Selection.Ungroup メソッド (Visio)
式Selection オブジェクトを表す変数。
次の VBA (Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications) マクロは、Ungroup メソッドの使用方法を示しています。
Sub Ungroup_Example()
Dim vsoShape1 As Visio.Shape
Dim vsoShape2 As Visio.Shape
Dim vsoShape3 As Visio.Shape
Dim vsoGroup As Visio.Shape
Dim vsoSelection As Visio.Selection
'Draw two rectangles.
Set vsoShape1 = ActivePage.DrawRectangle(1, 2, 2, 1)
Set vsoShape2 = ActivePage.DrawRectangle(1, 4, 2, 3)
'Add a copy of one of the rectangles to the page.
ActivePage.Drop vsoShape1, 3.5, 3.5
Set vsoShape3 = ActivePage.Shapes(3)
'Deselect all shapes, and then select all the shapes on the page.
Set vsoSelection = ActiveWindow.Selection
vsoSelection.Select vsoShape1, visDeselectAll + visSelect
vsoSelection.Select vsoShape2, visSelect
vsoSelection.Select vsoShape3, visSelect
'Group all the shapes into a group shape.
Set vsoGroup = vsoSelection.Group
'Ungroup the shapes.
End Sub
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