Microsoft 365 Community Conference
5月6日 14時 - 5月9日 0時
5 月 6 日から 8 日にラスベガスで開催される、コミュニティ主導の究極の Microsoft 365 イベントで AI の時代に向けてスキルアップします。
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Document collaboration, co-authoring, and List updates with human beings is much better with versioning enabled. People make mistakes, and versioning provides a safety net.
Emotionally, versioning helps reinforce the idea that SharePoint is a good place to store your work product.
With versioning enabled in Lists and Libraries, documents can be stored, tracked, and restored to the previous state of the item or document: how it was before a user changed it.
Versioning creates a historical record of changes, with the date/time and an indication of the user who made the change, on a per-file/list item basis. The end user can view, delete, and restore a version if they have the correct permissions in the library or list.
To do this… | I need this permission… |
View version history | Full Control, Edit, Read |
Restore a previous version | Full Control, Edit |
Delete a version | Full Control, Edit |
Un-publish a version | Full Control, Edit |
Recover deleted a deleted version | Full Control, Edit |
In modern SharePoint, Site Owners have Full Control permissions, and Site Members have Edit permissions.
In SharePoint Online or on premises, versioning is enabled in the List Settings or Library Settings screens by clicking on the 'Versioning settings' link. The interface lets you control how many versions you'd like to retain. The user must have the Manage Lists permission capability to enable or change versioning.
If you can enable versioning, you can disable versioning. Disabling versioning doesn't delete the old versions. End users receive no notification of this change.
A Cautionary Tale: As site owner, if you disable Versioning and don't tell your end users, they'll notify you. In person.
Since the No Versioning option was removed from SharePoint Online,it can only be enabled or disabled through PowerShell or by a developer using CSOM. Versioning, however, is one of the capabilities which enables things like coauthoring, so don't turn it off unless you have a specific reason to do so.
In SharePoint Online, select the list item or document, and in the Actions menu, select Version History. You can also see a link to the version history in the details pane.
In SharePoint on-premises (2010, 2013, 2016, 2019) you can view version history by clicking on the link in the ribbon menu.
In both products, Version History opens in a modal dialog box, with options to View, Restore, or Delete the entry. If any SharePoint Metadata columns were changed, those columns and their changed values will be displayed, which can help you identify the version you are looking for.
Historically, versioning was not enabled by default at the creation of a list or library. SharePoint Online enables versioning by default in libraries when they're created.
What | Online | On-Premises |
Lists | Enabled at creation (and set to 50 versions) | Not enabled by default at creation |
Libraries | Enabled at creation (and set to 500 versions) | Not enabled by default at creation |
A Cautionary Tale: As Site Owner, you're responsible for not exceeding your allotted space limit. 500 versions of an Excel file won't cause any trouble. A 500-version library with hundreds of 300MB PDF documents might push the site over the limit and prevent users from working in the site. Watch your Storage Metrics on storage libraries.
Libraries can have both major versions, which are represented with whole numbers (12.0), and minor versions, which are represented with decimal numbers (12.3). If your library is configured to use check in/check out, each change performed by a user with a checked-out document will create a minor version.
Lists usually only have major versions.
All versions count against your SharePoint storage usage, as do files in the recycle bins and files preserved due to retention policies. In calculating the SharePoint storage usage, the full file size of each version counts towards the total usage. For example, if only metadata changes were made to a 10 MB file with no change to its file size, the total storage usage will be 10 MB (original version) + 10 MB (updated version) = 20 MB.
By default, SharePoint saves a version of a document every time a user clicks the "Save" button. However, if autosave is turned on - which it is by default with documents in your OneDrive or synced libraries and in Office Online apps- SharePoint will automatically save a version of the document every few minutes.
When co-authoring is enabled in SharePoint, multiple users can work on the same document simultaneously. Each user's changes are tracked and saved as a new version. When a user saves changes to a document that is being co-authored, SharePoint will save a new version of the document that includes all of the changes made by all co-authors.
It's important to note that co-authoring can have an impact on versioning in SharePoint. If multiple users are working on the same document at the same time, it can be difficult to keep track of who made which changes and when. SharePoint does its best to track changes and create new versions as needed, but it's still important for users to communicate and coordinate when co-authoring to ensure that changes are properly tracked and versioned.
Principal author: Patrick M Doran
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Microsoft 365 Community Conference
5月6日 14時 - 5月9日 0時
5 月 6 日から 8 日にラスベガスで開催される、コミュニティ主導の究極の Microsoft 365 イベントで AI の時代に向けてスキルアップします。