
다음을 통해 공유

Field mappings and transformations using Azure AI Search indexers

Indexer Stages

This article explains how to set explicit field mappings that establish the data path between source fields in a supported data source and target fields in a search index.

When to set a field mapping

When an Azure AI Search indexer loads a search index, it determines the data path using source-to-destination field mappings. Implicit field mappings are internal and occur when field names and data types are compatible between the source and destination. If inputs and outputs don't match, you can define explicit field mappings to set up the data path, as described in this article.

Field mappings can also be used for light-weight data conversions, such as encoding or decoding, through mapping functions. If more processing is required, consider Azure Data Factory to bridge the gap.

Field mappings apply to:

  • Physical data structures on both sides of the data path. Logical data structures created by skills reside only in memory. Use outputFieldMappings to map in-memory nodes to output fields in a search index.

  • Parent AI Search indexes only. For "secondary" indexes with "child" documents or "chunks", refer to the advanced field mapping scenarios.

  • Top-level search fields only, where the targetFieldName is either a simple field or a collection. A target field can't be a complex type.

Supported scenarios

Make sure you're using a supported data source for indexer-driving indexing.

Use-case Description
Name discrepancy Suppose your data source has a field named _city. Given that Azure AI Search doesn't allow field names that start with an underscore, a field mapping lets you effectively map "_city" to "city".

If your indexing requirements include retrieving content from multiple data sources, where field names vary among the sources, you could use a field mapping to clarify the path.
Type discrepancy Supposed you want a source integer field to be of type Edm.String so that it's searchable in the search index. Because the types are different, you'll need to define a field mapping in order for the data path to succeed. Note that Azure AI Search has a smaller set of supported data types than many data sources. If you're importing SQL data, a field mapping allows you to map the SQL data type you want in a search index.
One-to-many data paths You can populate multiple fields in the index with content from the same source field. For example, you might want to apply different analyzers to each field to support different use cases in your client app.
Encoding and decoding You can apply mapping functions to support Base64 encoding or decoding of data during indexing.
Split strings or recast arrays into collections You can apply mapping functions to split a string that includes a delimiter, or to send a JSON array to a search field of type Collection(Edm.String).


If no field mappings are present, indexers assume data source fields should be mapped to index fields with the same name. Adding a field mapping overrides the default field mappings for the source and target field. Some indexers, such as the blob storage indexer, add default field mappings for the index key field automatically.

Complex fields aren't supported in a field mapping. Your source structure (nested or hierarchical structures) must exactly match the complex type in the index so that the default mappings work. For more information, see Tutorial: Index nested JSON blobs for an example. If you get an error similar to "Field mapping specifies target field 'Address/city' that doesn't exist in the index", it's because target field mappings can't be a complex type.

Optionally, you might want just a few nodes in the complex structure. To get individual nodes, you can flatten incoming data into a string collection (see outputFieldMappings for this workaround).

Define a field mapping

This section explains the steps for setting up field mappings.

  1. Use Create Indexer or Create or Update Indexer or an equivalent method in an Azure SDK. Here's an example of an indexer definition.

       "name": "myindexer",
       "description": null,
       "dataSourceName": "mydatasource",
       "targetIndexName": "myindex",
       "schedule": { },
       "parameters": { },
       "fieldMappings": [],
       "disabled": false,
       "encryptionKey": { }
  2. Fill out the fieldMappings array to specify the mappings. A field mapping consists of three parts.

    "fieldMappings": [
        "sourceFieldName": "_city",
        "targetFieldName": "city",
        "mappingFunction": null
    Property Description
    sourceFieldName Required. Represents a field in your data source.
    targetFieldName Optional. Represents a field in your search index. If omitted, the value of sourceFieldName is assumed for the target. Target fields must be top-level simple fields or collections. It can't be a complex type or collection. If you're handling a data type issue, a field's data type is specified in the index definition. The field mapping just needs to have the field's name.
    mappingFunction Optional. Consists of predefined functions that transform data.

Example: Name or type discrepancy

An explicit field mapping establishes a data path for cases where name and type aren't identical.

Azure AI Search uses case-insensitive comparison to resolve the field and function names in field mappings. This is convenient (you don't have to get all the casing right), but it means that your data source or index can't have fields that differ only by case.

PUT https://[service name].search.windows.net/indexers/myindexer?api-version=[api-version]
Content-Type: application/json
api-key: [admin key]
    "dataSourceName" : "mydatasource",
    "targetIndexName" : "myindex",
    "fieldMappings" : [ { "sourceFieldName" : "_city", "targetFieldName" : "city" } ]

Example: One-to-many or forked data paths

This example maps a single source field to multiple target fields ("one-to-many" mappings). You can "fork" a field, copying the same source field content to two different index fields that will be analyzed or attributed differently in the index.

"fieldMappings" : [
    { "sourceFieldName" : "text", "targetFieldName" : "textStandardEnglishAnalyzer" },
    { "sourceFieldName" : "text", "targetFieldName" : "textSoundexAnalyzer" }

You can use a similar approach for skills-generated content.

Mapping functions and examples

A field mapping function transforms the contents of a field before it's stored in the index. The following mapping functions are currently supported:

Note that these functions are exclusively supported for parent indexes at this time. They aren't compatible with chunked index mapping, therefore, these functions can't be used for index projections.

base64Encode function

Performs URL-safe Base64 encoding of the input string. Assumes that the input is UTF-8 encoded.

Example: Base-encoding a document key

Only URL-safe characters can appear in an Azure AI Search document key (so that you can address the document using the Lookup API). If the source field for your key contains URL-unsafe characters, such as - and \, use the base64Encode function to convert it at indexing time.

The following example specifies the base64Encode function on metadata_storage_name to handle unsupported characters.

PUT /indexers?api-version=2024-07-01
  "dataSourceName" : "my-blob-datasource ",
  "targetIndexName" : "my-search-index",
  "fieldMappings" : [
        "sourceFieldName" : "metadata_storage_name", 
        "targetFieldName" : "key", 
        "mappingFunction" : { 
            "name" : "base64Encode",
            "parameters" : { "useHttpServerUtilityUrlTokenEncode" : false }

A document key (both before and after conversion) can't be longer than 1,024 characters. When you retrieve the encoded key at search time, use the base64Decode function to get the original key value, and use that to retrieve the source document.

Example: Make a base-encoded field "searchable"

There are times when you need to use an encoded version of a field like metadata_storage_path as the key, but also need an unencoded version for full text search. To support both scenarios, you can map metadata_storage_path to two fields: one for the key (encoded), and a second for a path field that we can assume is attributed as searchable in the index schema.

PUT /indexers/blob-indexer?api-version=2024-07-01
    "dataSourceName" : " blob-datasource ",
    "targetIndexName" : "my-target-index",
    "schedule" : { "interval" : "PT2H" },
    "fieldMappings" : [
        { "sourceFieldName" : "metadata_storage_path", "targetFieldName" : "key", "mappingFunction" : { "name" : "base64Encode" } },
        { "sourceFieldName" : "metadata_storage_path", "targetFieldName" : "path" }

Example - preserve original values

The blob storage indexer automatically adds a field mapping from metadata_storage_path, the URI of the blob, to the index key field if no field mapping is specified. This value is Base64 encoded so it's safe to use as an Azure AI Search document key. The following example shows how to simultaneously map a URL-safe Base64 encoded version of metadata_storage_path to a index_key field and preserve the original value in a metadata_storage_path field:

"fieldMappings": [
    "sourceFieldName": "metadata_storage_path",
    "targetFieldName": "metadata_storage_path"
    "sourceFieldName": "metadata_storage_path",
    "targetFieldName": "index_key",
    "mappingFunction": {
       "name": "base64Encode"

If you don't include a parameters property for your mapping function, it defaults to the value {"useHttpServerUtilityUrlTokenEncode" : true}.

Azure AI Search supports two different Base64 encodings. You should use the same parameters when encoding and decoding the same field. For more information, see base64 encoding options to decide which parameters to use.

base64Decode function

Performs Base64 decoding of the input string. The input is assumed to be a URL-safe Base64-encoded string.

Example - decode blob metadata or URLs

Your source data might contain Base64-encoded strings, such as blob metadata strings or web URLs, that you want to make searchable as plain text. You can use the base64Decode function to turn the encoded data back into regular strings when populating your search index.

"fieldMappings" : [
    "sourceFieldName" : "Base64EncodedMetadata",
    "targetFieldName" : "SearchableMetadata",
    "mappingFunction" : { 
      "name" : "base64Decode", 
      "parameters" : { "useHttpServerUtilityUrlTokenDecode" : false }

If you don't include a parameters property, it defaults to the value {"useHttpServerUtilityUrlTokenEncode" : true}.

Azure AI Search supports two different Base64 encodings. You should use the same parameters when encoding and decoding the same field. For more information, see base64 encoding options to decide which parameters to use.

base64 encoding options

Azure AI Search supports URL-safe base64 encoding and normal base64 encoding. A string that is base64 encoded during indexing should be decoded later with the same encoding options, or else the result won't match the original.

If the useHttpServerUtilityUrlTokenEncode or useHttpServerUtilityUrlTokenDecode parameters for encoding and decoding respectively are set to true, then base64Encode behaves like HttpServerUtility.UrlTokenEncode and base64Decode behaves like HttpServerUtility.UrlTokenDecode.


If base64Encode is used to produce key values, useHttpServerUtilityUrlTokenEncode must be set to true. Only URL-safe base64 encoding can be used for key values. See Naming rules for the full set of restrictions on characters in key values.

The .NET libraries in Azure AI Search assume the full .NET Framework, which provides built-in encoding. The useHttpServerUtilityUrlTokenEncode and useHttpServerUtilityUrlTokenDecode options apply this built-in functionality. If you're using .NET Core or another framework, we recommend setting those options to false and calling your framework's encoding and decoding functions directly.

The following table compares different base64 encodings of the string 00>00?00. To determine the required processing (if any) for your base64 functions, apply your library encode function on the string 00>00?00 and compare the output with the expected output MDA-MDA_MDA.

Encoding Base64 encode output Extra processing after library encoding Extra processing before library decoding
Base64 with padding MDA+MDA/MDA= Use URL-safe characters and remove padding Use standard base64 characters and add padding
Base64 without padding MDA+MDA/MDA Use URL-safe characters Use standard base64 characters
URL-safe base64 with padding MDA-MDA_MDA= Remove padding Add padding
URL-safe base64 without padding MDA-MDA_MDA None None

extractTokenAtPosition function

Splits a string field using the specified delimiter, and picks the token at the specified position in the resulting split.

This function uses the following parameters:

  • delimiter: a string to use as the separator when splitting the input string.
  • position: an integer zero-based position of the token to pick after the input string is split.

For example, if the input is Jane Doe, the delimiter is " "(space) and the position is 0, the result is Jane; if the position is 1, the result is Doe. If the position refers to a token that doesn't exist, an error is returned.

Example - extract a name

Your data source contains a PersonName field, and you want to index it as two separate FirstName and LastName fields. You can use this function to split the input using the space character as the delimiter.

"fieldMappings" : [
    "sourceFieldName" : "PersonName",
    "targetFieldName" : "FirstName",
    "mappingFunction" : { "name" : "extractTokenAtPosition", "parameters" : { "delimiter" : " ", "position" : 0 } }
    "sourceFieldName" : "PersonName",
    "targetFieldName" : "LastName",
    "mappingFunction" : { "name" : "extractTokenAtPosition", "parameters" : { "delimiter" : " ", "position" : 1 } }

jsonArrayToStringCollection function

Transforms a string formatted as a JSON array of strings into a string array that can be used to populate a Collection(Edm.String) field in the index.

For example, if the input string is ["red", "white", "blue"], then the target field of type Collection(Edm.String) will be populated with the three values red, white, and blue. For input values that can't be parsed as JSON string arrays, an error is returned.

Example - populate collection from relational data

Azure SQL Database doesn't have a built-in data type that naturally maps to Collection(Edm.String) fields in Azure AI Search. To populate string collection fields, you can preprocess your source data as a JSON string array and then use the jsonArrayToStringCollection mapping function.

"fieldMappings" : [
    "sourceFieldName" : "tags", 
    "mappingFunction" : { "name" : "jsonArrayToStringCollection" }

urlEncode function

This function can be used to encode a string so that it is "URL safe". When used with a string that contains characters that aren't allowed in a URL, this function will convert those "unsafe" characters into character-entity equivalents. This function uses the UTF-8 encoding format.

Example - document key lookup

urlEncode function can be used as an alternative to the base64Encode function, if only URL unsafe characters are to be converted, while keeping other characters as-is.

Say, the input string is <hello> - then the target field of type (Edm.String) will be populated with the value %3chello%3e

When you retrieve the encoded key at search time, you can then use the urlDecode function to get the original key value, and use that to retrieve the source document.

"fieldMappings" : [
    "sourceFieldName" : "SourceKey",
    "targetFieldName" : "IndexKey",
    "mappingFunction" : {
      "name" : "urlEncode"

urlDecode function

This function converts a URL-encoded string into a decoded string using UTF-8 encoding format.

Example - decode blob metadata

Some Azure storage clients automatically URL-encode blob metadata if it contains non-ASCII characters. However, if you want to make such metadata searchable (as plain text), you can use the urlDecode function to turn the encoded data back into regular strings when populating your search index.

"fieldMappings" : [
    "sourceFieldName" : "UrlEncodedMetadata",
    "targetFieldName" : "SearchableMetadata",
    "mappingFunction" : {
      "name" : "urlDecode"

fixedLengthEncode function

This function converts a string of any length to a fixed-length string.

Example - map document keys that are too long

When errors occur that are related to document key length exceeding 1024 characters, this function can be applied to reduce the length of the document key.

"fieldMappings" : [
   "sourceFieldName" : "metadata_storage_path",
   "targetFieldName" : "your key field",
   "mappingFunction" : {
     "name" : "fixedLengthEncode"

toJson function

This function converts a string into a formatted JSON object. This can be used for scenarios where the data source, such as Azure SQL, doesn't natively support compound or hierarchical data types, and then map it to complex fields.

Example - map text content to a complex field

Assume there's a SQL row with a JSON string that needs to be mapped to a (correspondingly defined) complex field in the index, the toJson function can be used to achieve this. For instance, if a complex field in the index needs to be populated with the following data:

    "id": "5",
    "info": {
        "name": "Jane",
        "surname": "Smith",
        "skills": [
        "dob": "2005-11-04T12:00:00"

It can be achieved by using the toJson mapping function on a JSON string column in a SQL row that looks like this: {"id": 5, "info": {"name": "Jane", "surname": "Smith", "skills": ["SQL", "C#", "Azure"]}, "dob": "2005-11-04T12:00:00"}.

The field mapping needs to be specified as shown below.

"fieldMappings" : [
    "sourceFieldName" : "content",
    "targetFieldName" : "complexField",
    "mappingFunction" : {
      "name" : "toJson"

Advanced field mapping scenarios

In scenarios where you have "one-to-many" document relationships, such as data chunking or splitting, follow these guidelines for mapping fields from parent documents to "child" documents (chunks):

1. Skipping parent document indexing

If you are skipping the indexing of parent documents (by setting projectionMode to skipIndexingParentDocuments in the skillset's indexProjections), use index projections to map fields from the parent documents to the "child" documents.

2. Indexing both parent and "child" documents

If you are indexing both parent documents and "child" documents:

  • Use field mappings to map fields to the parent documents.
  • Use index projections to map fields to the "child" documents.

3. Mapping function-transformed values to parent and/or "child" documents

If a field in the parent document requires a transformation (using the mapping functions such as encoding) and needs to be mapped to the parent and/or "child" documents:

  • Apply the transformation using field mappings' functions in the indexer.
  • Use index projections in the skillset to map the transformed field to the "child" documents.

See also