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Windows Media Player 11 SDK Compiling a Full Catalog from TSV FilesĀ 

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Compiling a Full Catalog from TSV Files

New catalogs are created from a set of tab-separated-value (TSV) files. The files must be in Unicode format. Place the required TSV files listed below into a folder (the input path argument to catcomp.exe), and call catcomp.exe using the following syntax:


If a version number is not provided, the version number will be set to 0. If no locale ID is provided, the system locale is used. If only one numeric optional argument is provided, it is assumed to be the version number. If debug is specified, the output to the screen will provide more detailed diagnostic information.

For example, the following will compile a catalog from the files in C:\CatalogData\210 and give the catalog a version number of 210:


To display more detailed error messages, the optional debug argument can be added, as follows:


Required TSV Files

Each of the following files must be present, but an empty file can be used if there is no data for a file. For instance, if your catalog contains no radio channels, radio.csv can be empty. The files must be named exactly as listed.









Note Although the file names must have .csv extensions, the files are not in Comma Separated Values (CSV) format. The files must be in Tab Separated Values (TSV) format.

If compilation is successful, catcomp.exe creates three output files.

File name Description
catalog.wmdb Uncompressed compiled catalog.
catalog.wmdb.lz Catalog in compressed format. Your plug-in can give the location of this file to Windows Media Player in IWMPContentPartner::GetCatalogURL.
compiled_unique_words.txt An intermediate output file. Not used by Windows Media Player.
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