How Defender for Cloud Apps helps protect your Amazon Web Services (AWS) environment
Amazon Web Services is an IaaS provider that enables your organization to host and manage their entire workloads in the cloud. Along with the benefits of leveraging infrastructure in the cloud, your organization's most critical assets may be exposed to threats. Exposed assets include storage instances with potentially sensitive information, compute resources that operate some of your most critical applications, ports, and virtual private networks that enable access to your organization.
Connecting AWS to Defender for Cloud Apps helps you secure your assets and detect potential threats by monitoring administrative and sign-in activities, notifying on possible brute force attacks, malicious use of a privileged user account, unusual deletions of VMs, and publicly exposed storage buckets.
Main threats
Abuse of cloud resources
Compromised accounts and insider threats
Data leakage
Resource misconfiguration and insufficient access control
How Defender for Cloud Apps helps to protect your environment
Connect Amazon Web Services to Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps
This section provides instructions for connecting your existing Amazon Web Services (AWS) account to Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps using the connector APIs. For information about how Defender for Cloud Apps protects AWS, see Protect AWS.
You can connect AWS Security auditing to Defender for Cloud Apps connections to gain visibility into and control over AWS app use.
In the Details step, provide a new user name for Defender for Cloud Apps. Make sure that under Access type you select Programmatic access and select Next Permissions.
Select Attach existing policies directly, and then Create policy.
Select the JSON tab:
Paste the following script into the provided area:
Back in the Add user screen, refresh the list if necessary, and select the user you created, and select Next: Tags.
Select Next: Review.
If all the details are correct, select Create user.
When you get the success message, select Download .csv to save a copy of the new user's credentials. You'll need these later.
After connecting AWS, you'll receive events for seven days prior to connection. If you just enabled CloudTrail, you'll receive events from the time you enabled CloudTrail.
Step 2: Connect Amazon Web Services auditing to Defender for Cloud Apps
In the Microsoft Defender Portal, select Settings. Then choose Cloud Apps. Under Connected apps, select App Connectors.
In the App connectors page, to provide the AWS connector credentials, do one of the following:
For a new connector
Select the +Connect an app, followed by Amazon Web Services.
In the next window, provide a name for the connector, and then select Next.
On the Connect Amazon Web Services page, select Security auditing, and then select Next.
On the Security auditing page, paste the Access key and Secret key from the .csv file into the relevant fields, and select Next.
For an existing connector
In the list of connectors, on the row in which the AWS connector appears, select Edit settings.
On the Instance name and Connect Amazon Web Services pages, select Next. On the Security auditing page, paste the Access key and Secret key from the .csv file into the relevant fields, and select Next.
In the Microsoft Defender Portal, select Settings. Then choose Cloud Apps. Under Connected apps, select App Connectors. Make sure the status of the connected App Connector is Connected.
Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps is a cloud access security broker (CASB) that operates on multiple clouds. It provides rich visibility, control over data travel, and sophisticated analytics to identify and combat cyberthreats across all your cloud services. Learn how to use Defender for Cloud Apps in your organization.