ID3DXTextureShader interface
The ID3DXTextureShader interface.
The ID3DXTextureShader interface inherits from the IUnknown interface. ID3DXTextureShader also has these types of members:
The ID3DXTextureShader interface has these methods.
Method | Description |
GetConstant | Gets a constant by looking up its index. |
GetConstantBuffer | Get a pointer to the constant table. |
GetConstantByName | Gets a constant by looking up its name. |
GetConstantDesc | Gets a pointer to the array of constants in the constant table. |
GetConstantElement | Get a constant from the constant table. |
GetDesc | Gets a description of the constant table. |
GetFunction | Gets a pointer to the function DWORD stream. |
SetBool | Sets a BOOL value. |
SetBoolArray | Sets an array of BOOL values. |
SetDefaults | Sets the constants to the default values declared in the shader. |
SetFloat | Sets a floating-point number. |
SetFloatArray | Sets an array of floating-point numbers. |
SetInt | Sets an integer value. |
SetIntArray | Sets an array of integers. |
SetMatrix | Sets a non-transposed matrix. |
SetMatrixArray | Sets an array of non-transposed matrices. |
SetMatrixPointerArray | Sets an array of pointers to non-transposed matrices. |
SetMatrixTranspose | Sets a transposed matrix. |
SetMatrixTransposeArray | Sets an array of transposed matrices. |
SetMatrixTransposePointerArray | Sets an array of pointers to transposed matrices. |
SetValue | Sets the constant table with the data in the buffer. |
SetVector | Sets a 4D vector. |
SetVectorArray | Sets an array of 4D vectors. |
The ID3DXTextureShader interface is obtained by calling the D3DXCreateTextureShader function.
The ID3DXTextureShader interface, like all COM interfaces, inherits the IUnknown interface.
The LPD3DXTEXTURESHADER type is defined as a pointer to the ID3DXTextureShader interface.
typedef interface ID3DXTextureShader *LPD3DXTEXTURESHADER;
Requirement | Value |
Header |
Library |