Enables the full-screen mode for the frame window.
void EnableFullScreenMode(
UINT uiFullScreenCmd
- [in] uiFullScreenCmd
The ID of a command that enables and disables the full screen mode.
In the full-screen mode, all docking control bars, toolbars and menu are hidden and the active view is resized to occupy the full-screen.
When you enable the full-screen mode, you must specify an ID of the command that enables or disables the full-screen mode. You can call EnableFullScreenMode from the main frame's OnCreate function. When a frame window is being switched to a full-screen mode, the framework creates a floating toolbar with one button that has the specified command ID.
If you want to keep the main menu on the screen, call CFrameWndEx::EnableFullScreenMainMenu.
Header: afxframewndex.h