dbghelp.h header
This header is used by multiple technologies. For more information, see:
dbghelp.h contains the following programming interfaces:
EnumDirTree The EnumDirTree function (dbghelp.h) enumerates all occurrences of the specified file in the specified directory tree. |
EnumDirTreeW The EnumDirTreeW (Unicode) function enumerates all occurrences of the specified file in the specified directory tree. |
EnumerateLoadedModules Enumerates the loaded modules for the specified process. (EnumerateLoadedModules) |
EnumerateLoadedModules64 Enumerates the loaded modules for the specified process. (EnumerateLoadedModules64) |
EnumerateLoadedModulesEx The EnumerateLoadedModulesEx function (dbghelp.h) enumerates the loaded modules for the specified process. |
EnumerateLoadedModulesExW The EnumerateLoadedModulesExW (Unicode) function enumerates the loaded modules for the specified process. |
EnumerateLoadedModulesW64 Enumerates the loaded modules for the specified process. (EnumerateLoadedModulesW64) |
FindDebugInfoFile Locates a debug (.dbg) file. |
FindDebugInfoFileEx The FindDebugInfoFileEx function (dbghelp.h) locates the specified debug (.dbg) file. |
FindDebugInfoFileExW The FindDebugInfoFileExW (Unicode) function locates the specified debug (.dbg) file. |
FindExecutableImage Locates an executable file. |
FindExecutableImageEx The FindExecutableImageEx function (dbghelp.h) locates the specified executable file. |
FindExecutableImageExW The FindExecutableImageExW (Unicode) function locates the specified executable file. |
GetSymLoadError Gets the last symbol load error. |
GetTimestampForLoadedLibrary Retrieves the time stamp of a loaded image. |
ImageDirectoryEntryToData Obtains access to image-specific data. |
ImageDirectoryEntryToDataEx Locates a directory entry within the image header and returns the address of the data for the directory entry. This function returns the section header for the data located, if one exists. |
ImagehlpApiVersion Retrieves the version information of the DbgHelp library installed on the system. |
ImagehlpApiVersionEx Modifies the version information of the library used by the application. |
ImageNtHeader Locates the IMAGE_NT_HEADERS structure in a PE image and returns a pointer to the data. |
ImageRvaToSection Locates a relative virtual address (RVA) within the image header of a file that is mapped as a file and returns a pointer to the section table entry for that RVA. |
ImageRvaToVa Locates a relative virtual address (RVA) within the image header of a file that is mapped as a file and returns the virtual address of the corresponding byte in the file. |
MakeSureDirectoryPathExists Creates all the directories in the specified path, beginning with the root. |
MapDebugInformation Obtains access to the debugging information for an image. |
SearchTreeForFile The SearchTreeForFile function (dbghelp.h) searches a directory tree for a specified file. |
SearchTreeForFileW The SearchTreeForFileW (Unicode) function searches a directory tree for a specified file. |
SetSymLoadError Sets a symbol load error. |
StackWalk Obtains a stack trace. (StackWalk) |
StackWalk2 Obtains a stack trace. (StackWalk2) |
StackWalk64 Obtains a stack trace. (StackWalk64) |
StackWalkEx Obtains a stack trace. (StackWalkEx) |
SymAddrIncludeInlineTrace Indicates whether the specified address is within an inline frame. |
SymAddSourceStream The SymAddSourceStream function (dbghelp.h) adds the stream to the specified module for use by the Source Server. |
SymAddSourceStreamA Adds the stream to the specified module for use by the Source Server. (SymAddSourceStreamA) |
SymAddSourceStreamW The SymAddSourceStreamW (Unicode) function adds the stream to the specified module for use by the Source Server. |
SymAddSymbol The SymAddSymbol function (dbghelp.h) adds a virtual symbol to the specified module. |
SymAddSymbolW The SymAddSymbolW (Unicode) function adds a virtual symbol to the specified module. |
SymCleanup Deallocates all resources associated with the process handle. |
SymCompareInlineTrace Compares two inline traces. |
SymDeleteSymbol The SymDeleteSymbol function (dbghelp.h) deletes a virtual symbol from the specified module. |
SymDeleteSymbolW The SymDeleteSymbolW (Unicode) function deletes a virtual symbol from the specified module. |
SymEnumerateModules Enumerates all modules that have been loaded for the process by the SymLoadModule64 or SymLoadModuleEx function. (SymEnumerateModules) |
SymEnumerateModules64 Enumerates all modules that have been loaded for the process by the SymLoadModule64 or SymLoadModuleEx function. (SymEnumerateModules64) |
SymEnumerateModulesW64 Enumerates all modules that have been loaded for the process by the SymLoadModule64 or SymLoadModuleEx function. (SymEnumerateModulesW64) |
SymEnumerateSymbols The SymEnumerateSymbols function (dbghelp.h) enumerates all the symbols for a specified module. |
SymEnumerateSymbols64 Enumerates all the symbols for a specified module. (SymEnumerateSymbols64) |
SymEnumerateSymbolsW The SymEnumerateSymbolsW (Unicode) function enumerates all the symbols for a specified module. |
SymEnumerateSymbolsW64 Enumerates all the symbols for a specified module. (SymEnumerateSymbolsW64) |
SymEnumLines The SymEnumLines function (dbghelp.h) enumerates all lines in the specified module. |
SymEnumLinesW The SymEnumLinesW function enumerates all lines in the specified module. |
SymEnumProcesses Enumerates each process that has called the SymInitialize function. |
SymEnumSourceFiles The SymEnumSourceFiles function (dbghelp.h) enumerates all source files in a process. |
SymEnumSourceFilesW The SymEnumSourceFilesW (Unicode) function enumerates all source files in a process. |
SymEnumSourceFileTokens Enumerates all individual entries in a module's source server data, if available. |
SymEnumSourceLines The SymEnumSourceLines function (dbghelp.h) enumerates all source lines in a module. |
SymEnumSourceLinesW The SymEnumSourceLinesW (Unicode) function enumerates all source lines in a module. |
SymEnumSymbols The SymEnumSymbols function (dbghelp.h) enumerates all symbols in a process. |
SymEnumSymbolsEx The SymEnumSymbolsEx function (dbghelp.h) enumerates all symbols in a process. |
SymEnumSymbolsExW The SymEnumSymbolsExW (Unicode) function enumerates all symbols in a process. |
SymEnumSymbolsForAddr The SymEnumSymbolsForAddr function (dbghelp.h) enumerates the symbols for the specified address. |
SymEnumSymbolsForAddrW The SymEnumSymbolsForAddrW (Unicode) function enumerates the symbols for the specified address. |
SymEnumSymbolsW The SymEnumSymbolsW (Unicode) function enumerates all symbols in a process. |
SymEnumTypes The SymEnumTypes function (dbghelp.h) enumerates all user-defined types. |
SymEnumTypesByName The SymEnumTypesByName function (dbghelp.h) enumerates all user-defined types. |
SymEnumTypesByNameW The SymEnumTypesByNameW (Unicode) function enumerates all user-defined types. |
SymEnumTypesW The SymEnumTypesW (Unicode) function enumerates all user-defined types. |
SymFindDebugInfoFile The SymFindDebugInfoFile function (dbghelp.h) locates a .dbg file in the process search path. |
SymFindDebugInfoFileW The SymFindDebugInfoFileW (Unicode) function locates a .dbg file in the process search path. |
SymFindExecutableImage The SymFindExecutableImage function (dbghelp.h) locates an executable file in the process search path. |
SymFindExecutableImageW The SymFindExecutableImageW (Unicode) function locates an executable file in the process search path. |
SymFindFileInPath The SymFindFileInPath function (dbghelp.h) locates a symbol file or executable image. |
SymFindFileInPathW The SymFindFileInPathW (Unicode) function locates a symbol file or executable image. |
SymFromAddr The SymFromAddr function (dbghelp.h) retrieves symbol information for the specified address. |
SymFromAddrW The SymFromAddrW (Unicode) function retrieves symbol information for the specified address. |
SymFromIndex The SymFromIndex function (dbghelp.h) retrieves symbol information for the specified index. |
SymFromIndexW The SymFromIndexW (Unicode) function retrieves symbol information for the specified index. |
SymFromInlineContext The SymFromInlineContext function (dbghelp.h) retrieves symbol information for the specified address and inline context. |
SymFromInlineContextW The SymFromInlineContextW (Unicode) function retrieves symbol information for the specified address and inline context. |
SymFromName The SymFromName function (dbghelp.h) retrieves symbol information for the specified name. |
SymFromNameW The SymFromNameW (Unicode) function retrieves symbol information for the specified name. |
SymFromToken The SymFromToken function (dbghelp.h) retrieves symbol information for the specified managed code token. |
SymFromTokenW The SymFromTokenW (Unicode) function retrieves symbol information for the specified managed code token. |
SymFunctionTableAccess Retrieves the function table entry for the specified address. (SymFunctionTableAccess) |
SymFunctionTableAccess64 Retrieves the function table entry for the specified address. (SymFunctionTableAccess64) |
SymFunctionTableAccess64AccessRoutines Finds a function table entry or frame pointer omission (FPO) record for an address. |
SymGetExtendedOption Gets whether the specified extended symbol option on or off. |
SymGetFileLineOffsets64 Locates line information for the specified module and file name. |
SymGetHomeDirectory The SymGetHomeDirectory function (dbghelp.h) retrieves the home directory used by Dbghelp. |
SymGetHomeDirectoryW The SymGetHomeDirectoryW (Unicode) function retrieves the home directory used by Dbghelp. |
SymGetLineFromAddr Locates the source line for the specified address. (SymGetLineFromAddr) |
SymGetLineFromAddr64 Locates the source line for the specified address. (SymGetLineFromAddr64) |
SymGetLineFromAddrW64 Locates the source line for the specified address. (SymGetLineFromAddrW64) |
SymGetLineFromInlineContext The SymGetLineFromInlineContext function (dbghelp.h) locates the source line for the specified inline context. |
SymGetLineFromInlineContextW The SymGetLineFromInlineContextW (Unicode) function locates the source line for the specified inline context. |
SymGetLineFromName Locates a source line for the specified module, file name, and line number. (SymGetLineFromName) |
SymGetLineFromName64 Locates a source line for the specified module, file name, and line number. (SymGetLineFromName64) |
SymGetLineFromNameW64 Locates a source line for the specified module, file name, and line number. (SymGetLineFromNameW64) |
SymGetLineNext Retrieves the line information for the next source line. (SymGetLineNext) |
SymGetLineNext64 Retrieves the line information for the next source line. (SymGetLineNext64) |
SymGetLineNextW64 Retrieves the line information for the next source line. (SymGetLineNextW64) |
SymGetLinePrev Retrieves the line information for the previous source line. (SymGetLinePrev) |
SymGetLinePrev64 Retrieves the line information for the previous source line. (SymGetLinePrev64) |
SymGetLinePrevW64 Retrieves the line information for the previous source line. (SymGetLinePrevW64) |
SymGetModuleBase Retrieves the base address of the module that contains the specified address. (SymGetModuleBase) |
SymGetModuleBase64 Retrieves the base address of the module that contains the specified address. (SymGetModuleBase64) |
SymGetModuleInfo The SymGetModuleInfo function (dbghelp.h) retrieves the module information of the specified module. |
SymGetModuleInfo64 Retrieves the module information of the specified module. (SymGetModuleInfo64) |
SymGetModuleInfoW Retrieves the module information of the specified module. (SymGetModuleInfoW) |
SymGetModuleInfoW64 Retrieves the module information of the specified module. (SymGetModuleInfoW64) |
SymGetOmaps Retrieves the omap tables within a loaded module. |
SymGetOptions Retrieves the current option mask. |
SymGetScope The SymGetScope function (dbghelp.h) retrieves the scope for the specified index. |
SymGetScopeW The SymGetScopeW (Unicode) function retrieves the scope for the specified index. |
SymGetSearchPath The SymGetSearchPath function (dbghelp.h) retrieves the symbol search path for the specified process. |
SymGetSearchPathW The SymGetSearchPathW (Unicode) function retrieves the symbol search path for the specified process. |
SymGetSourceFile The SymGetSourceFile function (dbghelp.h) retrieves the specified source file from the source server. |
SymGetSourceFileChecksum The SymGetSourceFileChecksum function (dbghelp.h) retrieves the specified source file checksum from the source server. |
SymGetSourceFileChecksumW The SymGetSourceFileChecksumW (Unicode) function retrieves the specified source file checksum from the source server. |
SymGetSourceFileFromToken The SymGetSourceFileFromToken function (dbghelp.h) retrieves the source file associated with the specified token from the source server. |
SymGetSourceFileFromTokenW The SymGetSourceFileFromTokenW (Unicode) function retrieves the source file associated with the specified token from the source server. |
SymGetSourceFileToken The SymGetSourceFileToken function (dbghelp.h) retrieves token for the specified source file from the source server. |
SymGetSourceFileTokenW The SymGetSourceFileTokenW (Unicode) function retrieves token for the specified source file from the source server. |
SymGetSourceFileW The SymGetSourceFileW (Unicode) function retrieves the specified source file from the source server. |
SymGetSourceVarFromToken The SymGetSourceVarFromToken function (dbghelp.h) retrieves the value associated with the specified variable name from the Source Server token. |
SymGetSourceVarFromTokenW The SymGetSourceVarFromTokenW (Unicode) function retrieves the value associated with the specified variable name from the Source Server token. |
SymGetSymbolFile The SymGetSymbolFile function (dbghelp.h) locates a symbol file in the specified symbol path. |
SymGetSymbolFileW The SymGetSymbolFileW (Unicode) function locates a symbol file in the specified symbol path. |
SymGetSymFromAddr Locates the symbol for the specified address. (SymGetSymFromAddr) |
SymGetSymFromAddr64 Locates the symbol for the specified address. (SymGetSymFromAddr64) |
SymGetSymFromName Locates a symbol for the specified name. (SymGetSymFromName) |
SymGetSymFromName64 Locates a symbol for the specified name. (SymGetSymFromName64) |
SymGetSymNext Retrieves the symbol information for the next symbol. (SymGetSymNext) |
SymGetSymNext64 Retrieves the symbol information for the next symbol. (SymGetSymNext64) |
SymGetSymPrev Retrieves the symbol information for the previous symbol. (SymGetSymPrev) |
SymGetSymPrev64 Retrieves the symbol information for the previous symbol. (SymGetSymPrev64) |
SymGetTypeFromName The SymGetTypeFromName function (dbghelp.h) retrieves a type index for the specified type name. |
SymGetTypeFromNameW The SymGetTypeFromNameW (Unicode) function retrieves a type index for the specified type name. |
SymGetTypeInfo Retrieves type information for the specified type index. |
SymGetTypeInfoEx Retrieves multiple pieces of type information. |
SymInitialize The SymInitialize function (dbghelp.h) initializes the symbol handler for a process. |
SymInitializeW The SymInitializeW (Unicode) function initializes the symbol handler for a process. |
SymLoadModule Loads the symbol table. (SymLoadModule) |
SymLoadModule64 Loads the symbol table. (SymLoadModule64) |
SymLoadModuleEx The SymLoadModuleEx function (dbghelp.h) loads the symbol table for the specified module. |
SymLoadModuleExW The SymLoadModuleExW (Unicode) function loads the symbol table for the specified module. |
SymMatchFileName The SymMatchFileName function (dbghelp.h) compares a string to a file name and path. |
SymMatchFileNameW The SymMatchFileNameW (Unicode) function compares a string to a file name and path. |
SymMatchString The SymMatchString function (dbghelp.h) compares the specified string to the specified wildcard expression. |
SymMatchStringA Compares the specified string to the specified wildcard expression. (SymMatchStringA) |
SymMatchStringW The SymMatchStringW (Unicode) function compares the specified string to the specified wildcard expression. |
SymNext The SymNext function (dbghelp.h) retrieves symbol information for the next symbol. |
SymNextW The SymNextW (Unicode) function retrieves symbol information for the next symbol. |
SymPrev The SymPrev function (dbghelp.h) retrieves symbol information for the previous symbol. |
SymPrevW The SymPrevW (Unicode) function (dbghelp.h) retrieves symbol information for the previous symbol. |
SymQueryInlineTrace Queries an inline trace. |
SymRefreshModuleList Refreshes the module list for the process. |
SymRegisterCallback Registers a callback function for use by the symbol handler. (SymRegisterCallback) |
SymRegisterCallback64 Registers a callback function for use by the symbol handler. (SymRegisterCallback64) |
SymRegisterCallbackW64 Registers a callback function for use by the symbol handler. (SymRegisterCallbackW64) |
SymRegisterFunctionEntryCallback Registers a callback function for use by the stack walking procedure on Alpha computers. (SymRegisterFunctionEntryCallback) |
SymRegisterFunctionEntryCallback64 Registers a callback function for use by the stack walking procedure on Alpha computers. (SymRegisterFunctionEntryCallback64) |
SymSearch The SymSearch function (dbghelp.h) searches for PDB symbols that meet the specified criteria. |
SymSearchW The SymSearchW (Unicode) function (dbghelp.h) searches for PDB symbols that meet the specified criteria. |
SymSetContext Sets context information used by the SymEnumSymbols function. This function only works with PDB symbols. |
SymSetExtendedOption Turns the specified extended symbol option on or off. |
SymSetHomeDirectory The SymSetHomeDirectory function (dbghelp.h) sets the home directory used by Dbghelp. |
SymSetHomeDirectoryW The SymSetHomeDirectoryW (Unicode) function (dbghelp.h) sets the home directory used by Dbghelp. |
SymSetOptions Sets the options mask. |
SymSetParentWindow Sets the window that the caller will use to display a user interface. |
SymSetScopeFromAddr Sets the local scope to the symbol that matches the specified address. |
SymSetScopeFromIndex Sets the local scope to the symbol that matches the specified index. |
SymSetScopeFromInlineContext Sets the local scope to the symbol that matches the specified address and inline context. |
SymSetSearchPath The SymSetSearchPath function (dbghelp.h) sets the search path for the specified process. |
SymSetSearchPathW The SymSetSearchPathW (Unicode) function (dbghelp.h) sets the search path for the specified process. |
SymSrvDeltaName The SymSrvDeltaName function (dbghelp.h) generates the name for a file that describes the relationship between two versions of the same symbol/image. |
SymSrvDeltaNameW The SymSrvDeltaNameW (Unicode) function (dbghelp.h) generates the name for a file that describes the relationship between two versions of the same symbol/image. |
SymSrvGetFileIndexes The SymSrvGetFileIndexes function (dbghelp.h) retrieves the indexes for the specified .pdb, .dbg, or image file that would be used to store the file. |
SymSrvGetFileIndexesW The SymSrvGetFileIndexesW (Unicode) function (dbghelp.h) retrieves the indexes for the specified .pdb, .dbg, or image file that would be used to store the file. |
SymSrvGetFileIndexInfo The SymSrvGetFileIndexInfo function (dbghelp.h) retrieves the index information for the specified .pdb, .dbg, or image file. |
SymSrvGetFileIndexInfoW The SymSrvGetFileIndexInfoW (Unicode) function (dbghelp.h) retrieves the index information for the specified .pdb, .dbg, or image file. |
SymSrvGetFileIndexString The SymSrvGetFileIndexString function (dbghelp.h) retrieves the index string for the specified .pdb, .dbg, or image file. |
SymSrvGetFileIndexStringW The SymSrvGetFileIndexStringW (Unicode) function (dbghelp.h) retrieves the index string for the specified .pdb, .dbg, or image file. |
SymSrvGetSupplement The SymSrvGetSupplement function (dbghelp.h) retrieves the specified file from the supplement for a symbol store. |
SymSrvGetSupplementW The SymSrvGetSupplementW (Unicode) function (dbghelp.h) retrieves the specified file from the supplement for a symbol store. |
SymSrvIsStore The SymSrvIsStore function (dbghelp.h) determines whether the specified path points to a symbol store. |
SymSrvIsStoreW The SymSrvIsStoreW (Unicode) function (dbghelp.h) determines whether the specified path points to a symbol store. |
SymSrvStoreFile The SymSrvStoreFile function (dbghelp.h) stores a file in the specified symbol store. |
SymSrvStoreFileW The SymSrvStoreFileW (Unicode) function (dbghelp.h) stores a file in the specified symbol store. |
SymSrvStoreSupplement The SymSrvStoreSupplement function (dbghelp.h) stores a file in the specified supplement to a symbol store. |
SymSrvStoreSupplementW The SymSrvStoreSupplementW (Unicode) function (dbghelp.h) stores a file in the specified supplement to a symbol store. |
SymUnDName Undecorates a decorated C++ symbol name. (SymUnDName) |
SymUnDName64 Undecorates a decorated C++ symbol name. (SymUnDName64) |
SymUnloadModule Unloads the symbol table. (SymUnloadModule) |
SymUnloadModule64 Unloads the symbol table. (SymUnloadModule64) |
UnDecorateSymbolName The UnDecorateSymbolName function (dbghelp.h) undecorates the specified decorated C++ symbol name. |
UnDecorateSymbolNameW The UnDecorateSymbolNameW (Unicode) function (dbghelp.h) undecorates the specified decorated C++ symbol name. |
UnmapDebugInformation Deallocates the memory and resources allocated by a call to the MapDebugInformation function. |
PENUMDIRTREE_CALLBACK PENUMDIRTREE_CALLBACK (dbghelp.h) is an application-defined callback function used with the EnumDirTree function. It is called every time a match is found. |
PENUMDIRTREE_CALLBACKW PENUMDIRTREE_CALLBACKW (Unicode) is an application-defined callback function used with the EnumDirTree function. It is called every time a match is found. |
PENUMLOADED_MODULES_CALLBACK PENUMLOADED_MODULES_CALLBACK (dbghelp.h) is an application-defined callback function used with the EnumerateLoadedModules64 function. |
PENUMLOADED_MODULES_CALLBACK64 PENUMLOADED_MODULES_CALLBACK64 (dbghelp.h) is an application-defined callback function used with the EnumerateLoadedModules64 function. |
PENUMLOADED_MODULES_CALLBACKW64 PENUMLOADED_MODULES_CALLBACKW64 (Unicode) is an application-defined callback function used with the EnumerateLoadedModules64 function. |
PENUMSOURCEFILETOKENSCALLBACK An application-defined callback function used with the SymEnumSourceFileTokens function which enumerates the source server version control information stored in the PDB for a module. |
PFIND_DEBUG_FILE_CALLBACK PFIND_DEBUG_FILE_CALLBACK (dbghelp.h) is an application-defined callback function used with the FindDebugInfoFileEx function. |
PFIND_DEBUG_FILE_CALLBACKW PFIND_DEBUG_FILE_CALLBACKW (Unicode) is an application-defined callback function used with the FindDebugInfoFileEx function. |
PFIND_EXE_FILE_CALLBACK PFIND_EXE_FILE_CALLBACK (dbghelp.h) is an application-defined callback function used with the FindExecutableImageEx function. |
PFIND_EXE_FILE_CALLBACKW PFIND_EXE_FILE_CALLBACKW (Unicode) is an application-defined callback function used with the FindExecutableImageEx function. It verifies whether the executable file found by FindExecutableImageEx is the correct executable file. |
PFINDFILEINPATHCALLBACK PFINDFILEINPATHCALLBACK (dbghelp.h) is an application-defined callback function used with the SymFindFileInPath function. |
PFINDFILEINPATHCALLBACKW PFINDFILEINPATHCALLBACKW (Unicode) is an application-defined callback function used with the SymFindFileInPath function. |
PFUNCTION_TABLE_ACCESS_ROUTINE PFUNCTION_TABLE_ACCESS_ROUTINE (dbghelp.h) is an application-defined callback function used with the StackWalk64 function. |
PFUNCTION_TABLE_ACCESS_ROUTINE64 PFUNCTION_TABLE_ACCESS_ROUTINE64 (dbghelp.h) is an application-defined callback function used with the StackWalk64 function. |
PGET_MODULE_BASE_ROUTINE PGET_MODULE_BASE_ROUTINE (dbghelp.h) is an application-defined callback function used with the StackWalk64 function. |
PGET_MODULE_BASE_ROUTINE64 PGET_MODULE_BASE_ROUTINE64 (dbghelp.h) is an application-defined callback function used with the StackWalk64 function. |
PGET_TARGET_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE64 PGET_TARGET_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE64 (dbghelp.h) is an application-defined callback function used with the StackWalk2 function. |
PREAD_PROCESS_MEMORY_ROUTINE PREAD_PROCESS_MEMORY_ROUTINE (dbghelp.h) is an application-defined callback function used with the StackWalk64 function. |
PREAD_PROCESS_MEMORY_ROUTINE64 PREAD_PROCESS_MEMORY_ROUTINE64 (dbghelp.h) is an application-defined callback function used with the StackWalk64 function. |
PSYM_ENUMERATESYMBOLS_CALLBACK PSYM_ENUMERATESYMBOLS_CALLBACK is an application-defined callback function used with the SymEnumSymbols, SymEnumTypes, and SymEnumTypesByName functions. |
PSYM_ENUMERATESYMBOLS_CALLBACKW PSYM_ENUMERATESYMBOLS_CALLBACKW (Unicode) is a callback function used with the SymEnumSymbols, SymEnumTypes, and SymEnumTypesByName functions. |
PSYM_ENUMLINES_CALLBACK PSYM_ENUMLINES_CALLBACK (dbghelp.h) is an application-defined callback function used with the SymEnumLines and SymEnumSourceLines functions. |
PSYM_ENUMLINES_CALLBACKW PSYM_ENUMLINES_CALLBACKW (Unicode) is an application-defined callback function used with the SymEnumLines and SymEnumSourceLines functions. |
PSYM_ENUMMODULES_CALLBACK PSYM_ENUMMODULES_CALLBACK (dbghelp.h) is an application-defined callback function used with the SymEnumerateModules64 function. |
PSYM_ENUMMODULES_CALLBACK64 PSYM_ENUMMODULES_CALLBACK64 (dbghelp.h) is an application-defined callback function used with the SymEnumerateModules64 function. |
PSYM_ENUMMODULES_CALLBACKW64 PSYM_ENUMMODULES_CALLBACKW64 (Unicode) is an application-defined callback function used with the SymEnumerateModules64 function. |
PSYM_ENUMPROCESSES_CALLBACK An application-defined function used with the SymEnumProcesses function. |
PSYM_ENUMSOURCEFILES_CALLBACK PSYM_ENUMSOURCEFILES_CALLBACK (dbghelp.h) is an application-defined callback function used with the SymEnumSourceFiles function. |
PSYM_ENUMSOURCEFILES_CALLBACKW PSYM_ENUMSOURCEFILES_CALLBACKW (Unicode) is an application-defined callback function used with the SymEnumSourceFiles function. |
PSYM_ENUMSYMBOLS_CALLBACK PSYM_ENUMSYMBOLS_CALLBACK (dbghelp.h) is an application-defined callback function used with the SymEnumerateSymbols64 function. |
PSYM_ENUMSYMBOLS_CALLBACK64 PSYM_ENUMSYMBOLS_CALLBACK64 (dbghelp.h) is an application-defined callback function used with the SymEnumerateSymbols64 function. |
PSYM_ENUMSYMBOLS_CALLBACK64W PSYM_ENUMSYMBOLS_CALLBACK64W (Unicode) is an application-defined callback function used with the SymEnumerateSymbols64 function. |
PSYMBOL_FUNCENTRY_CALLBACK PSYMBOL_FUNCENTRY_CALLBACK (dbghelp.h) is an application-defined callback function used with the SymRegisterFunctionEntryCallback64 function. |
PSYMBOL_FUNCENTRY_CALLBACK64 PSYMBOL_FUNCENTRY_CALLBACK64 (dbghelp.h) is an application-defined callback function used with the SymRegisterFunctionEntryCallback64 function. |
PSYMBOL_REGISTERED_CALLBACK PSYMBOL_REGISTERED_CALLBACK (dbghelp.h) is an application-defined callback function used with the SymRegisterCallback64 function. |
PSYMBOL_REGISTERED_CALLBACK64 PSYMBOL_REGISTERED_CALLBACK64 (dbghelp.h) is an application-defined callback function used with the SymRegisterCallback64 function. |
PSYMBOLSERVERCALLBACKPROC An entry point to the symbol server DLL. |
PTRANSLATE_ADDRESS_ROUTINE PTRANSLATE_ADDRESS_ROUTINE (dbghelp.h) is an application-defined callback function used with the StackWalk64 function. |
PTRANSLATE_ADDRESS_ROUTINE64 PTRANSLATE_ADDRESS_ROUTINE64 (dbghelp.h) is an application-defined callback function used with the StackWalk64 function. |
ADDRESS Represents an address. It is used in the STACKFRAME64 structure. (ADDRESS) |
ADDRESS64 Represents an address. It is used in the STACKFRAME64 structure. (ADDRESS64) |
API_VERSION Contains the library version. |
IMAGE_DEBUG_INFORMATION Contains debugging information. |
IMAGEHLP_CBA_EVENT The IMAGEHLP_CBA_EVENT structure (dbghelp.h) contains information about a debugging event. |
IMAGEHLP_CBA_EVENTW The IMAGEHLP_CBA_EVENTW (Unicode) structure (dbghelp.h) contains information about a debugging event. |
IMAGEHLP_CBA_READ_MEMORY Contains information about a memory read operation. |
IMAGEHLP_DEFERRED_SYMBOL_LOAD Contains information about a deferred symbol load. (IMAGEHLP_DEFERRED_SYMBOL_LOAD) |
IMAGEHLP_DEFERRED_SYMBOL_LOAD64 Contains information about a deferred symbol load. (IMAGEHLP_DEFERRED_SYMBOL_LOAD64) |
IMAGEHLP_DEFERRED_SYMBOL_LOADW64 Contains information about a deferred symbol load. (IMAGEHLP_DEFERRED_SYMBOL_LOADW64) |
IMAGEHLP_DUPLICATE_SYMBOL Contains duplicate symbol information. (IMAGEHLP_DUPLICATE_SYMBOL) |
IMAGEHLP_DUPLICATE_SYMBOL64 Contains duplicate symbol information. (IMAGEHLP_DUPLICATE_SYMBOL64) |
IMAGEHLP_GET_TYPE_INFO_PARAMS Contains type information for a module. |
IMAGEHLP_LINE Represents a source file line. (IMAGEHLP_LINE) |
IMAGEHLP_LINE64 Represents a source file line. (IMAGEHLP_LINE64) |
IMAGEHLP_LINEW64 Represents a source file line. (IMAGEHLP_LINEW64) |
IMAGEHLP_MODULE Contains module information. (IMAGEHLP_MODULE) |
IMAGEHLP_MODULE64 Contains module information. (IMAGEHLP_MODULE64) |
IMAGEHLP_MODULEW64 Contains module information. (IMAGEHLP_MODULEW64) |
IMAGEHLP_STACK_FRAME Contains the stack frame information. |
IMAGEHLP_SYMBOL Contains symbol information. (IMAGEHLP_SYMBOL) |
IMAGEHLP_SYMBOL64 Contains symbol information. (IMAGEHLP_SYMBOL64) |
IMAGEHLP_SYMBOLW64 Contains symbol information. (IMAGEHLP_SYMBOLW64) |
KDHELP Information that is used by kernel debuggers to trace through user-mode callbacks in a thread's kernel stack. (KDHELP) |
KDHELP64 Information that is used by kernel debuggers to trace through user-mode callbacks in a thread's kernel stack. (KDHELP64) |
LOADED_IMAGE Contains information about the loaded image. |
MODLOAD_CVMISC Contains CodeView and Misc records. |
MODLOAD_DATA Contains module data. |
OMAP Describes an entry in an address map. |
SOURCEFILE The SOURCEFILE structure (dbghelp.h) contains source file information. |
SOURCEFILEW The SOURCEFILEW (Unicode) structure (dbghelp.h) contains source file information. |
SRCCODEINFO The SRCCODEINFO structure (dbghelp.h) contains line information. |
SRCCODEINFOW The SRCCODEINFOW (Unicode) structure (dbghelp.h) contains line information. |
STACKFRAME Represents a stack frame. (STACKFRAME) |
STACKFRAME_EX Represents an extended stack frame. |
STACKFRAME64 Represents a stack frame. (STACKFRAME64) |
SYMBOL_INFO The SYMBOL_INFO structure (dbghelp.h) contains symbol information. |
SYMBOL_INFOW The SYMBOL_INFOW (Unicode) structure (dbghelp.h) contains symbol information. |
SYMSRV_INDEX_INFO The SYMSRV_INDEX_INFO structure (dbghelp.h) contains symbol server index information. |
SYMSRV_INDEX_INFOW The SYMSRV_INDEX_INFOW (Unicode) structure (dbghelp.h) contains symbol server index information. |
TI_FINDCHILDREN_PARAMS Contains type index information. It is used by the SymGetTypeInfo function. |
IMAGEHLP_EXTENDED_OPTIONS Lists the extended symbol options that you can get and set by using the SymGetExtendedOption and SymSetExtendedOption functions. |
IMAGEHLP_SYMBOL_TYPE_INFO Identifies the type of symbol information to be retrieved. |