon to open the new node menu.

  3. Under Advanced, select Generative answers.

    Screen capture showing the location of the generative answers node option when adding a new node.

  4. A new node called Create generative answers is added to your topic. To access the Properties pane, select the node's ... then Properties.

    You can specify and configure your new data sources:


Some sources require authentication, since the copilot makes calls on behalf of the user in the chat window. Calls use the account credentials from

The authentication settings configured in the copilot need manual authentication with the Service Provider type of Microsoft Entra ID.

To configure authentication and create a Microsoft Entra ID, see:

Include delegated permissions for Microsoft Graph:

  1. Files.Read.All
  2. Sites.Read.All

Supported content

Generative answers obtain content stored in these formats:

  • SharePoint pages (modern pages)
  • Word documents (docx)
  • PowerPoint documents (pptx)
  • PDF documents (pdf)


Only modern pages are supported. Content from classic ASPX pages on SharePoint aren't used to generate answers.

Content moderation

The content moderation settings for individual generative answers nodes can be set from the Properties pane for each individual node. The content moderation settings allow your copilot to provide more answers, however, the increase in answers might affect the relevancy of the given answers.

  1. Select the node's ... then Properties.

  2. Select How strict should the content moderation be, and adjust the level you want for your generative answers node.

    Low - More creative Medium - More balanced High - More precise
    Copilot generates the most answers, but might be inaccurate. Copilot generates more answers, but might be irrelevant or undesirable. Copilot’s answers are more relevant. (default)
  3. Select Save at the top of the page.


If your generative answers node is set to moderate content, answers might not be returned. For more information on how to diagnose answers not being returned, see Content blocked by content moderation.