Sets the array element at the specified index.
void SetAtGrow(
INT_PTR nIndex,
ARG_TYPE newElement
An integer index that is greater than or equal to 0.ARG_TYPE
Template parameter specifying the type of elements in the array.newElement
The element to be added to this array. A NULL value is allowed.
The array grows automatically if necessary (that is, the upper bound is adjusted to accommodate the new element).
// example for CArray::SetAtGrow
CArray<CPoint,CPoint> ptArray;
ptArray.Add(CPoint(10,20)); // Element 0
ptArray.Add(CPoint(30,40)); // Element 1
// Element 2 deliberately skipped
ptArray.SetAtGrow(3, CPoint(50,60)); // Element 3
Header: afxtempl.h