Trigger work queues processing

Power Automate provides a variety of triggers that can be used to initiate work queue processing. These triggers can be categorized into different types based on their functionality.

  • Manual Triggers: These triggers are initiated manually by the user. They're useful when you want to start a flow on-demand, such as when you need to perform a specific task.

  • Automated Triggers: These triggers are initiated automatically based on a specific event or condition. For example, you can use the "When a new email arrives" trigger to initiate a flow whenever a new email is received.

  • Scheduled Triggers: These triggers are initiated based on a specific schedule. You can use them to perform tasks at specific times or intervals, such as sending a daily report.

  • Instant Triggers: These triggers are initiated immediately when a specific event occurs. For example, you can use the "When a file is created or modified" trigger to initiate a flow whenever a file is created or modified in a specific folder.

  • UI-based Triggers: These triggers are initiated based on user interactions with a user interface. For example, you can use the "When a button is clicked" trigger to initiate a flow when a user select a button on a form.

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